
Chapter 497 General Mobilization in Guanzhong Part 1

Chapter 497 General Mobilization in Guanzhong ([-]) First update

From Luoyang to Yingchuan, you can choose to pass through three passes.

But no matter which pass you pass through, if you want to reach Xuchang, you will inevitably pass through a place, that is Yangdi.

To enter Yangdi, one must pass through Yangxiang.

If Yangdi is the gateway of Xuchang, then Yangxiang is the barrier of Yingchuan.Living at the pass of Songyang Mountain, the terrain is extremely dangerous.In the first year of Taiping, after the Luoyang War ended, Cao Cao built a strong fortress in Yangxiang because of the loss of Sanguan.

At the same time, in order to prevent Dong Bi from attacking, Cao Cao also arranged for a person to sit in Yuyang Township.

This man's surname is Lou, his name is Gui, and his surname is Zibo.A native of Wan County, Nanyang, he was talented and learned when he was young. He once traveled to Luoyang and made friends with Cao Cao, who was then the captain of Luoyang North.During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, he also assisted Qin Jie to resist the attack of the Yellow Turban bandits, and had a friend with Dong Pi.

But at that time, Dong Bi was only white.Don't say he doesn't know who Lou Gui is, and Lou Gui won't think highly of him.

After the end of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, in order to avoid Dong Zhuo's conquest, Lou Gui fled to Zhongnan Mountain and became a hermit with the Taoist name Mengmei Jushi.

This man is very talented!

When the princes of the 22nd Route defeated Dong Zhuo, he knew that it was difficult for the princes to win.Then Dong Zhuo appointed Liu Biao as the shepherd of Jingzhou, and Lou Gui took the initiative to leave the mountain and went to Jingzhou with Liu Biao.With his reputation in Jingzhou, he has indeed given Liu Biao great help.

However, Liu Biao then compromised with the Jingxiang family, which disappointed Lou Gui.

At this time, Cao Cao was rising in the north, Lou Gui abandoned Liu Biao, took his family and defected to Cao Cao, and planned many things for Cao Cao.

It's just that this person doesn't fight for power and profit, so his reputation in Xuchang is not obvious.

Cao Cao knew Lou Gui's ability very well, and when considering the candidates to guard Yangxiang, he was the first to think of Lou Gui.And Liu Xie, emperor of the Han Dynasty, named Lou Gui the Marquis of Yangxiang, who was in charge of Yangcheng and passed through the Songyang area.After Lou Gui took office, he also did a very good job.

Guan Yu occupied Fenqiu, and Lou Gui was the first to find out that the situation was not good.

But he didn't have many soldiers and horses in his hands, so it didn't have much effect on the overall situation of Yingchuan.Cao Ren died in battle, Xuchang was besieged, Lou Gui could only defend Yangxiang, and could not do other things.However, he believed that Xun Yu would be able to keep Xuchang.

Of course, the premise is that Cao Cao can come back as soon as possible...

But what to do?Can you help Xun Yu delay for some time?Waiting for Cao Cao's reinforcements to arrive?
Lou Gui also felt very distressed. What he could do, on the one hand, was to defend Yangxiang to prevent Dong Bi from taking the opportunity to sneak attack. Make it impossible to free up your hands to take care of other things.

Other than that, he really can't do much.

On the third day of Xuchang's siege, a man came from outside Yangxiang, claiming to be Lou Gui's old friend.

Lou Gui was thinking about something in his study, and he was startled when he heard that someone was asking for an interview.old friend?At this time, who will come to ask for a meeting.

"What's the man's name?"

"Qi reported to the Marquis of Yangxiang. Someone said that he was from Zhonglu, Nanjun County (now Nanzhang County, Xiangfan). He had a friendship with Your Excellency for two generations, and his surname was Kuai."

Kuai?Friendship between the two worlds?

Lou Gui came to his senses, it must be him!
The so-called friendship between the two generations must be just an excuse.The extended meaning should be that Lou Gui once followed two people, one was Qin Jie and the other was Liu Biao.It must be the same for the person who came here, and his surname is Kuai, and he is from Zhonglu, so his identity is ready to be revealed.

Kuai Liang, it must be him...

But what does it mean that he came to me at this time?I heard that Kuai Liang has now taken refuge in Chang'an, but it is also a mess.

Lou Gui thought for a while, "Take him to the living room to wait on him, and I'll be there soon."

Then, Lou Gui hurriedly sent someone to find his good friend Xi Shi.This Professor Xi is also from Nanjun, and he has a lifelong friendship with Lou Gui.It's just that he is too utilitarian and often behaves like a villain.Lou Gui was appointed as Marquis of Yangxiang, and when he visited the Songyang area, he invited Xi Shi to be his shogunate.Although Professor Xi's character is not very good, but in terms of talent, he is indeed outstanding.

