Kaifeng Monster

Chapter 136 Exclusive Spoiler: Underworld

Chapter 136 Exclusive Spoiler: Underworld (2)
Bai Yutang, who used to be so loud that people's ears hurt, suddenly became a dull gourd, even the dullest person can detect something is wrong, let alone Zhan Zhao, who is as careful as a hair.He let Bai Yutang into the room and made him a pot of tea.When pouring tea, the delicate leaves spread out in the cup, and the color developed from thick ink to light green.

Bai Yutang begged him: "Zhan Zhao, I must have offended Miss Duanmu too much on weekdays. I asked her to take me to the underworld, even if it pointed to a road. She said, no way! The heavenly king and I are here." No way! But I think she can always open the door if you ask."

Zhan Zhao wanted to laugh, but couldn't, so he paused and asked softly, "Do you know the girl on the bullock cart?"


"How did she die?"

Bai Yutang stopped talking, raised the teacup in front of him and drank it down in one gulp, even swallowing the tea leaves.

Normally, he was such a clean person, but at this time, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve nonchalantly, and said, "I also want to know how she died."

After the morning court, Zhan Zhao went to find Duanmucui, and brought a box of steamed chestnut flour cake with sweet-scented osmanthus from Taibailou.

Duanmucui had just finished washing a large basin of clothes, and one after another was hung on the clothesline.Xiao Qinghua's two thin arms were hanging on the edge of the basin, and she didn't know whether she was doing push-ups or horizontal bars. One was unbalanced, and her head was planted on a basin of clothes waiting to be hung.Duanmucui disliked it very much: "Go, go, if it gets dirty, wash it for me!"

Zhan Zhao smiled.

Not long after Duanmucui returned to Kaifeng, he happened to have several cases gathered in one place, running around, afraid of neglecting her.Gongsun Ce knew what was on his mind, so he asked him to rest assured in the letter. Zhan Zhao still remembered the original words, "Girl Duanmu is getting more energetic."

When reading, you can imagine Mr. Gongsun's indignation when he wrote.

Later, when alone with Duanmucui, Zhan Zhao mentioned this festival quite carefully, originally intending to ask her if life in the world was too boring, but the girl stared at her: "I'm busy."

She proudly took out a notebook and showed it to Zhan Zhao.This was one of the few pieces of luggage she packed in the lower world with Yang Jian's permission when she left the fairy world. It was so thick that it made Zhan Zhao speechless.The cover is empty, but when the title page is opened, there is a line of ghostly drawn symbols, which are said to be the original characters of Cangjie's creation of characters.

Zhanzhao didn't know Cangjie's calligraphy, but with Duanmucui's guidance, he realized that this was her motto, and when he read it, he was so proud that it made a hole in the sky.

——If you are a human again, you will have tens of thousands of things to do!
Forget about ten thousand pieces, but ten million pieces!Zhan Zhao broke into a cold sweat.

The booklet is also divided into categories, such as articles on laundry, embroidery, pasta, and woodcuts, and articles on blacksmithing, shepherding, horse training, gold and silverware, and so on.Zhan Zhao humbly asked for advice: "Duanmu, after Tai Shigong, are you determined to compile a folk historical record, the Complete Book of Vientiane?"

Duanmucui replied with two words: "No."

The reason statement that followed made Zhan Zhao dumbfounded. The general idea was that Yingzhou had a long journey in 2000, and it was extremely boring. In his free time, he was greedy to see all kinds of things in the world and all kinds of novelties, so he recorded them one by one, and left it to the world. Try everything when you are a fairy——Everyone, the development in 2000, in 2000, the era of slavery entered the feudal society, the Silk Road was opened, gunpowder was invented, Tang Seng went abroad, Jianzhen traveled eastward, how much new is this? How many new inventions have been invented and how many new attempts have been made, she looks fresh in everything, and wants to try everything, that is not a million pieces!
Flipping to the laundry article, there are soap locusts, bath beans, face coating, raw wheat flour, hammering, washing board rubbing, and Zhan Zhao is in a cold sweat again: "Then when you were in the upper realm, you were fine anyway, why don't you try them one by one? Pass?"

Duan Mucui snorted: "Zhan Zhao, do you know what a perfect garment is? It's perfect, you don't even need needles and threads, how can it be dirty? Occasionally get dirty, shake it and shake it to make it look brand new. sick?"

