super manager

Chapter 23 [Thank you brother-in-law! 】

Chapter 23 [Thank you brother-in-law! 】

Du Feng understood that Guo Yan's ability to come to the company to find him was the result of Fang Yongde's betrayal of himself!But now is not the time to pursue responsibility, how to solve the big trouble in front of me is the real business!

He quickly calmed down, calmed down, and said with a smile: "Okay, the joke is over. Tell me, what can you do with me?"

Guo Yan took out a bottle of sports drink from Adi's backpack on her shoulder, unscrewed the cap, drank a few sips, and said with a sweet smile: "Brother-in-law... Cough, Du Feng, I came to you because I have something to ask you help."

"Let's hear it." Du Feng clasped his hands and put them on the desk, keeping a gentle smile on his face.

Guo Yan said without a trace of shyness: "It's like this. I'm on summer vacation now. There's still about a month to go to class. I want to take advantage of this vacation to work part-time. It can be regarded as accumulating some practical experience and earning some tuition fees by the way. .I saw your company's advertisement for recruiting salesmen. It just so happens that Fang Yongde said that you are the manager of the sales department in this company, so I came to find you to apply for the job."

Just looking for yourself for this matter?It's definitely not that simple!After a while, Du Feng made up his mind and asked with a smile, "If I remember correctly, you are studying at the Department of Physical Education of Huahai Normal University?"

"Yes!" Guo Yan replied quickly.

"It's a pity that your major has nothing to do with the majors required by our company. I think you should use this vacation to travel and appreciate the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. Or, take part in more sports activities. For example, play badminton , Go swimming, go climbing, these will help you even more." After saying this, Du Feng immediately saw Guo Yan lose his smile.

Guo Yan bit her lip, grabbed her backpack with both hands, stood up abruptly, and asked, "You are underestimating people again! Didn't you underestimate me in the last alliance operation? I was robbed in the first action." Package!"

"It can't be compared. Being a salesman is far more complicated than catching a thief. Not only does one need to have relevant business knowledge, but also to have a certain network of contacts and skilled sales skills. Even psychology must be involved... "

"Don't make simple things so complicated!" Guo Yan waved her small hand, stared at Du Feng, and retorted loudly: "Isn't it just to sell something! You haven't tried it, how do you know I can't do it? I heard... …The manager of the sales department of your company is a library majored in the information management department of Haihua University! According to his major, he should stay in the library honestly!"

Du Feng didn't get angry, but instead smiled.It seems that this Guo Yan has investigated herself very clearly!Stern rejection?I'm afraid the tricks played next time will be even more unbelievable!
"Okay, I'll give you a chance." Du Feng took out a folder from the drawer, got up halfway and handed it to Guo Yan: "Look at it first, and then we'll talk after reading it."

"No, I'll talk while looking at you!" Guo Yan took the folder and replied angrily.

"The salespersons hired by our company generally have a three-month probationary period. During the probationary period, the monthly minimum salary is 800 yuan. Because you are a student, you will be automatically paid before the three-month probationary period expires. Resignation, this kind of situation is not allowed by the company, and it is impossible to sign an employment contract. And..."

"Du Feng! After all, you still don't want me, do you?!" Guo Yan closed the folder and raised her head, her face full of resentment.

"Can you listen patiently to what I have to say?" Du Feng frowned slightly. This sentence was full of language problems. If he continued, the nervous Guo Yan didn't know what to say!

Du Feng hurriedly explained: "The folder you are holding contains information about the Plaza Hotel. This hotel will officially open at the end of the year, and is currently undergoing interior decoration. They need to purchase a lot of interior decoration for their guest rooms. Utensils. For example, beds, dressers, chairs, round tables, etc. Our company has been planning for a long time and is ready to bid.”

"Oh~~ Do you want me to go to this hotel to promote your company's products?" Guo Yan showed joy on her face, opened the folder, looked through it casually, and said proudly: "No problem! I will do it , isn't this a piece of cake?"

