super manager

Chapter 68 [Something Happened]

Chapter 68 [Something Happened]

The next day, at dawn, Du Feng and Xu Qiyun bid farewell to the reluctant Aunt and Uncle Qin, and returned to Huahai City with a lot of local specialties.

At the appointed time, he drove the car directly downstairs to Fang Yongde's house, returned the car, came to the street, and hailed a taxi to return to his residence, just after nine o'clock.

"Du Feng, I think it's a pity." Xu Qiyun stood in front of the dining table in the living room, looking at the souvenirs on the table, with a regretful expression on her face.

"What a pity?" Du Feng, who was packing his luggage in the bedroom, asked loudly.

Xu Qiyun sighed softly, and said, "We went to Qingxia Town, but we didn't bring a camera with us. We should take some photos of such a beautiful scenery."

"What's the pity?" Du Feng walked out of the bedroom slowly, walked to Xu Qiyun's side, and said, "After a while, I guess I have to go to Qingxia Town, and I may have to stay for about four or five days. When the time comes, we can go together.”

On the way back, Xu Qiyun heard from Du Feng that she wanted to help Qingxia Town contact the wood processing factory, and she could go to Qingxia Town in the name of work, but after all, it was Du Feng's work need.

"Hmph, you're fine, you can run out for any reason you want. I'm in the administrative class, so can I go out casually?"

Du Feng chuckled: "It's not easy, just let President Yan go together?"

"President Yan can go too?" Xu Qiyun was stunned, and was about to ask, when a mobile phone rang in the living room.

"I'll answer the call first." Du Feng walked to the sofa, picked up the mobile phone on the sofa, and when he saw the caller ID, he quickly pressed the call button.

"Du Feng, where are you now?" Wang Yuan asked anxiously.

"Just returned to the residence, what's the matter?" Du Feng frowned, Wang Yuan usually seldom called him, and judging from his tone of voice, it seemed that something serious had happened.

"Okay, you come to the company...forget it, I'll go to your residence to find you." Wang Yuan hung up the phone before Du Feng could say anything else.

Xu Qiyun looked suspicious, walked up to Du Feng, and asked, "What's wrong? Who's calling?"

"Wang Yuan." Du Feng frowned, and slowly sat down on the sofa: "Judging from his tone of voice, I think something may have happened to the company!"

"What happened?" Xu Qiyun murmured softly, thinking about what would happen, when the electric bell suddenly rang in the small room.

Du Feng and Xu Qiyun looked into the small room at the same time.

"Who will call my cell phone?" Xu Qiyun was very puzzled, not many people knew her cell phone number, and those who could call must be acquaintances: "I'll answer the phone." After speaking, Xu Qiyun hurried into the small room .

Du Feng sat on the sofa, and soon heard Xu Qiyun's exclamation, and then faintly heard a woman crying from the other end of the phone.

"What happened?!" Du Feng hurriedly got up and walked towards the small room. At this time, Xu Qiyun walked out of the small room while talking on the phone.

Going to Xu Qiyun's side, Du Feng listened carefully, and found that the person calling was actually Yan Xiaoping.

"...Qingsheng is gone, and something happened to Zerui now... Qiyun, big sister doesn't want to live anymore!"

"Sister Yan, don't worry, Du Feng and I will go to your place later. But don't let it get you, Zerui will be fine. Wait for us." Xu Qiyun comforted her urgently.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Qiyun's eyes were red, and she grabbed Du Feng's hand: "Du Feng, Mr. Yan's son, Chen Zerui has been kidnapped!"

"Zerui was kidnapped?!" Du Feng was quite surprised, and was about to ask, when there was a hasty knock on the door.

"It's Wang Yuan. I'll open the door first." Du Feng patted Xu Qiyun, and hurried to the door, opened the door and saw Wang Yuan standing at the door, sweating profusely, with his hands leaning against the wall, panting.

Du Feng grabbed Wang Yuan's arm and asked, "Old Wang, what's going on? Did something happen to Mr. Yan's child?"

Wang Yuan panted heavily, and after a while, he said anxiously, "Yes! Du Feng, President Yan's child, was... kidnapped!"