Here, Duanmucui lied, with her temperament, how could she not try?She put Yang Jian's cool and handsome cloak with the most photogenic rate on the side of the pool and beat it fiercely with a wooden stick. I don't know if the beating was clean, anyway, it is said that there was a hole in the hip.Yang Jian was so angry that he searched for her all over the house with a three-pointed and two-edged halberd. Later, with the help of Xiao Tiangou, he climbed over the wall and ran away—of course, for a long time afterwards, Yang Jian did not allow her to watch Yi Chi Bitan's Folk Laundry Channel.

Far away, the above digression, the central idea is nothing more than one: This girl has a lot of interests and energy, and she regards laundry as a great pleasure. Occasionally, she also invites Zhang Long, Zhao Hu, and Gongsun Ce to do the laundry together, which is called exchanging experience. , the face of the four captains was as pale as a dish, and Mr. Gongsun was terrified. No wonder he was full of complaints when he wrote.

Duanmu girl is getting more energetic!

Zhan Zhao put the steamed chestnut flour cake with sweet-scented osmanthus sugar on the side, picked up one from the basin, shook it out to help her dry it, and asked her, "How do you wash it this time?"

Duanmucui was mysterious: "I stomped on it."

good guy...

Zhan Zhao looked at the clothes, then at her: "I've never heard of people in Central Plains doing laundry like this."

"Not from the Central Plains, from Korea."

Zhan Zhao was speechless, and tried to persuade him for a long time: "We people in the Central Plains have a good way of washing clothes, and we don't need to imitate Gao Li."

Duanmucui felt the same way: "They are not afraid of the cold when they step on it with bare feet. I walked on it for a short while, and I shivered from the cold."

It's cold and cold, but she really has this kind of leisure and elegance.Zhan Zhao smiled wryly, hung out a few more clothes, and changed the topic to a more serious matter: "Duanmu, I met you last night. You said it was called Mingshi, remember?"


"Will people go to that place?"

Duanmucui was spreading out a sash to dry when she heard this and suddenly stopped moving.After a while, she poked her head out from the back of her clothes, looked at Zhan Zhao and smiled meaningfully: "Aha, the co-author Zhan Huwei went to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing. There is something in the story, and I came to inquire about the news for someone."

Unexpectedly, it was discovered at the very beginning, so Zhan Zhao had no choice but to tell the truth: "Fifth brother entrusted me..."

"Which fifth brother, the younger brother of Zhanjiaxingwu? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Brother Bai..."

"I knew it was that white mouse." Duanmucui curled her lips, "Isn't he very patient? If he is happy, the Jade Emperor's imperial garden can walk around and ask me what is the city doing? I'm not a fairy , just a charlatan."

Zhan Zhao sat on the flower bed steps next to him, lifted the lid of the snack box and picked up a piece of chestnut flour cake for her: "Stingy god, brother Bai only said once that you were a charlatan, you remember it now."

Duanmucui refused to eat vigilantly: "Cannibalism is soft, do you want to bribe me, there is no way."

Zhan Zhao was not annoyed, he turned around and put the chestnut powder cake into his mouth: "Mingshi, can people go?"

"It's been said that it's the Underworld City, so naturally only ghosts can go there." Duanmucui snorted, "If people can go there, it won't be called the Underworld City, it's Kai! Seal! Da! Street!"

The last four words, elongated the voice, and paused every word, as if angry with someone.

Xiao Qinghua raised her voice at the right time: "That's it!"

Cooperate properly, the air of dog legs is fully revealed.

Zhan Zhao let out a long sigh: "That's not going to help Brother Bai."

He lowered his head, seemingly frowning, counting one, two, three in his heart.Sure enough, when she reached the third count, she said, "Then girl, do you know Bai Yutang?"

Zhan Zhao secretly smiled, Duanmucui's temperament has not changed as expected, even if he persisted for a while, he still couldn't bear to ask.

He thought for a while, and answered truthfully: "It's not considered acquaintance. Brother Bai said that it was an unfair matter when he first came out of the rivers and lakes. It was very common to say that the girl went back to her hometown with her family, and met a bad guy on the mountain road. , just let him bump into him, young heart, save people, that's all. Because it's the first time to act chivalrously after finishing school, I remember it firmly in my mind, and I recognized the girl back then at a glance."

