Peerless mother genius cute baby

Chapter 987 The Competition of the Beauties 8

Chapter 987 The Competition of the Beauties 8
It was also because of this that Nangong Yao was able to deal with them for a while.

Nangong Yao fell to the ground from time to time, facing several attacks.

"Bang bang bang..." Rays of light shot straight at Nangong Yao, and a powerful force hit Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao quickly dodged in the air, avoiding everyone's attacks.

"Damn it, it can't hurt her!"

"Let's attack together, it's okay to get hurt a little!"

"Let's go together!"


After all, everyone rushed towards Nangong Yao, and everyone attacked her.

Nangong Yao faced all the people in front of her attacking, turned her head to look behind her, looked left and right, and turned her head to see those energy lights rushing towards her.

Facing the energy light rushing towards her from all around, Nangong Yao quickly landed on the ground, and then landed towards her right hand.


"Oops! Nangong Yao is out of luck!"

"So many people attack!"

"Be careful! This is about to hit, you must be seriously injured!"


Seeing that Nangong Yao was in danger, everyone looked at her anxiously.

However, the moment Nangong Yao fell, the entire length suddenly glowed with rays of light.

There seemed to be rays of light suddenly appearing on the ground, rushing straight into the sky.

Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at the sudden situation in front of them.

What is this light?
Originally, she planned to run towards Nangong Yao, but the people who rushed towards her were startled, stopped in their tracks, and looked around suspiciously.

With a sound of "whoosh", a white mist covered one-third of the playing field, like a white mist with long eyes.

"Huh..." Seeing the white mist in front of him, Lan Jinling immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect Yao'er to be setting up a formation!" Nan Gongxian smiled and said to the people around him.

Zhan Yun wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said, "This girl is really worrying, it's frightening to death!"

"That's right! I thought she was going to be attacked!" Yuan Cheng smiled and said with his arms folded.

Xu Xiang smiled and said firmly, "However, I think it's pretty good, let's wait for it first!"

"I didn't expect that what Nangong did before was to prepare for his formation!" Dugu Yun held the sword in both hands and said in admiration.

If it was him, Dugu Yun would never do this, because doing so would be too dangerous, without the courage of Nangong Yao.

Facing the siege of so many people with higher cultivation levels than himself, he was able to set up a formation smoothly. It was really amazing. I am afraid that even their men would not be able to do such a bold move by Nangong Yao.

Listening to Dugu Yun's words of praise and admiration, Yuan Hao also felt a sense of pride in his heart, this is his own Yao'er.

In her eyes, there is nothing to be afraid of, as long as she does what she does.

"Little boy, your mother is amazing! Cheer to your mother!" Lan Jinling smiled, knelt down, and said, stroking Xiaoguai's head.

Xiaoguai pouted her little mouth, looked at the white mist in front of her, covering Nangong Yao, and complained, "Little boy can't see mother, Xiaoguai wants to see mother!"

"Eh..." Lan Jinling looked at Xiaoguai with a yell, probably only children would think so, "Little boy, as long as you cheer for your mother, you will be able to see your mother soon , Shout this white mist away!"

Xiao Guai glanced at Lan Jinling suspiciously, and then shouted at Bai Wu, "Mother, come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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