Assist Lou Gui to manage the Songyang area in an orderly manner, and is regarded by Lou Gui as his right-hand man.

Kuai Liang must have ulterior motives when he came here.At this time, when something like this happened, Lou Gui had to discuss it with Professor Xi.

After a while, Professor Xi walked into the study.

This Professor Xi is about fifty years old, and he is handsome and has an extraordinary appearance.Wearing a green shirt, shaking a folding fan in his hand, he is endlessly romantic.There is always a warm smile on his face that makes people feel like a spring breeze, but those eyes are slender and sinister.

"Zi Bo, what's the matter for coming to me in such a hurry?"

Lou Gui said, "Yuan Qian, Kuai Liang is here!"

"Kuai Liang? That Kuai Liang...oh, you mean that Zhonglu Kuai Zirou? Didn't he go to Chang'an, why did he come to our place?"

Lou Gui sighed helplessly, "Yuan Qian, it's time now, be serious. Now that the prime minister is far away in Shanyang and Xuchang is trapped, I am very anxious. There are tigers at the front door and wolves in the backyard. With your wisdom, how can you Can't guess the purpose of Kuai Liang's visit?"

Professor Xi couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

"Zi Bo Mo Nu, I can't give you words...Actually, it was rumored in Chang'an that the King of Liang was assassinated a few days ago, and I thought there was something in it. Now it seems that the King of Liang wants to take action. It is certain that Kuai Liang will come. It’s to lobby you, let’s listen to what he has to say, and then make a proposition.”

Lou Gui frowned and nodded slightly.

The two walked into the living room together, and saw Kuai Liang standing in the hall, with his hands behind his back, looking at a calligraphy and painting on the wall.

Hearing footsteps, Kuai Liang turned around.Seeing Lou Gui and Professor Xi coming together, Kuai Liang smiled, stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Zi Bo, Yuan Qian, how have you always been?"

Lou Gui said: "How can I be happier than the Chang'an University scholar?"

Kuai Liang is currently serving as a bachelor in Chang'an Tai Academy. On the surface, he has no real power, but in fact this Tai Academy is directly under the rule of Shi Tao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, and is under the jurisdiction of Chengming Palace.This identity and status is definitely in a transcendent state.

Lou Gui's words are unavoidably ironic.

But Kuai Liang didn't realize it, and said with a smile: "Zi Bo is still the same as before. Although I have become a bachelor, how can I compare with Yangxiang Marquis?"

Lou Gui's Marquis of Yangxiang was conferred by Han Emperor Liu Xie.

But everyone knows that the orthodox Han Dynasty is in Chang'an, and his name as Marquis of Yangxiang is not correct.But when Kuai Liang mentioned his title, Lou Gui couldn't help being startled.Looking at Kuai Liang suspiciously, but seeing his face full of joy, he couldn't help asking, "What does Zi Rou mean by that?"

"No one else, I just want Zibo to know that the position of Marquis of Yangxiang is recognized by King Liang and His Majesty."

Pupils shrank, Lou Gui said: "Zirou, please speak clearly."

"Oh, King Liang heard that Zibo has a great talent, and he admires him very much. Therefore, he wants to invite Zibo to go to Chang'an to be the head of the Taiyuan Academy.

I don't know Zibo, what do you think? "

Lou Gui sneered, "I'm afraid he wants me to sacrifice Yangxiang."

"Zi Bo's words are wrong. As the saying goes, the shore of the land is the land of the king. This world is the world of the Han Dynasty, and this Yangxiang is also the Yangxiang of the Han Dynasty. How can we say whether to dedicate it or not. Nowadays, false The luck of the emperor has declined, and Cao Cao is blocked in Shanyang, so it is difficult for him to do anything. The king of Liang thought that even though the false emperor is a false emperor, he is still a member of the royal family. benefit.

Uncle Zi, you are a smart person, why do you do such unnatural things?

King Liang is going to conquer Yuzhou and end the turmoil in this world... This is the trend of the times, why doesn't Zi Bo follow the trend and make a fortune? "


Lou Gui said coldly: "The prime minister defeated Yuan Shao in Juye, and hundreds of thousands of troops may arrive in Xuchang in the near future, so why should Dong Bi worry about it? Besides, the prime minister is not inferior to me, if I donate at this time Yangxiang, what should the world say about me, Lou Gui? Don't say what Zirou said."

In a way, Lou Gui does not have the upper hand.

What Kuai Liang said is right, this world belongs to the Han Dynasty, and Yangxiang is also the Yangxiang of the Han Dynasty.Dong Bi now occupies the royal line and occupies the righteousness.From this point of view, although Lou Gui is unwilling to admit it, he has to admit that he is just a traitor.