Duanmucui was thoughtful: "So?"

"He said that the appearance of the girl in the underworld was exactly the same as the one he saw back then. If this is the appearance of the girl when she died-that is to say, not long after he rescued the girl, the girl was murdered again, He wants to know why."

Duanmucui's eyes blinked: "That's because I want to investigate the case, so I'll go to Mr. Bao, go to the guard Zhan, go to the local government, what are you going to do in the underworld?"

Many years have passed, how easy is it to look through files?What's more, in some cases in remote places, no one reported to the officials, and no one questioned them.Zhan Zhaozhen didn't know how to explain it, so he paused, and pulled her to sit beside him: "Come on, sit down and talk."

Duanmucui sat down beside him, took out the box of chestnut flour cake, took a piece and tasted it herself, and Zhan Zhao didn't speak after eating, she felt strange: "Is it hard to say?"

Zhan Zhao's face was a bit dignified: "Duanmu, there are some things that you may not be able to understand right away." He carefully chose his words, "Brother Bai, me, Xu Qing and the others, when you first came out of the rivers and lakes, relying on your martial arts, They are all ordinary strong-tempered people, and they can't be seen as domineering and domineering. Once they bump into each other, their blood will often rush to the top, and they must be taught a lesson. Sometimes they are too heavy-handed, and they will end up in a lawsuit instead. There are government wanted documents, too."

Duanmucui nodded to express her understanding: "Yes."

"What's more, it's just a matter of whim, and I don't care about it. I chased away the bad guys, and thanked those I saved. I just smiled, turned around and left, thinking that I was free to come and go, chic and carefree."

Duanmucui understood a little bit.

Zhan Zhao looked at the clothes hanging out in the courtyard, the sun was shining brightly, the breeze was blowing, the clothesline was trembling, and some unwrung clothes were still dripping, it was a peaceful scene.

"Later, I handled a lot of cases, and I gradually learned that some people are vicious and do not set a lower limit. After being taught by you and fleeing, it is not repentance, but to wait for an opportunity to retaliate. So when I am free, I can't help but think about my first Did the people who were rescued at the time really get away? Sometimes I suddenly get impulsive and think about going to track it down again, but firstly, after a long time, and secondly, the appearance of those people has been blurred when they come to the vast rivers and lakes. I can’t even remember my name and surname, so where do I find it?”

Duanmucui also sighed, lowered her head, looked at the muddy ground under her feet: "Understood."

Zhan Zhao stretched out his hand and gently held her hand: "Brother Bai, I really feel the pain in my heart. From yesterday to this morning, he probably hasn't been at peace for a moment. Looking at the situation, don't say it's a dark market. It's a sea of ​​swords and fire, telling him to die immediately, and he also desperately wants to know the truth and the reason. Duanmu, is it possible to go to this underworld city?"

Duanmucui shook his head slowly: "I can't go."

"It is said that when people die, they go to hell, drink Meng Po soup, and go through the six reincarnations. In fact, there are so many dead people, and they have to queue up for each checkpoint. Ten to eight years is a common occurrence. Those who can't be ranked, those who are waiting, all go to the underworld.

"In the Nether City, there is a lot of gloom and misery. Where can the living go? With such obvious yang energy, once you enter the Nether City, everyone can smell your breath. Think about it, even if you are Zhan Zhao and Bai Yu Tang, you are skilled in martial arts, can you fight ghosts? Even if ghosts can't control you, Yama will not care about you? You go to his place to show off, where do you put him? Ghosts can't come to the world to harm people, you I have also seen such evil beings subdued by me, what will happen to them? On the same mind, what is the reason for people to go to their territory?"

Zhan Zhao smiled: "That's right, I always think too much. I forgot that you are different from the past, and you thought it was the dawn of the Ming Dao... I will go to persuade Brother Bai. There are some things that you want or don't want , Regret or not regret it, it has already happened, sometimes, it is better not to know to be comforted than to know.”

Duanmucui didn't make a sound, picked up a broken branch from his feet, painted on the mud floor, and finally stammered: "Zhan Zhao, actually, if he really wants to know, I... can really help him ask."

Zhan Zhao was stunned for a moment: "You?"

He didn't believe it: "Didn't you say that people can't go to the underworld? Didn't you say that you will be discovered? You are no longer a god, how do you go?"

