The sturdy peasant daughter's belly black Xianggong comes to farm

Chapter 163 Eating Dumplings for the First Time

Chapter 163 Eating Dumplings for the First Time
Su Limo didn't have the heart to pay attention to what Baili Yunchu was thinking. After passing by the place where they usually picked wild vegetables, she bent down and picked some wild celery and wild shepherd's purse and put them in the back baskets of the three of them, blocking the contents. Strictly speaking.

When she saw wild leeks and wild onions and garlic in the corner, she also picked a handful.

Seeing these things, she thought of the dumplings she hadn't eaten for a long time, and it happened that tonight she could make some dumplings stuffed with pork shepherd's purse, pork and leek, and beef and celery.

Back home, Liu Shi and Su Xiaohui had picked out some leftover pork and beef at noon and cut them up, washed some Chinese cabbage and green vegetables and put them aside, waiting for Su Limo to come back.

The cooking skills of the two of them are not as good as Su Limo's, so they can only guess what Su Limo will need later and do what they can.

"Mother, big sister, take these out to dry first, and wash the myrtle tomorrow and take it out to dry and wait for me to come back to make wine."

Their family doesn't have any jars for brewing wine, nor white wine and sugar, so they need to go to the town to buy them tomorrow.

Su Limo explained, took three or four bunches of grapes out of the basket, and handed them to Baili Yunchu who came in behind: "Take it and wash it, let's eat together."

Without adding the second half of the sentence, she was afraid that Baili Yunchu would eat it all by herself.

Baili Yunchu touched his nose, took the grape obediently, and really went to wash it.

He was under the eaves, not to mention he was waiting for Su Limo to cook for him, so he had to bow his head.

"Mother, let's eat dumplings tonight." Su Limo said to Liu Shi when she saw that Liu Shi and Su Xiaohui had washed and cut the meat.

On the other side of the room, Mrs. Liu and Su Xiaohui found a clean cloth and threw it on the thatch pile, carefully took out the myrtle and grapes in the back basket, and when they heard Su Limo's words, they responded without thinking. Said: "Oh, okay."

After speaking, I realized that I really don't know what these dumplings are.

But the daughter said it was for food, so it should be something delicious.

The rest of the family obviously thought the same as Liu.

In short, Su Limo will never let them eat something that is inedible or unpalatable.

Su Limo first found out the flour she bought earlier, added water and kneaded it into a smooth ball, put it in a basin, covered it and set it aside to dry.

When Liu Shi and Su Xiaohui came over after processing the myrtle and grapes, she told them how to chop the meat separately from the cleaned wild vegetables. While they were chopping the meat, she went out and chopped a bamboo and came back.

From the memory of the original owner, she knew that their family had never eaten dumplings, made buns, made noodles, or even bought flour in the past, so the rolling pin did not exist in this family.

In order to roll out the dumpling wrappers, she had to make a rolling pin.

Fortunately, their home is not far from the bamboo forest. With her tutorial, half an hour is enough to go back and forth.

She picked a particularly smooth bamboo. After it was cut off, it was polished smooth and could be used to make four or five rolling pins.

Even if the family rolls the dumpling skin together, it is enough.

When they came back with the finished rolling pin, Liu Shi and Su Xiaohui had already chopped the meat and vegetables according to Su Limo's request, took out several bowls, and put them in the bowls for her to deal with when she came back.

(End of this chapter)

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