super manager

Chapter 114 [Confession]

Chapter 114 [Confession]

As soon as Guo Zan was mentioned, the tense and uneasy atmosphere diffused in the corridor outside the rescue room became a bit more intense. As long as you are not blind, you can see Lin Xiang's hostile attitude towards Du Feng.

Not only that, even Xu Qiyun lost her composure, and Jia Feifei became even more suspicious.

Seizing this contradiction and making use of it, he immediately received miraculous results. Ma Xu was secretly proud, but he didn't show it. He still had a look of grief, and said in a deep voice: "Miss Xu, do you still remember the chairman's banquet at the Merton Hotel?" Du Feng's night?"

What is the intention of Ma Xu mentioning this suddenly?
In such a dangerous situation, Xu Qiyun didn't dare to answer hastily, she glanced sideways at Du Feng, saw that he gave him a positive look, and then nodded to Ma Xu.

"Okay! Since Ms. Xu remembers what happened that night at the Melton Hotel, she must not forget to go to the hotel's SPA spa treatment. During the time when Ms. Xu left the private room, the relationship between Du Feng and the chairman A big conflict broke out! It was what happened that night that laid the foundation for today's events!"

Hearing Ma Xu's words, Xu Qiyun recalled that when Du Feng left the hotel that night, his face was indeed very ugly, but she also had some reservations when explaining the reason to herself. Could it really be related to Guo Yan?

All the people present looked at Xu Qiyun following Ma Xu's question, saw her nodding her head in acknowledgment, and then looked different, unknowingly believing Ma Xu's words.

But Du Feng didn't say a word, and enjoyed Ma Xu's performance to his heart's content.

Don't think too much, the anonymous call to the police must have been made by Ma Xu, who can call Lin Xiang who has a prejudice against him, implicate Guo Jian to intensify the conflict, and fabricate this very deceptive lie, obviously It has been planned for a long time!

"I remembered!" Zhong Xiaoming suddenly slapped his head, glared at Du Feng resentfully, and said loudly: "No wonder the chairman was very unhappy that night, so it is like this! You..."

"Don't interrupt! Ma Xu, keep talking!" Lin Xiang clenched his fists and his face became more and more gloomy.

At present, Ma Xu has the upper hand. Full of confidence, Ma Xu walks slowly to Jia Feifei's side, bewitching him with a glib tongue: "Everyone doesn't know that Du Feng is actually a villain through and through! He is greedy for Xu Miss Xu's beauty, and coveted the property of Guo Zan's family for a long time! But he just pretended to be a gentleman! From outsiders, he has a special liking for Miss Xu, but secretly he has a broken relationship with Guo Zan, and he only fantasizes about wealth. Both sexes! The chairman has always looked at Du Feng differently. Apart from being a relative, he also cherishes his talents. In a very accidental situation, the chairman knew that Du Feng had an unusual relationship with Guo Yan, but he realized that He had bad intentions and couldn't bear him to go astray, so he took advantage of the banquet at the Melton Hotel to persuade him earnestly and persuasively. But Du Feng not only didn't repent, but also spoke harsh words at each other, which made the chairman angry, and the two had a big quarrel. Unexpectedly, more than two months ago, on the night of his friend Zhang Yuxin's birthday, Du Feng did something to Guo Yan while drunk..."

Ma Xu covered his mouth with his hands and coughed dryly, and glanced at Lin Xiang who seemed to be on the verge of going berserk. Xu Qiyun, who had an unnatural expression, didn't know how to strike while the iron was hot, and said: "The chairman was extremely furious after knowing this, and severely condemned Du Feng as a beast. Behavior, and to be punished. But Du Feng..."

"That's enough!" Jia Feifei interrupted Ma Xu with a wave of her hand, and said with a sneer, "Hmph, my father wanted to ruin my cousin's good fortune? My cousin has a grudge and is going to kill him? Ma Xu, you can fool outsiders, but not me! Du Feng is definitely not that kind of person!"

Xu Qiyun held Du Feng's arm tightly, glanced at Ma Xu in disgust, and said word by word: "You are lying!"

"Captain Lin, this is the so-called motive for committing the crime, right?" Du Feng smiled, with some sarcasm in it.

"How did you become Du Feng after drinking..." Thinking of Guo Yan's letter, which was very different from what Ma Xu said, Lin Xiang loosened his clenched fists, his gloomy expression gradually eased, and he turned to the emergency room. He said: "Ma Xu, I'm sorry. What you said just now, and what Secretary Li Shuyuan said can't prove anything."