"Yes, you are right. But I am different from you after all."

Facing Zhan Zhao's puzzled gaze, Duanmucui smiled slyly: "You forgot, I died twice. Although I came back to life in the end, there is always ghost energy left in my body. To get past their noses and eyes, It's much easier than you guys, just a little pretense."

For the first time in history, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu went to the funeral so easily.

A whole bunch of people from Kaifeng Mansion were there, in the Bu Ling Tang of Bu Ling Tang, those who lit the incense candles, Gongsun Ce's brush was dipped in thick ink, writing sacrificial rites with a serious face.

The whole story is groaning and mournful, and recalling Duanmucui's life, the courage of the underworld, and the righteousness of preaching peace, the intuitive writing is as if there is a spirit, and the literary talent is brilliant, so that I am moved to sigh.

Duanmucui was trying on mourning clothes, hemp rope mulberry clothes, which she bought from the Paper Treasure Store, but they didn't fit her well, but she didn't really care about them, the sleeves were rolled up, not bad at all.

Zhan Zhao sighed: "You really don't have any taboos."

Duan Mucui answered it as a matter of course: "I have lived for more than 2000 years, Zhan Zhao. Birth, old age, sickness and death are common things in life. Everyone has this barrier. When leaving and coming, one should be as calm. What taboos should one have?"

She sat down in front of the dressing table, and Xiao Qinghua held up a brush, dipped it in makeup powder and helped her face: "Master, is this okay? Is it white enough?"

Duanmucui's eyelashes were covered with white powder, and she barely opened her eyes to look at herself in the mirror: "It's better to be whiter, as white as a dead person."

On the other side, Wang Chao was nervous, and dragged Ma Han to confirm: "Am I going to cry? Howl? I don't like to cry by nature, and then it won't look like crying, will it reveal my secrets?"

Ma Han pointed him out: "If you can't cry, just be sad, just be sad. Anyway, no one can't cry for Xiao Qinghua."

Of course, where can I compare with Xiao Qinghua, that voice, that posture, the mouth of the bowl is a natural trumpet.


Bai Yutang saw it, and because of his doubts, he had to work so hard for Kaifeng Mansion, he was really sorry.When Zhan Zhao came over, although he felt awkward, he still thanked him sincerely: "Mao'er, thank you. Thank you too...Miss Duanmu."

As soon as the words were finished, Duanmucui came out. I really didn't know how thick the face was, and the powder fell down as soon as he spoke.

She is like a director controlling the scene, explaining the last things before the big show starts.

"All the scenes have to be perfect. I have to make the 'people' on the other side really think that I'm dead."

"Sacrificial rites, burning paper, mourning, throwing paper money, everything is indispensable. The death energy here is the 'clothes' I disguised after entering the underworld. The more death energy, the less noticeable it is at the other end..."

After explaining, Zhan Zhao helped her into the coffin, and he felt that this situation was absurd.After all, she was a little worried, and asked her softly, "Is nothing wrong?"

She was lying in the coffin, surrounded by jewels and emeralds, all of which were borrowed "funeral objects". She looked at him and said, "I don't want to think about who I am."

Zhan Zhao looked at her: "Yes, you are amazing. The Shangxian of Yingzhou, the general of Xiqi, the righteous sister of Yang Jian, the sect master of Xihualiu, with so many titles, I really don't worry about being overwhelmed."

Duanmucui blinked, and said in a low voice: "One less thing to say, I am still the wife of Kaifeng Mansion's fourth-rank guard Zhan who has never been in the house."

Zhan Zhao's heart suddenly warmed up: "When you come back, go to the night market to watch Baixi."

The coffin slab closed with a bang.

Incense candles are curling up, curtains are clinging to each other, a few yellow papers are blown away by the wind, and there is really a strange atmosphere of funeral.After the sacrificial oration was finished, Gongsun Ce raised his robe sleeves and was about to wipe tears from the corners of his eyes when the little blue flower cried out in pain: "My master..."

Entering the play so quickly, it was so painful that I couldn't bear to cry, I was about to bump into the coffin board several times, and was dragged back several times.

The yellow paper burned, and the smoke slowly rose, and then, slowly, a large smoke vortex formed in the high place of the room.

Looking up, at the other end, shadowy, it seems to be another great world.

Zhan Zhao whispered, "Duanmu has passed."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

(End of this chapter)

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