Therefore, Lou Gui didn't take Kuai Liang's words at all, and only talked about Cao Cao's affairs.

Kuai Liang sneered, "Since King Liang has made up his mind, even if Cao Cao has an army of one million, he will never return to Xuchang."

Lou Gui couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"What does Zi Rou mean by that? Prime Minister and Dong Bi have an agreement not to confront each other for five years. Now only four years have passed, could it be..."

Kuai Liang's gaze was soft, and he sighed quietly.

"The so-called agreement is just to be torn up. Who would really care? Cao Cao knows this, Liu Bei knows it, Yuan Shao knows it, but my King Liang doesn't know it? Zibo, you are a smart person. What about this matter?"

"This one……"

Of course Lou Gui also knew that the so-called agreement was simply a piece of waste paper.

It's just that he didn't expect Kuai Liang to say it so nakedly without any cover-up.This is different from Kuai Liangquan when he was in Jingzhou.In terms of feeling, the Kuai Liang at this time is more like the Kuai Liang who followed Qin Jie in the early years, with unscrupulous words.

The environment may really change a person.

Xi Shou said quietly: "Zirou, I don't want to say anything else. I heard that the King of Liang was assassinated. Is it true?"

"What do you say?"

Kuai Liang smiled lightly, "Actually, King Liang Qiansui didn't want you to betray the Lord. It's just that Liu Bei and Guan Yu are the enemies of King Liang. You two may not know that Lu Bu and King Liang are in-laws, the wife of Prince Liang, It is the daughter of Marquis Wen. Guan Yu murdered Marquis Wen by despicable means. King Liang went to Xuchang to avenge Marquis Wen. Therefore, King Liang only wanted to borrow a way from Yangxiang.

Zibo Yuanqian should know that if King Liang really wanted to fight, Yangxiang might not be able to resist for long.

The King of Liang didn't want to do more evil, he only hit Liu Bei and Guan Yu, and didn't move every plant and tree in Yingchuan.If Cao Cao really has the ability to come back, the King of Liang said that Xu Chang can be returned to him.During this period, the two can lead troops to watch.When the time comes, King Liang will withdraw, and you will be in charge of Yang Township again. "

This sounded very nice, but Lou Gui and Xi Shi knew that it was just a superficial effort.

Now that Dong Bi has made up his mind, it may be difficult for Cao Cao to return to Xuchang.

Lou Gui gritted his teeth, "It's not difficult if you want to make excuses...Dong Bi won Xuchang, and he will never touch a single hair of the prime minister's family, how about it?"

"Although the King of Liang and Cao Cao are hostile, they also admire each other. Besides, how can a thousand-year-old man do such unrighteous things? Otherwise, the King of Liang would not let the prince marry the daughter of Marquis Wen, let alone do it for Wen. Hou revenge. You two should know, Wenhou and Liangwang...hehe."

Kuai Liang said half of what he said, and both Lou Gui and Professor Xi understood it.

After the two looked at each other, they nodded slightly.

Professor Xi suddenly said, "Zirou, you said just now that King Liang Qiansui is determined to recover Kanto, but is it true?"

"It's true, you two can wait and see. In no more than three days, my Guanzhong army will definitely be able to invade Chenliu and capture that Yuzhou."

Professor Lou Gui heard and listened, not only looked at each other in blank dismay.

After Lu Su learned the news that Xuchang was besieged, he was also very anxious.

On the one hand, he immediately sent people to Juye to report to Cao Cao, on the other hand, he ordered two generals, Lu Chang, to sit in Chenliu.Although Yuan Shao was defeated, the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse.

In particular, Yuan Shao's West Route Army did not suffer too much loss. Han Qiong led [-] euphorbia soldiers, still sitting in Fengqiu, watching Chenliu County as a tiger, and had to be careful.

Lu Su quickly arranged Chen Liu's defense, and then ordered General Yang Wei to dispatch troops quickly, leading [-] elite troops, and seized Xingyang.

Before Yang Wei set off, Lu Su repeatedly explained, "After seizing Xingyang, the general must control all the supplies in Xingyang. Then leave half of the soldiers and horses to guard Xingyang. You hold my tiger amulet and rush to Xinzheng immediately to take over General Xia Houyuan's defense. Please General Xiahouyuan led troops back to assist Xuchang. While General Xiahouyuan returned to assist Xuchang, you have a task, which is to cut off the connection between Weishi and Yangdi.

The general only needs to restrain Liu Pi for three days, and I will lead the army to reach Xinzheng.After three days, no matter whether the general can restrain Liu Pi again, it will be the first achievement.This matter is very important, and it is even more related to the safety of Xuchang. I also ask the general to be careful and not to make mistakes. "

Yang Wei is from Longxi. He was originally a famous general in Xiliang, and he once served under Niu Fu's camp.