Half an hour later, Wang Yuan drove Du Feng and Xu Qiyun to Jingsheng Guangyuan Community where Yan Xiaoping lived.

In the car, Du Feng and Xu Qiyun listened to Wang Yuan briefly explain what happened...

After Yan Xiaoping got off work yesterday afternoon, when she returned home, she saw that the nanny and her son Chen Zerui were not at home.At that time, I didn't worry about it, I just thought that the nanny took Chen Zerui to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, or to play in the playground in the community.But at 06:30, he still didn't come back, so he called the nanny's cell phone.However, the nanny's cell phone was turned off!At this moment, Yan Xiaoping panicked, went downstairs and searched all over the community but did not find the nanny. She asked the security of the community, and only then did she know that the nanny took Chen Zerui out of the community around three o'clock in the afternoon.

Yan Xiaoping was terrified. She drove around the neighborhood and searched for places where the nanny might go, but she couldn't find it. Thinking of her husband Chen Qingsheng's confession before his death, she needed to find Wang Yuan urgently, so she called Wang Yuan immediately.

The mature and prudent Wang Yuan rushed over when he received the call, and first asked about the nanny's situation.This nanny was hired by Yan Xiaoping from a formal housekeeping company. Her surname was Zhang, and her name was Zhang Chunmei. She was 35 years old and was honest and responsible.Yan Xiaoping paid an extra 200 yuan a month before grabbing it from another client.

During the trial period, Yan Xiaoping paid extra attention to her son's safety. Once, she deliberately put 1 yuan in cash under the sofa. Zhang Chunmei found out after cleaning and did not keep it for herself, so she immediately tapped Yan Xiaoping's cell phone.This behavior won Yan Xiaoping's trust in Zhang Chunmei.In the next half a month or so, Zhang Chunmei knew that Chen Zerui had lost her father at such a young age, so she doted on him very much, and even spent her own money to buy snacks for Chen Zerui.

It is unlikely that Zhang Chunmei kidnapped Chen Zerui and ran away. It is estimated that the two were kidnapped together.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Zhang Chunmei still couldn't get through to her mobile phone, and she couldn't see her taking Chen Zerui home, so she had to call 110 to call the police.

After parking the car, Wang Yuan led Du Feng and Xu Qiyun to Room 1203, Building F, in front of Yan Xiaoping's house. After knocking on the door, a handsome man in his thirties opened the door.

"Captain Lin, this is Du Feng, the sales manager of our company, and this is Xu Qiyun, assistant to President Yan." Wang Yuan introduced to the man who opened the door.

"Lin Xiang, Deputy Chief of the Municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade." Lin Xiang had a serious face. After introducing himself, he turned sideways to let Wang Yuan and others enter the room.

Entering the living room, Du Feng saw at a glance several strange men sitting in the living room, they should be plainclothes criminal police officers, one of them was guarding the landline, and there were bursts of heart-piercing crying in the bedroom.

"I'll go in and see Mr. Yan first." After Xu Qiyun finished speaking to Du Feng, she hurried to the bedroom where the crying sound came from.

Du Feng frowned, a little dissatisfied with the police's handling of the case, are you sure it's kidnapping?The kidnappers called and demanded a ransom?With so many plainclothes criminal policemen suddenly appearing at home, aren't you afraid to startle them? ...

"Excuse me, Captain Lin. The nanny did not bring Chen Zerui home. Has anyone called to ask for a ransom? Can you confirm that it is a kidnapping case now?" Du Feng said frankly the doubts in his heart.

Lin Xiang smiled and said: "According to our police's experience in handling cases, the possibility of nanny Zhang Chunmei abducting Chen Zerui has not been ruled out. There have been many such cases. Although no one has called to ask for a ransom, of course it cannot be ruled out that the kidnapper kidnapped her." .Our police have prepared various countermeasures, and Manager Laudu will not bother."

"Oh." Du Feng nodded. It seemed that the police were very confident about the case, so they settled down and were about to go to Yan Xiaoping's bedroom when Lin Xiang stopped him.

"Manager Du, if you don't mind, can you cooperate and tell me about the places you have been to these few days?"

Du Feng was stunned for a moment, and met Lin Xiang's sharp gaze, only to think why he was hostile to him?
(End of this chapter)

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