super manager

Chapter 83 [Trust]

Chapter 83 [Trust]

"Explanation?!" Du Feng glanced at Ma Xu with a cold face, and said calmly, "Zhang Yuxin, she looks exactly the same as my late wife Qin Yue! Are you satisfied with this explanation?"

Hearing this, Ma Xu was dumbfounded, staring straight at Du Feng, and while smoking a cigarette, asked word by word: "Du Feng, you don't have any thoughts about Yu Xin, do you? "

This sentence fully exposed Ma Xu's narrow-minded nature. Du Feng raised his head and looked up at the starry night sky. The villain's difficult role.

"It's almost ten o'clock. I have to go first, my wife Xu Qiyun is still waiting for me stupidly!" Du Feng patted Ma Xu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "This weekend, Qiyun and I will treat you to dinner!"

Watching Du Feng stop a taxi and disappear from sight, Ma Xu still couldn't let go, and the corner of his mouth raised into a sneer.

It was almost midnight when Du Feng picked up Xu Qiyun from her parents' house in Century Jiayuan and returned to her residence.

After Xu Qiyun finished washing in the bathroom, she came out with the washing basket and saw Du Feng sitting on the sofa with her head bowed, not intending to change clothes and go to sleep. She walked up to him, put the basket on the small long table, and asked softly: "Why don't you go change your clothes? It's already late, and you have to go to work tomorrow."

Du Feng looked at Xu Qiyun. She had an innocent smile on her face. She really didn't want to hide the fact that she met Zhang Yuxin, who looked exactly like Qin Yue, and she couldn't hide it. Knowing Ma Xu, he would find a chance to hide it sooner or later. Zhang Yuxin brought it to Xu Qiyun!
"Tonight, after eating with Ma Xu, I went to a fashion show." Du Feng let out a breath, trying to make himself look more natural.

Xu Qiyun had a puzzled expression on her face, and felt a little uneasy. Du Feng picked her up so late and rarely spoke on the way back. Could it be that something unpleasant happened?
"What kind of fashion show?" Xu Qiyun asked tentatively.

"Formal, a small brand's autumn fashion show. It was Ma Xu who took me to see it. He fell in love with a model..."

"Huh? Does this model look good?"

"have you seen."

"I have seen?"

Du Feng was silent for a moment, then said calmly: "This model is called Zhang Yuxin, and she looks exactly like Qin Yue."

The most worrying thing still happened!
In an instant, Xu Qiyun's face was pale, her eyes were wide open, and she stared at Du Feng blankly. Didn't she think that he really had the luck of winning 500 million?For some reason, when I saw that girl in Pacific Department Store, I felt that I would meet again sooner or later. Is this an inescapable fate?
Without asking anything, Xu Qiyun got up silently, walked to the small room, and closed the door behind her.

"Qiyun..." Du Feng was confused by Xu Qiyun's actions. He didn't know why she had such a reaction. After thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong. Misunderstanding hurts feelings very much. I have a deep understanding!Since misunderstandings can be avoided, we must make it clear.

Without too much hesitation, Du Feng got up and walked to the small room, pushed open the half-covered door, and entered the small room, only to see Xu Qiyun sitting on the bed, holding the half-used notepad that he was very familiar with, Look down.

"Qiyun?" Du Feng walked up to him, squatted down, and looked up at Xu Qiyun. She actually burst into tears!Soon, crystal clear tears slid down the cheeks, blooming drop by drop on the notepad.

Xu Qiyun hastily wiped away the tears that dripped on the notepad, leaving behind black ink stains.

"Why are you crying?" Du Feng's heart was cut like a knife, holding Xu Qiyun's cheeks with both hands, and gently wiping the teardrops gushing from the corners of her eyes with his thumbs.

Xu Qiyun's eyes were dim with tears, she held the notepad tightly in her hands, and said with sobs, " finally found and found that female penguin."

