
Chapter 13 Qi 4

Chapter 13
People in Qi have Feng Chen

The Qi people had Feng Xuan, who was poor and unable to survive on his own, so he belonged to Lord Mengchang and was willing to send food to his family.Lord Mengchang said: "How good is a guest?" Said: "There is nothing good about a guest." Said: "How can a guest?" Also, eat with grass tools.

Living in a while, leaning on a pillar and flicking his sword, he sang: "The long clip has returned! There is no fish to eat." Tell the left and right.Lord Mengchang said: "Eat it, compared to the guests under the door." After a while, he flicked his clip again, and sang: "The long clip is back! There is no car when you go out." Everyone on the left and right laughed at it to tell.Lord Mengchang said: "For him to drive, compared to the carriages and passengers under the door." So, he took his car, uncovered his sword, passed his friend and said: "Mengchang Lord is my guest." After a while, he flicked his sword again, singing: "Long The clip is back! I don’t think I’m home.” Both the left and the right hate it, thinking that they are greedy and not satisfied.Lord Mengchang asked: "Does Feng Gong have any relatives?" He said to him: "There is an old mother."Therefore, Feng Xuan stopped singing.

Later, when Lord Mengchang came out of the record, he asked all the guests under his door: "Who is the master of planning and meeting, and can accept the responsibility for the writing from Xue Hu?" "It's the singer who 'returned with a long clip'." Mr. Meng Chang said with a smile: "The guest is capable, and I bear it. I have never seen it." , but the nature is stupid, concentrating on the affairs of the state, and offending the husband. You are not ashamed, but do you intend to accept the blame from Xue?" Feng Xuan said: "I wish it." So he ordered the car to be loaded, and the bond was signed. OK.The speech said: "After the responsibility has been accepted, what market should I turn against?" Meng Changjun said: "It depends on the few in my family."

Xue was driven away, so that the officials called all the people who should pay, and they all came to combine the coupons.Coupons are all over and together, and they are ordered to give the people a responsibility. Because of burning their coupons, the people call them long live.

Drive to Qi, and ask to see you in the morning.Mr. Mengchang blamed his illness, and when he saw it in his clothes, he said: "Has the responsibility been collected? What is the disease?" Said: "The collection has been completed." "What market will be reversed?" Feng Xuan said: "Jun Yun's view Those who are few in my family'. The ministers steal schemes, the treasures are accumulated in the palace, the dogs and horses are outside the stables, and the beauties fill the Chen. The few in the family are righteous ears! I think the king is righteous." Meng Changjun said: " What is the righteousness of the city?" Said: "Nowadays, the monarch has a mere Xue, and he does not love his son and his people, so he Jia Lizhi. The minister stole the emperor's order to give the people a responsibility. Because of burning his coupons, the people are called long live. This is why the minister is so You are righteous." Mr. Mengchang didn't say anything, but said: "No, sir, stop!"

In the later years, the king of Qi called Mengchangjun and said: "I dare not take the ministers of the former king as ministers." Mengchangjun lived in Xue.Before reaching Baili, the people support the old and the young, and welcome the king.Lord Mengchang said to Feng Chen: "Sir, what you are doing is righteous, I saw it today." Feng Chen said: "The cunning rabbit has three holes, so I can only save its dead ears. Now you have a hole, and you can lie down without a high pillow. Please dig out the second cave for your lord." Lord Mengchang gave a chariot fifty rides and five hundred catties of gold, traveled westward to Liang, and said to King Hui, "Qi release his minister, Lord Mengchang, to the lords, and the lords who greet him first are rich and powerful." Therefore, Liang Wangxu took the position and took the old man as the general; he sent envoys, a thousand catties of gold and a hundred chariots, to hire Meng Changjun.Feng Chen, the forerunner, admonished Lord Mengchang, saying: "Thousands of gold are worth money; hundreds of vehicles are envoys. Let him hear about it." Liang envoys rebelled three times, and Lord Mengchang tried to say goodbye.

King Qi heard of it, and the monarch and ministers were afraid, so he sent the Taifu to give a thousand catties of gold, two Wenche, and one sword, and wrote a letter to thank Meng Changjun, saying: "The widow is unlucky. I was blamed by the ancestral temple. I fell into the flattery. I offended the king. The widow is not enough." For this reason, I hope you will take care of the ancestral temple of the former king, and let the country rule thousands of people!" Feng Xuan warned Lord Mengchang, "May I ask the ancestor's sacrificial vessel to set up the ancestral temple in Xue." When the temple was completed, he also reported to Lord Mengchang: "The three caves have been completed, Aunt Jun is happy to sit back and relax."