How did Lin Xiang's attitude change so quickly?Is there a loophole?But during this period of time, someone was hired to watch Du Feng's every move, and even the hidden matter of Guo Zan's pregnancy was found out. How could there be mistakes?
Ma Xu couldn't help feeling a little anxious, turned around and snatched a black bag from his companion, held it high above his head, and said loudly: "Captain Lin, I still have physical evidence!"

"Physical evidence?!"

All eyes turned to the black bag.

Ma Xu took out a transparent plastic bag from his black bag, which contained a white medicine bottle, shook it in the air, and said sadly: "The chairman has taken the poison from the medicine in this bottle! And this bottle The medicine was handed over to the chairman by Du Feng himself! He pretended to be repentant to win the favor of the chairman, but he was actually hiding evil intentions!"

"The chairman fell ill after taking the medicine. At that time, I thought there was a side effect of taking the medicine. In order to facilitate the hospital's treatment, I put the medicine bottle in my pocket. The medicine was indeed given to the chairman by Du Feng. I can testify!" Li Shuyuan The timing of the interjection is just right.

Ma Xu let out a long sigh: "I'm going to Binhai City tomorrow afternoon, and I have business to report to the chairman face to face. When I returned to Zhongheng Real Estate Building, I happened to see the ambulance of Boren Hospital leaving the group's dedicated channel and arriving at the headquarters. I couldn’t find the chairman in the office, and all the employees hesitated when I asked about it. Later, when I passed the meeting room, I saw Secretary Li, and then I knew that the chairman had a heart attack. After asking in detail, I felt that something was wrong, and then contacted Du Feng’s various evil deeds, the chairman is most likely poisoned! I request the police to conduct an appraisal, in order to prevent Du Feng from covering up the crime, and find out the current situation of the chairman as soon as possible. If it is too late, the chairman may really... ..."

When Ma Xu and Li Shuyuan sang together, the situation became very unfavorable to Du Feng again.

There were witnesses, physical evidence, and motives for committing the crime. If Zhang Yuxin hadn't reminded him to take the medicine for Jia Haitao without precaution, he might suffer injustice.

Du Feng couldn't bear it anymore, snorted coldly, and said, "Ma Xu, in front of everyone, let me ask you a question. Did you go back to the group headquarters at noon today, and took a bottle of medicine for me to give to the chairman?!"

"Look back! At that time, I wanted to report to the chairman, but when the chairman was out, I ate near the building." Ma Xu shook his head and said, "I'll give you medicine? Du Feng, Du Feng, at this time, You still want to pour dirty water on others? You are just..."

"Tat-tat-tat" came the sound of hurried footsteps from the left side of the aisle.

Ma Xu was facing the door of the emergency room, and he couldn't see the person coming from the angle he was in. Feeling a bit inappropriate, he immediately turned his head to look.

Taking advantage of Ma Xu's distraction, Du Feng suddenly took a step forward, and snatched the transparent plastic bag containing the medicine bottle from his hand like lightning.

This move surprised everyone.

"Captain Lin, grab Du Feng quickly! He wants to destroy the evidence!" Ma Xu's eyes flashed coldly, and his color changed suddenly.

Several plainclothes criminal policemen who came with Lin Xiang reacted very quickly and rushed forward to control Du Feng who was trying to destroy the evidence, but Lin Xiang moved faster and stopped their recklessness by spreading his arms.

"Ma Xu, you said that I gave this poisonous medicine to the chairman?" Looking at Ma Xu with a fierce look on his face, Du Feng held the medicine bottle wrapped in a plastic bag tightly, and smiled faintly: "Don't be nasty thinking that I will Destroy the 'evidence' that you have worked so hard to get! You have painstakingly set up a trap just to put me to death! I am a human, not a beast! I never thought of harming my own uncle!"

Du Feng took a deep breath, looked around at the people with different expressions, and said loudly: "Ma Xu said that I gave the medicine to the chairman! It's poison! Any excuse is powerless in your suspicious eyes. I can only take it. Take this medicine to prove my innocence!"

As soon as the words fell, Du Feng tore open the plastic bag, unscrewed the cap of the medicine bottle, and poured the medicine in the bottle into his mouth!