"Female penguin?!" Du Feng was stunned, and immediately thought of the short penguin video that he had mentioned. He couldn't laugh or cry. So this is what Xu Qiyun was worried about?
Du Feng sat on the bed, hugged Xu Qiyun gently, and asked with a smile: "Are you afraid that I will see a girl who looks exactly like Qin Yue, so I don't want you, a stupid female penguin?"

"You're the stupid penguin!" Xu Qiyun was ashamed when her mind was exposed, and from what Du Feng said, she didn't have any thoughts just because she met the girl named Zhang Yuxin?
But Du Feng suddenly remembered that the last time Xu Qiyun visited Pacific Department Store's abnormal behavior, and afterwards tried her best to cover it up and fabricate lies. Could it be that she ran into Zhang Yuxin last time?
"Qiyun, tell me the truth, you've seen this girl named Zhang Yuxin before, when you were shopping at Pacific Department Store?"

"En!" Xu Qiyun nodded, there was no need to hide it now.

Holding Xu Qiyun's hands felt icy cold, Du Feng sighed and shook his head again and again, and asked seriously: "Qiyun, do you believe me?"

"Believe it!" Xu Qiyun nodded solemnly, but quickly continued: "But, but I'm afraid, I'm afraid that when you meet Zhang Yuxin... In your heart, Sister Qin Yue still occupies a very important place. Location."

Du Feng was speechless. Thinking back carefully when he saw Zhang Yuxin, he really forgot everything at that moment, and he was only thinking about Qin Yue.

Taking a deep breath, it seemed that this would dispel the thoughts that shouldn't be there, and the resolute and decisive Du Feng made a choice.

"Qiyun, please forgive me. Indeed, Qin Yue still occupies a certain place in my heart, which I cannot forget. But seeing Zhang Yuxin tonight made me understand one thing."

"What's the matter?" Xu Qiyun's face was pale, and her heart raised her throat.

"No matter how similar they are, what's gone can't be recovered. Qin Yue is Qin Yue, not Zhang Yuxin can replace it." Du Feng supported Xu Qiyun's slender shoulders with both hands, and gently straightened her body: " I cherish what is in front of me and what I have now. Qiyun, please believe me, no matter what happens, I will never leave, I will stay by your side, and I will never do anything to be sorry for you!"

Xu Qiyun's lips were trembling, her eyes were filled with tears, she suddenly threw herself into Du Feng's arms, wrapped her hands around his neck, and burst into tears.The harm caused by her mother Fang Lin's betrayal of her father was a little made up for.At the same time, I deeply understood why I fell in love with this man.

He is sincere and not hypocritical, and he did not fabricate lies to win his trust; he is brave and not cowardly, and when danger comes, he can stand up and protect himself with his life.

Slightly hot tears stained the collar, and it was uncomfortable to cling to the skin. Du Feng patted Xu Qiyun's back with both hands, leaned into her ear and asked softly: "Qiyun, do you blame me? I didn't do it wholeheartedly. I love you unreservedly, and I still miss Qin Yue in my heart."

"I don't blame you!" Xu Qiyun pressed her pretty face close to Du Feng's neck, and said quietly: "If you say that you have completely forgotten Sister Qin Yue, it can only prove that you are a heartless person. Honestly Say what's on your mind, I'm very happy and very happy. This shows that you will treat me very well!"

Du Feng felt warmth in his heart, and hugged Xu Qiyun even tighter.

"Du Feng, since Ma Xu likes Zhang Yuxin, I think you will see her again sooner or later..."

"I try to avoid it as much as possible so as not to cause misunderstandings for everyone."

"That's not what it means!" Xu Qiyun patted Du Feng with both hands, broke free from his embrace, sat up straight and said seriously: "I also want to see Zhang Yuxin, why she looks so much like Sister Qin Yue."

Du Feng was taken aback, and asked with a frown: "Qiyun, you are not afraid that I have more contact with her, so..."

Xu Qiyun rubbed her hands randomly on her face, showing a sweet smile: "I am your wife, I should trust you. If you can't even do this, and there is only suspicion when you are together, then what happiness is there? And I was wrong, I shouldn't have lied to you last time."

(End of this chapter)

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