Chapter 951
Xiaoguai pouted her little mouth aggrievedly, walked towards Yuan Hao with her head down.

Nangong Yao turned her head and glanced at Yuan Hao, she could only sigh, as expected, it was Yuan Hao that Xiao Guai was most afraid of.

Liu Qingfeng burst into laughter immediately, "Hahaha, little boy, your father is so bad, do you want to change your uncle?"

"Little boy, if you dare, I will drive you out of the house!" Yuan Hao turned his head and gave Liu Qingfeng a fierce look, then threatened Xiaoguai angrily.

Xiaoguai felt aggrieved immediately, it was too bad for her father to threaten her like this.

Nangong Yao patted Xiaoguai's head in embarrassment, and comforted her, "Okay, don't play anymore, really, look at you, scare Xiaoguai like this!"

"It's okay, this kid is so courageous!" Yuan Hao smiled and comforted Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao could only hold Xiao Guai in her arms and feed him.

"Yao'er, when are we going to look for the Lingzhu?" Liu Qingfeng remembered that the original spirit grass was gone, and they already had some clues about the Lingzhu they were looking for for Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao was taken aback, looked up at Liu Qingfeng, and said, "Lingzhu? But, I..."

Now my goal is to find the original spirit grass. Although the original spirit grass was stolen by the masked person, I still can't give up.

"Then let's go find the Lingzhu!" Yuan Hao said very calmly.

"Hao, I want to find out if there is any original spirit grass!" Nangong Yao said to Yuan Hao quickly.

Yuan Hao shook his head and comforted, "Don't worry, it's okay! This little damage is not a big deal! Let's find you and get the Lingzhu first, this is the most important thing!"

"No, I'm going to find the original spirit grass!" Nangong Yao insisted.

"No, go find the Lingzhu, and if you find the Lingzhu, you can have an extra guarantee. If you find the Qilingzhu earlier, you can restore your previous memories, and... and you can also use the gold bracelet to defend, no matter how tall you are. Even the masters here can't do you any harm at all!" Yuan Hao immediately said firmly.

That's why, he and Liu Qingfeng joined forces to find the Lingzhu.

Because they did not arrive in time on the first plane, they almost lost Nangong Yao, so they desperately searched for the Lingzhu.

As long as she found the Lingzhu, there would be no one to hurt Nangong Yao on this plane. Even in the God Realm, there were not many people who wanted to hurt her.

Liu Qingfeng also nodded in agreement, "Well, that's right, Yao'er, we should find the Lingzhu first!"

Among them, after finding the Lingzhu, the memory can be restored, which is the last thing Liu Qingfeng wants to see. However, if there is no extra protection for Nangong Yao's life, even if the memory is not restored, it will be in vain.

Nangong Yao looked at Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Hao with dissatisfaction, especially Yuan Hao, who didn't know what the purpose of doing this was.

"No, I don't want it. If you insist on me looking for the Lingzhu, then I can only say sorry, even if you take me there, I won't take it!" Nangong Yao is very sure that only she can get the Lingzhu Otherwise, they wouldn't have found the clue and didn't bring it back to themselves.

Both Yuan Hao and Liu Qingfeng could only helplessly shake their heads, this little girl is simply too stupid, too stupid.

However, in the end, he had no choice but to surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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