The investor of the Plaza Hotel is Maohua International Investment, which has a strong government background. It is even more difficult to get a share of it.

Guo Yan is just a student at school.One, no connections.Second, there is no professional training.Third, I don't know anything about the company's products.I don't know what advantages I have and what shortcomings I have.Negotiation Skills?There is no way to talk about it.

In a word, she is too immature.Hastily went to the Plaza Hotel to promote?Almost 100% hit the wall!
Du Feng threw the most difficult problem to Guo Yan, just wanting her to quit.But thinking that Guo Yan is a little girl after all, it would be uncomfortable to be looked down upon by others, so she couldn't help reminding gently: "Success is not the most important thing. Don't care too much about success or failure. The key is in the process of sales promotion." Learn how to get along with people in middle school, learn..."

"Du Feng! You underestimated people again without saying a few words!" Guo Yan stuffed the folder directly into her backpack and asked angrily, "What if I successfully sell the company's products?"

"That depends on how far you have discussed with the Plaza Hotel." Du Feng pointed to Guo Yan's backpack, and said with a smile: "If all the rooms of the Plaza Hotel use our company's products, I will make a rough estimate. After a while, it is about 367 million. Calculated based on 5% of the salesperson's commission, your income, I think, is enough to pay for all your expenses during college."

"I'm not talking about money, I just want to..." Guo Yan put her heart on hold, and said solemnly: "If you really let me negotiate. Du Feng, you must promise me one thing!"

Du Feng had already expected that Guo Yan's coming to find him was definitely not as simple as applying for a job!Throwing a big problem to her, can she still confidently make a request?
The last alliance action really underestimated Guo Yan, and the same mistake will never be made again, even if it seems that Guo Yan has no possibility of winning the procurement contract of the Huanya Hotel.However, it is better to be careful.

"What do you promise? It violates my principle of doing things, or it violates..."

"Are you afraid? Don't worry, I won't let you do something outrageous, let alone make it difficult for you! I just want you to do a very simple thing. However, if you are really afraid, refuse does not matter."

"You are aggressive! It's useless to me. However, I still agree to you. However, the final decision on whether to do or not to do what you ask is up to me."

"Then it's settled!"

Guo Yanxi smiled, the purpose of coming was achieved, her pretty face was flushed, full of excitement.

Du Feng secretly sighed, no need to think too much, everything Guo Yan is doing now is for her sister Guo Yan.I just hope that after a series of bumping into walls, she can retreat in spite of the difficulties.

"Before I came to you, I played badminton with my classmates all morning, and I'm so sleepy now." Guo Yan covered her mouth with her hand, yawned, and said, "Du Feng, you are my sister's classmate! As for us, we are comrades-in-arms of the anti-pickup alliance again. I will not see you, give me the key to your house, and I will go to your house to lie down for a while."

"Go to my house?!" No matter how calm Du Feng was, he couldn't help standing up at this moment.

"That's right! The place where you live is less than 5 minutes' walk from the company. I'm really sleepy. Don't let me go to your house? Or..." Guo Yan looked around, got up and walked to the sofa, half leaning on the sofa. On the sofa, he smiled and said, "Then, shall I lie here for a while? Call me when you get off work?"

When I was at work, there was a girl lying in my office, and the company employees bumped into her and spread the word, how much criticism would it cause?
"Fang Yongde, Fang Yongde, you really betrayed me completely! You wait for me!" Du Feng cursed secretly, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and took another look at Guo Yan. The feeling of nemesis, dawdling for a long time, reluctantly took out the key from his pocket.

"Say it first! I'm going back from get off work, you have to hand over the key and leave immediately!"

Guo Yan got up very quickly, ran to Du Feng, and grabbed the key: "Stingy! Are you afraid that I will stay at your house and won't leave?"

Holding the key, Guo Yan ran to the back of the office door, opened the door, and did not forget to turn around and give Du Feng a sweet smile: "Thank you brother-in-law!"

(End of this chapter)

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