super manager

Chapter 59 [No scheming]

Chapter 59 [No scheming]

Pointing out to Xu Qiyun that she is Du Feng's first love, Guo Zang then finished the draft, and only waited for Xu Qiyun to sneer and refute immediately, and had a verbal battle with her, but Xu Qiyun was stunned, slowly lowered her head, as if meditating.

"Could it be that ironic people have to think about it for so long? This girl seems to be just relying on her face and figure to win the favor of men!" Guo Yan sighed softly, very disappointed. Du Feng's current girlfriend is nothing more than a decoration It's just a beautiful vase on the door face.

Xu Qiyun thought for a while, then suddenly realized that what she said hurt Guo Yan's heart.

Guo Zan misunderstood Du Feng in high school and lost her true love. After so many years, she can completely forget about this matter and start a new relationship, but her infatuation remains unchanged.On this point, maybe I can't do it myself.She could still violate the discipline of the police force for Du Feng and almost break the law... She has paid so much, but she has never seen her pester Du Feng. She is obviously a very sensible, self-respecting and good girl.

And Du Feng also said to himself that he and her are just friends, nothing more.Even if you don't trust Guo Zan, you have to trust Du Fengcai, he will never be a person who looks like Qin Muchu and changes his mind when he sees differences.

The demonstration-like words to Guo Yan just now were completely carried away by worry and jealousy!Feeling deeply guilty, Xu Qiyun raised her head to face Guo Yan, and said apologetically, "If what I said made you feel uncomfortable, please don't take it to your heart. I'm sorry!"

Guo Zan was astonished. He didn't expect Xu Qiyun to say such a thing, and quickly replied: "No, what you said is the truth, so there is no need to say sorry."

Xu Qiyun was full of smiles, and felt that Guo Zan was quite easy to get along with. If she and Du Feng were just friends in the future, she might as well become good friends with her.

"Sister Guo Zan, have you ever caught a bad guy as a policeman?" Xu Qiyun couldn't help asking seeing Guo Zan was so quiet and not at all like the policeman she imagined.

"Of course!" Guo Yan smiled slightly, and said proudly, "I even grabbed a gangster who resisted with a knife with my bare hands."

"Ah!" Xu Qiyun hurriedly covered her mouth with her little hand, her face full of horror.Soon, panic was replaced by worship, and he asked excitedly, "Sister Guo Zan, can you teach me?"

"Winning the sword with bare hands requires long-term rigorous training and a wealth of actual combat experience. Now I can only teach you some female self-defense techniques." After Guo Yan finished speaking, he looked around the living room and frowned.

"Sister Guo Zan, what's the matter?" Xu Qiyun seemed a little dissatisfied when she saw Guo Zan.

Guo Zan said truthfully: "This is a living room, not suitable for teaching..."

"Are you afraid of falling on me? Or, let's go to Du Feng's room. The Simmons bed can be used as a cushion." Xu Qiyun wanted to learn some women's self-defense skills, so she glanced at the half-closed door and whispered.

Guo Yan nodded helplessly. Hearing Xu Qiyun's tone of voice, it was obvious that he had been to Du Feng's parents' house many times and knew them very well.There was another trace of despair in his heart, and he almost gave up the idea of ​​renewing his relationship with Du Feng.

Entering Du Feng's room, what Guo Zan said didn't involve other aspects, and he taught Xu Qiyun the art of self-defense for women carefully and meticulously.Teach patiently, learn carefully, in less than 10 minutes, Xu Qiyun has initially mastered a few of the most practical moves.

At the end, Guo Yan explained the essentials of the movements, the precautions, and corrected Xu Qiyun's small mistakes, and said: "You are very smart, you can learn it as soon as you learn it. It is still blunt now, practice more when you have time, and you will become proficient. However, I think that with Du Feng by your side every day, the self-defense skills you learned may not be needed, at most, at most, you can guard against Du Feng, a wolf."

What Guo Zan said at the end was ambiguous, which made Xu Qiyun very embarrassed, and she lost her guard against her.

Xu Qiyun and Guo Yan sat side by side by the bed, and after some interaction, the grievances between the two seemed to evaporate.

"After lunch, shall we go shopping together? I haven't gone shopping in a mall for a long time, and I want to buy some seasonal clothes." Guo Yan asked with a smile.

"Okay! I haven't gone shopping for a long time." Xu Qiyun suddenly blushed, and said uneasily: "If shopping... forget it, I'll just accompany you. The company hasn't paid wages yet, and I'm almost out of money , and now I still owe Du Feng more than 600 yuan."

Guo Yan almost laughed out loud, how could this Xu Qiyun even say such things?Don't you care about face at all?
"How about I borrow it first..."

"Don't! Don't!" Xu Qiyun waved her hands again and again, and then thought of the bank card that Jia Feifei gave before going abroad. Although the money in the card has already been used up, but when you are in short supply, you can withdraw some money from Jia Feifei first. After the salary is paid, it will be refunded to the card, and when she returns to the country, the card will be returned to her, won't it be enough?
Thinking of this, Xu Qiyun beamed with joy, and said with a smile, "I have a solution. Let's go shopping after dinner, and I have to buy some clothes for autumn."

Guo Zan nodded, took a look at Xu Qiyun, and felt that this girl is really rare, she has no scheming at all, her emotions are all written on her face, and she can say whatever she thinks in her heart!
"Qiyun, come and help Auntie serve the dishes, dinner will be served right away." Jia Lanying came out of the kitchen with two dishes in both hands and came to the living room. Seeing that the living room was empty, she glanced at Du Feng's room, where Xu Qiyun and Guo Jian were sitting on the bed , talking and laughing happily.

"I'll help auntie, we'll leave after dinner." Xu Qiyun hurriedly got up and ran to the kitchen.

Guo Zan let out a breath, got up and walked out of Du Feng's room slowly, stood at the door, but couldn't help turning around to look inside.

"This is my son Du Feng's house. He comes back once a week, so he rarely stays here overnight." Jia Lanying walked behind Guo Zan, looked at her frail figure, filled her heart with love and compassion, and said with concern: "Guo Zan, you are very weak." Too weak, auntie stewed chicken soup, I will drink a few more bowls later."

"Thank you, Auntie!" Guo Yan turned around and hurriedly replied.

"Guo Yan, go to the study and ask your father and the others to come out and prepare dinner." Jia Lanying had a loving face, thinking that Du Feng didn't come back when the house was so lively today, she felt a little resentful: "I'll call Du Feng and let him Come back! You and Du Feng are classmates in high school, and old classmates should have something to say when they meet, so you should have a good chat. Du Feng's father mentioned it to me casually before. Auntie remembered it when she was cooking in the kitchen."

Guo Yan was in a hurry, and hurriedly persuaded: "Auntie, I don't think you need to bother Du Feng. He should be on business, and I'm afraid he won't be back for a while. I... just talk to him when I have a reunion with his classmates. "

"What business can he have? I'll make a call and remind you." Jia Lanying walked quickly to the sofa, picked up the phone on the small square table, and dialed Du Feng's cell phone.

As soon as the phone call was made, before Jia Lanying could speak, Du Feng's impatient voice came out: "Mom, don't rush me, I'm busy! I'll come back at night, I'm fine and hang up!"

"There are guests at home, can you come back for lunch as soon as possible?" Jia Lanying glanced at Guo Zan, who was extremely disturbed, and said, "This is your high school classmate, her name is Guo Zan. Guo Zan came to our house with her father." , his father and your father are still friends for many years..."

There was a muffled 'bang' from the other end of the phone, which seemed to be the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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