Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 972 The Beiming Family’s Conspiracy 12

Chapter 972 The Beiming Family’s Conspiracy 12
The sunlight slanted into the room through the gap, messy room, messy bed.

Nangong Yao slowly opened her eyes, looked at the top of the bed, her mind went blank.

Just when Nangong Yao wanted to move her body, she found something beside her, and when she turned her head, it turned out to be Yuan Hao's handsome face.

"Ah?" Nangong Yao suddenly exclaimed.

Yuan Hao woke up quickly when he heard Nangong Yao's cry, "Yao'er? What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

Nangong Yao's eyes were empty, she pointed at Yuan Hao with wide eyes, and accused angrily, "You...why are you on my bed!"

Yuan Hao quickly explained, "Yao'er, have you forgotten? We accidentally took the medicine, we..."

"Ah!" Nangong Yao seemed to remember something after listening to Yuan Hao's reminder.

Nangong Yao immediately realized that something was wrong, her face turned red with a "whoosh" from her neck to the top of her head, she quickly pulled the quilt from Yuan Hao's body to cover her own face.

"Ah!" The quilt on Yuan Hao's body was taken away by Nangong Yao, and his body fell outside. With a loud cry, he quickly grabbed some quilt from Nangong Yao's hand and covered himself, "Yaoer, Don't do this!"

Nangong Yao looked up at Yuan Hao, then buried her head under the quilt again.

Yuan Hao quickly took out clothes from the Void Ring and put them on, looking at Nangong Yao who was nestled under the quilt, he felt distressed and guilty.

"Yao'er, I..." Yuan Hao called Nangong Yao hesitantly.

Nangong Yao was buried under the quilt, she was very angry in her heart, who is trying to plot against her?
It wasn't Yuan Hao's fault, if he didn't save him, he might have died long ago, but, this... how could he accept this kind of thing?

"I know I can't blame you, but...can you give me some time?" Nangong Yao said in a muffled voice under the quilt.

Yuan Hao also knew that Nangong Yao couldn't accept it for a while, so he sighed secretly in his heart, and still persuaded Nangong Yao uneasy, "Okay, I will wait for you, but, you must not do stupid things!"

She has been waiting for Nangong Yao's reply, but there is no sound, and finally she can only leave the room silently.

Yuan Hao came out of the room, closed the door, stood at the door, looked up at the sky, and sighed.

This matter does not seem to be resolved overnight.

However, I don't know who will prescribe the drug?Is it the chef?However, as a chef, it is simply impossible to do such a thing.

Could it be that the chef was drugged after he made it?

Yuan Hao frowned slightly, and a gleam flashed in his eyes, no matter who it was, he would never forgive him.

Nangong Yao, who was tightly wrapped in a quilt in the room, was blushing, and it was not until Yuan Hao left the room that Nangong Yao slowly showed her head.

What happened yesterday, although Nangong Yao took traditional Chinese medicine yesterday, she can still recall what happened last night.

"Who gave the medicine!" Nangong Yao gritted her teeth angrily.

Just like that, being asked by Yuan Hao, after thinking about it, Nangong Yao still felt very happy, but...

Alas, this has already become a fact, it can't be changed, it can't be attributed to Yuan Hao.

Dugu Yun, who came out to practice swords early in the morning, watched Yuan Hao walking from the direction of Nangong Yao's room, "Yuan Hao?"

(End of this chapter)

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