fairy tales

Chapter 165 Dragon

Chapter 165 Dragon (5)
"Damn capitalists are annoying everywhere." Chu Liuxiang cursed, but felt a little hungry, and immediately held a sharp sword and came to the tiger that was hacked to death by herself.

When people left the spirit gathering formation, the eighteen palm prints seemed to be torn apart by a hurricane, and disappeared in an instant, and everything became calm again.

"Damn, the tiger stinks, what a fucking bad luck."

Holding her nose and cursing again, Chu Liuxiang walked towards the forest.

After a while, in the forest.

"Damn it, I can't even touch a Xiaoqiang." Chu Liuxiang roared angrily, "Damn monster, get out of here."

Cursing all the way, Chu Liuxiang walked a full ten miles before discovering the trace of the beast.

In a rage, he raised his sword and killed three rabbits, a fox, and even a pheasant. It can be said that his combat skills are "excellent"!

I came to a very secluded and clear stream, found a pile of dry firewood, and lit it with "Thousand Illusions Xuanyue Slash".

Then they started to make dinner.

Fortunately, I am tired of eating chicken, duck and fish at home, so I often go to the back mountain with Shao Changxi to catch wild animals for barbecue, and I have practiced my skills.

So, it's pretty smooth at the moment.

Chu Liuxiang repaired the hacked wild animals, and then did some fitness exercises for them.

"Pat left, pat right, neck twist, butt twist..."

"What are you looking at, little snake, this is called relaxing muscles and promoting blood circulation, making it more delicious, don't you understand!" Chu Liuxiang smiled all over his face, but he started talking to the colorful miniature snake.

The colorful miniature snake was so angry that it stepped on Chu Liuxiang's forehead again.

"Hey, change the place next time, okay?"

It is very lonely to be alone in the forest without speaking.

Insert the wooden sticks and start grilling. After a while, the aroma will overflow...

(End of this chapter)

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