Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 974 The Beiming Family’s Conspiracy 14

Chapter 974 The Beiming Family’s Conspiracy 14
Yuan Hao and Nangong Yao are in an awkward stage, and they always look at each other face to face, which is always very awkward.

Yuan Hao stretched out his hand and scratched his nose, and said apologetically, "This... Yaoer, I'm sorry! I..."

"I know it's not your fault!" Nangong Yao lowered her head and said softly, but she still knew that Yuan Hao could hear her.

The little girl standing beside Nangong Yao blinked her dark eyes, looked at Nangong Yao, then at Yuan Hao, and then leaned on Nangong Yao's lap.

Yuan Hao walked slowly in front of Nangong Yao, and asked, "Yaoer, I... can we still be the same as before?"

"Ah! It hurts!" Xiaoguai's little hand was held by Nangong Yao, but because of the emotional fluctuations, Nangong Yao unconsciously exerted force, and Xiaoguai felt the pain and cried out.

Nangong Yao quickly let go of her hand, apologized, and immediately squatted down to check Xiaoguai's little hand, "Xiaoguai, I'm sorry!"

Yuan Hao stretched out his hand and patted Xiao Guai on the head, "Why is it hurting a man!"

Xiaoguai pursed her little mouth aggrieved and dissatisfied, then turned her head and glared at Yuan Hao.

"Yao'er, don't worry, he's an iron bone!" Yuan Hao rolled his eyes at the little girl, and said, "Yao'er, can we... can we talk alone?"

"No need!" Nangong Yao shook her head slightly, and said, "I know, anyway, I like you too, we both love each other, I'm not like the people here, who have conservative thoughts, I, Nangong Yao, dare to love and hate! Since I like you, I won't mind this matter!"

When Yuan Hao heard this, he was very relieved. Fortunately, Nangong Yao was not angry, which caused him to struggle all morning. Alas, really, I would have come out earlier if I knew about it.

"Thank you, Yao'er!" Yuan Hao smiled, and stretched out his hand to hold Nangong Yao in his arms.

Nangong Yao was hugged tightly by Yuan Hao, and a warm current surged in her heart.

"Hao, thank you!" Nangong Yao leaned her head on Yuan Hao's arms and hugged her hands tightly.

Xiaoguai puffed her mouth in displeasure, watching Nangong Yao and Yuan Hao embrace each other.

"Bad dad, grab your mother with Xiaoguai!" Xiaoguai shouted at Yuan Hao angrily.

Yuan Hao smiled, hugged Nangong Yao's shoulders, lowered his head and said, "Little boy, do you really want a younger brother or younger sister?"

Xiaoguai tilted her head and thought for a while, then raised her hand happily and said, "Liuguai wants a younger sister!"

"Xiaoguai also wants a younger sister, so you can't cling to your mother all the time, Daddy wants to give Xiaoguai a younger sister!" Yuan Hao said with a smile, stroking Xiaoguai's head.

Hearing Yuan Hao said that she would have a daughter with her, Nangong Yao's cheeks turned red.

Xiaoguai blinked her eyes in surprise, "Really? Can Xiaoguai have a younger sister?"

"Yeah, so, when my sister comes out, Xiaoguai will be my brother. My brother can't always cling to your mother! How can you set an example for your sister? Also, how will you protect your sister in the future, won't you?" Yuan Hao smiled and said to Xiaoguai.

Hmph, if you want to cling to your dear wife, it depends on whether I am willing or not!
Nangong Yao looked at Xiaoguai depressedly, and then at Yuan Hao. As expected of Jiang, she is still old and spicy.

The little boy lowered his head and didn't speak, as if he was thinking about something.

Yuan Hao hugged Nangong Yao's shoulder proudly, and lifted his chin proudly towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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