"No!" Xu Qiyun let out a mournful cry, and suddenly snatched the medicine bottle from Du Feng's hand without knowing the burst of power.

"Cousin, how could you do such a stupid thing! Spit it out, spit it out!" Jia Feifei rushed to Du Feng, jumping her feet anxiously.

Xu Qiyun glanced at Ma Xu, seeing him sneering non-stop, with a villainous expression that he couldn't hide, thinking of Du Feng swallowing the poison in the bottle, and proving his innocence by death...

Her heart shattered into thousands of pieces at this moment.

"Du Feng, we have agreed that we will not be separated in this life, I... I will accompany you!" Xu Qiyun burst into tears, but an affectionate smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and filled the remaining pills in the bottle as quickly as possible. into the mouth.

"Damn it! Qiyun, why are you so stupid!" Jia Feifei cried and rushed forward, stretching out her hand and snapping Xu Qiyun's mouth.

But Xu Qiyun had already swallowed the pill, clenched her teeth, turned her head away from Jia Feifei, then groped to the side and held Du Feng's hand.

Show the truth in times of crisis!
Du Feng didn't expect Xu Qiyun to do such a move. With love and compassion, he held her cold little hand tightly, gently pulled her into his arms, and whispered in his ear: "My little mute, we will be fine. !"

"Du Feng, we will never be separated again!" Xu Qiyun hugged Du Feng tightly and closed her eyes.

"General Manager Du! The appraisal result is out!" Kang Wei, who was sweating profusely, was holding a piece of paper, and accompanied by several doctors in white coats, he had already arrived at the door of the emergency room.

Ma Xu was stunned, his heart sank, and he immediately realized that something was wrong!

Du Feng unhurriedly took out a small black signature pen from his pocket, waved it in the air, and said with a smile: "This is a recording pen given to me by a friend! Ma Xu came to the office to find me at noon today. Unfortunately, the tape recorder on the desk is turned on! Perhaps it has recorded a...a very touching sentence! Why don't we come and listen to it?"

After fiddling with the recording pen in his hand, Du Feng pressed the play button, and a clear conversation sounded immediately.

'Du Feng, don't rush to leave, I have something I want you to help. '

'oh?What's up?you say. '

'I'm going to Binhai City tomorrow afternoon, and I won't be back until half a year at the shortest...The chairman has coronary heart disease, and I will take all the medicines prescribed by the doctor.Since I was in charge of the East Lake International Apartment project, the chairman often forgot to take the medicine when he was away from him, let alone take the medicine on time, which is very bad for the health. '

"Ma Xu, you are leaving tomorrow, why don't you hand over the medicine directly to the chairman and bid him farewell?" '

'Originally, when I returned to the group, I wanted to say goodbye to the chairman, but he went out temporarily due to business.I thought about it, if I waited for the chairman to come back before giving him the medicine, it would be a bit of a deliberate attempt to curry favor.But I am worried about handing over the medicine to other people, so I have to ask Du Feng you.My father passed away early, and I am able to have what I am today because of the hard work of the chairman. In my heart, I have already regarded the chairman as my father!I……'

"Ma Xu, I think the chairman will be very touched if he can hear your heartfelt words!" ... Don't worry, I will definitely give the medicine to the chairman. '

Ma Xu tugged on his tie, with beads of sweat on his forehead, and shouted hysterically: "No! I never said such a thing! These must be edited by Du Feng!"

Turning off the recorder, Du Feng smiled at Lin Xiang: "Have you tampered with it? I think I can give a fair judgment after the police's technical appraisal. Kang Wei, hand over the physical evidence to Captain Lin!"

Kang Wei nodded, took a transparent plastic bag from the doctor's hand, and contained a white medicine bottle in the bag. From the outside packaging, the medicine bottle was exactly the same as Ma Xu's "physical evidence" against Du Feng, and then put the plastic bag together with the hospital. Hand over the certificate issued to Lin Xiang together.

After receiving the appraisal form, Lin Xiang only glanced at it, his expression changed.

"Ma Xu! It turned out that you framed my cousin!" Jia Feifei quickly came to his senses, furious, and shouted: "Zhong Xiaoming, catch this wolf-hearted thing for me!"

When Zhong Xiaoming was playing the recording, he had already moved to Ma Xu's side, and after receiving instructions, he immediately performed a grabbing movement of locking his throat and twisting his arms, and firmly controlled Ma Xu.