Later, Niu Fu was killed, and Yang Wei took refuge in Li Jue and Guo Si.When Dong Pi came out from the Western Regions and captured Guanzhong, Yang Wei was persuaded by his friend Zhu Ci to join Cao Cao.Calculated, he should belong to Zhong Yao's family, but it's a pity that Zhong Yao's short-lived ghost...

In the Battle of Hangu Pass, Zhong Yao was shut down and beaten by Guan Zhong.

Zhong Yao and Zhu Ci died in battle, which made Yang Wei's position in Xuchang suddenly awkward.Fortunately, Lu Su accepted him later and has been obeying orders under the tent.Eight years passed in a flash, and Yang Wei was over [-] years old, and finally regained the opportunity to lead the army to fight.

After hearing Lu Su's words, Yang Wei immediately stepped in to salute, "Military commander, don't worry, if Wei stays in Xinzheng for a day, Liu Bixiu doesn't want to make any moves."

"That's great, I'll leave everything to the general..."

Yang Wei took the order, gathered all the soldiers and horses, and went to Xingyang from Chenliu.

But Lu Su stayed in Chenliu, and after taking care of the big and small things, it was already the third day after Yang Wei sent troops.Lu Su took Xu Chu and led [-] elite soldiers, with Xu Chu as the front army, and rushed to Xingyang City.According to the time, Yang Wei should have arrived in Xinzheng at this time, and Xia Houyuan should also return to assist Xuchang.For the first time, Lu Su felt that this time is really not enough.

Starting from Chenliu, it took only one and a half days to arrive in Xingyang.

After Lu Su arrived in Xingyang, Yang Wei had already rushed to Xinzheng.But before Yang Wei sent troops, everything in Xingyang had been taken care of.

Looking at the mountains of food and supplies in the treasury, Lu Su secretly sighed, this Yang Wei is also a good hand.

In the past four years, Xingyang has been a self-owned trading city, with many merchants coming and going, and a large amount of materials have been collected for trading.

War horses, ordnance, armor...

Especially in the treasury, Lu Su was overjoyed by the discovery of [-] Jinglan ballistas.

This is a good thing, and it belongs to the ordnance banned by the Guanzhong Iron Supervisor.I don't know who is so powerful, but they actually produced [-] vehicles.

With this thing, Lu Su's heart became more solid.

"Why don't you see merchants?"

After inspecting Xingyang, Lu Su couldn't help asking.

The soldiers who stayed in Xingyang said: "After General Yang Wei collected these supplies, the merchants made a big fuss. The general was so angry that he drove away all the merchants in the city. Now, except for us who stayed behind, the entire Xingyang city is still alive. There is no outsider."

Didn't realize that this Yang Wei is a fruitful person.

But that's fine, you don't need to worry about other things...

Lu Su said to Xu Chu: "Zhongkang, tomorrow morning, I will lead 3 people to Xinzheng. Xingyang, please leave it to you... This time we used troops suddenly, and Guanzhong couldn't react for a while. But they will come to trouble sooner or later. You have to be careful."

Xu Chu laughed loudly, "Military commander, don't worry, if Xu Chu stays in Xingyang for a day, the bandits from Guanzhong will never step in."

This guy is fierce enough, but it still makes people feel uneasy.

Lu Su sighed in his heart, and after making a round of inspections with Xu Chu, he went back to the government office to rest.Running all the way is really tiring.

This sleep was very sweet.

But at the second watch, Lu Su was awakened by a loud noise.

He stood up and put on his clothes.All I could see was that the city of Xingyang was full of flames.The sound of people shouting and neighing was deafening.

The sound of shouting and killing came from time to time, accompanied by the sound of weapons hitting.

Lu Su hurriedly asked, "When did it happen?"

"It's not clear, it seems, it seems that the enemy has been found in the city."


How can there be enemies in the city?

The common people and merchants in Xingyang City have already been driven away by Yang Wei.Except for [-] soldiers and horses, it seems impossible to mix with the enemy now?


Lu Su suddenly took a breath, and Ji Lingling gave a chill: Unless, unless Yang Wei surrendered, the soldiers staying behind were the enemy.

"Notify General Xu Chu immediately!"

Lu Su hurriedly put on his armor, raised his sword and mounted his horse.He rushed out of the government office with his own soldiers, and saw Xu Chu rushing over with a group of people covered in blood.

"Military division, something has happened!"

"Zhongkang, are you okay..."

Xu Chu didn't answer, but roared fiercely, "I don't know what's going on, this city is full of Guan Zhongjun all of a sudden."

(End of this chapter)

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