Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 962 The Beiming Family’s Conspiracy 2

Chapter 962 The Beiming Family’s Conspiracy 2
The only chance to get the original spirit grass is to win this competition.

Nangong Yao is very aware of the importance of this original spirit grass, so, knowing that there is only such a chance, she will definitely not let it go, and work hard to improve her cultivation.

There are still two months before the competition, which is also for better publicity, so that more people can participate in the competition.

Nangong Yao is also calculating the time, she needs to improve her cultivation in these two months.

Lan Jinling and the others were also worried about practicing day and night for several days in a row.

Liu Qingfeng looked at Nangong Yao in the room, feeling very worried, "Yaoer..."

She wanted to persuade Nangong Yao, but unfortunately Nangong Yao ignored her and was still practicing, no matter how much they tried to persuade her, she couldn't.

Yuan Hao was also very distressed, and came to Nangong Yao's room, trying to persuade her.

"Yao'er!" Yuan Hao sat by the bed and called softly, hoping not to disturb her cultivation.

Nangong Yao slowly opened her eyes, looked at Yuan Hao, "Hao, why are you here?"

"Yao'er, you've been practicing for so many days without sleep or food, shall we go out for a walk?" Yuan Hao said distressedly while holding Nangong Yao's hand.

"I'm fine, I want to break through to the king of the land before the game." Nangong Yao said firmly.

"I'm not allowed to practice any more!" Seeing Nangong Yao's crazy cultivation, Yuan Hao said with a bit of anger, "If you continue to practice, I will definitely not let you participate Yes, even if you hate me, I will not agree!"

"I..." Nangong Yao had never seen such an angry Yuan Hao, she was completely frightened.

Yuan Hao came back to his senses, saw Nangong Yao looking at him so aggrieved, knew that he had lost his composure just now, and quickly said apologetically, "Yaoer, I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean it, I just... just worried about you !"

"I know!" Nangong Yao recovered, nodded slightly, and apologized, "I'm sorry for making you worry!"

"Let's go out and have fun. We will start slowly in two days, so you can adjust your mentality, and the Nangong family will not go back!" Yuan Hao smiled, and stretched out his hand to comfort Nangong Yao's head.

"Well, it's all up to you!" Nangong Yao nodded immediately.

Yuan Hao breathed a sigh of relief, put his arms around Nangong Yao's shoulders, and let her lean on his shoulders.

Who is this person? Why can't I and Liu Qingfeng investigate? Who is that person?
Could it be that, like them, they all came down from the third plane?

But, how is this possible, the person who can come down, there is no one else except her, from the breath, it is not her at all, so who could it be?

For this matter, both Liu Qingfeng and Yuan Hao stood on the united front, and the two went out separately to investigate this matter, but they still couldn't find out, as if the eyes were like a cloud of fog, unable to break through. find directions.

Therefore, Yuan Hao is also very worried about Nangong Yao's situation, but Nangong Yao must participate.

"Go out, everyone is worried about you!" Yuan Hao said while helping Nangong Yao up.

"En!" Nangong Yao nodded slightly, and when she opened the door, she saw Lan Jinling and others looking at her worriedly.



"Junior Sister!"

Looking at Lan Jinling's worried eyes, Nangong Yao smiled guiltily and comforted, "I'm sorry for making everyone worry, I'm fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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