The two men who followed Ma Xu saw that the situation was not good, but before they could react, they were also captured by the astute plainclothes criminal police.

As a witness, Li Shuyuan took out a small white recording pen from there, ran to Lin Xiang, and stuffed the recording pen into his hand: "Captain Lin, I also have a recording pen with me. Attended a meeting and forgot to turn it off after taking the minutes! Might have also recorded some... some inappropriate remarks."

The pawn Li Shuyuan, who was inserted secretly beside Jia Haitao, suddenly turned his back on the battlefield. Du Feng and Xu Qiyun took the 'poison' and nothing happened. It was obvious that the medicine bottle was dropped.Being clever was misunderstood by being clever, but it was unexpectedly tricked by Du Feng!

"Li Shuyuan, you stinky... stinky bitch, how dare you betray me!" Ma Xu's eyes were red with viciousness, and he struggled desperately, but he couldn't escape Zhong Xiaoming's iron hands.

At this time, the red light hanging on the door of the first-aid room quietly went out, and the door opened slowly. With the support of two doctors, Jia Haitao with a livid face appeared in front of everyone.

With her eyes wide open, Jia Feifei jumped into Jia Haitao's arms with joy, and shouted, "Dad, I know you'll be fine!"

Xu Qiyun, who was snuggling in Du Feng's arms, knew that she had been deceived. Thinking of taking medicine to die for love in front of so many people, her cheeks were burning hot with shame, she pinched his waist secretly, and whispered: "Big villain, I... ...I will never let you go!"

"How can dad be in trouble?" Jia Haitao caressed Jia Feifei's smooth hair, winked at Du Feng, and then said to Lin Xiang: "Captain Lin, please give me the medicine bottle."

Lin Xiang didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly handed the plastic bag to Jia Haitao.

Jia Haitao took the plastic bag containing the medicine bottle, strode up to the ashen-faced Ma Xu, sighed heavily, and said, "Ma Xu, I don't listen to any excuses! As long as you dare to take the medicine in the bottle, I will Just believe you are innocent!"

Looking at the medicine bottle in the plastic bag, Ma Xu's face was full of fear, and he shook his head desperately: "Chairman, I...I..."

"Zhong Xiaoming let him go!" Jia Haitao said coldly.

Zhong Xiaoming let go of Ma Xu in response, but did not relax his vigilance at all. He clenched his fists tightly. As long as Ma Xu dares to commit crimes, he must blow his head!

Now that the general situation is over, Ma Xu has been with Jia Haitao all year round, and he knows how powerful he is. False words and sophistry can only lead to death. In front of the police, there is still a chance of survival if he confesses his guilt honestly.

"Chairman, I was wrong! I was wrong! I was dazzled by jealousy and did this kind of beastly behavior. Please, for my father's sake, please forgive me, forgive me..." Ma Xu knelt in front of Jia Haitao and kowtowed non-stop, making the floor rattle.

Jia Haitao glanced at Ma Xu regretfully. Thinking of his father Ma Tao, he had mixed feelings. He turned to Lin Xiang and said, "Captain Lin, I will leave this matter to you. You will be sentenced as you want, and there will be no mercy!"

Nong Deqiang, who shrank to the side, once again carried forward the style of "grass on the wall", and snapped: "Ma Xu, are such a person! I am really blind..."

"You've been blind for a long time! Go back to the group immediately and pack your things, and get out!" Jia Haitao waved his hand, without looking at Nong Deqiang, and went to the advanced ward to rest accompanied by Jia Feifei and others.

The villain finally obeyed the law, and Du Feng and Xu Qiyun, who were in a happy mood, left Boren Hospital together, and there were already snowflakes flying in the sky outside.

Xu Qiyun tightly held Du Feng's arm, as far as she could see was a vast expanse of whiteness, as if the earth had been dressed in silver, she said happily: "Big villain, I'm hungry!"

"We're going to have dinner now!" Du Feng replied.

"Okay, but I have to punish you!" Xu Qiyun turned to face Du Feng, and said with a smile, "I'll punish you to hug me and walk to the noodle shop last time. I want beef noodles."

"No problem! Also, when you arrive at the noodle shop, you must be the one who holds you in my arms before you can eat!" Du Feng laughed loudly, picked up Xu Qiyun by the waist, stepped on the sidewalk covered with a layer of first snow, and strode towards the noodle shop. go.

(End of this chapter)

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