Mr. Mengchang has been a prime minister for decades, and there is no misfortune from Xianjie, which is also Feng Chen's plan.

Monarch Meng Chang as his follower

Lord Mengchang is his follower.Gongsun Hong said to Lord Mengchang: "You don't want people to see the king of Qin first. If you want to be the master of the king of Qin, the king is afraid that you will not be a minister, and it will be difficult for you to laugh at me? If you want to be the master of the unworthy king of Qin, it is difficult for the king to obey you." It’s not too late.” Lord Mengchang said: “Good, I hope you will go because of the invitation.” Gong Sunhong: “Regardless.” Qin took ten chariots.

When King Zhao heard about it, he was ashamed to say it.When Gongsun Hong saw it, King Zhao said, "What is the size of Xue Gong's land?" Gongsun Hong said to him, "A hundred miles." King Zhao smiled and said, "I don't dare to think that there is any difficulty in the land of thousands of miles. Today, Lord Mengchang's place is a hundred miles away. , but because you want to make people difficult, is it okay?" Gongsun Hong said to him: "Mengchang is a good man, but the king is not good." Zhao Wang said: "Mengchang is a good man, Xiru?" Gongsun Hong said: "Justice is not a subject to the Son of Heaven, He is not friendly to the princes; he is not ashamed to be the master of others if he has the will, and he is not willing to be a minister if he is not willing to be a man. There are three people who are like this. To govern, you can be the teacher of management and business. The strict master also insults his envoy, retreats and slays himself, and he will stain his clothes with his blood, like ten ministers." Zhao Wang smiled and thanked him and said: "If this is the case, I will talk to the guest directly! I am kind to Meng Changjun, If you want a guest, you must inform the widow of your ambition." Gongsun Hong said: "Respect."

Gongsun Hong can be said to be invincible.King Zhao is a great country; Mengchang is also a thousand chariots.It can be said that it is enough to set up a thousand chariots without a mausoleum.

Lu Zhonglian called Meng Chang
Lu Zhonglian said to Mengchang: "You are also a good scholar. Yongmen also raises peppers, and Yang raises sons. The diet, clothing and fur are the same as it, and they all die. Today, the ruler's family is richer than the second prince, but the scholars are not. There are those who do their best for the king." The king said: "Writing can't be due to two people. Is it possible that the writing can be done by two people?" Confrontation: "The king's stables and horses are all embroidered. Those who eat bean and millet, how can there be Qilin and 騤 ears? The ten concubines in the harem all wear onyx and rice, and eat beams and meat. How can there be Maoyan and Xishi? Color and horses are taken from the present world, why should scholars wait for the past? Well? Therefore, it is said: 'You are not yet a good scholar.'”

Monarch Mengchang chased after Qi and turned back

Lord Mengchang chased after Qi and turned back to Tan Shizi to welcome him to the border, saying that Lord Mengchang said: "You have nothing to blame Qi scholars and officials?" Lord Mengchang said: "Yes." "Are you satisfied with killing?" Lord Mengchang said: "Of course "Tan Shizi said: "Things must come, and the reason is certain, do you know it?" Meng Changjun said: "I don't know." Tan Shizi said: "Those who have things must come, die; If you are poor and lowly, you will go. This matter must come, and it is a matter of course. Please tell the city: the city will be full in the morning, and empty in the evening. May you not complain." Lord Mengchang took the five hundred ultimatums he complained about and cut them off, not daring to say anything.

King Xuan of Qi meets Yan Cheng
When King Xuan of Qi saw Yan Cheng, he said, "Qiqian!" Chu also said, "Qiqian!" King Xuan was not pleased.The left and the right said: "The king is also a ruler; Yu is a minister; the king said 'Kuqian', but also 'Wangqian', is it possible?" Chu said to him: "The husband's front is for admiration, and the king's front is for trend. Scholars; it is better to let the king be the trend than to let the king be the trend." The king said angrily: "Is the king valuable, is the scholar expensive?" Confronted: "The scholar is valuable, but the king is not expensive." The king said: "There is a saying. Huh?" Kyu said: "Yes. In the past, when Qin attacked Qi, the order said: "Anyone who dares to go fifty steps to Liuxiaji Ridge and collect firewood will not be pardoned." The order said: "Anyone who can win the head of the king of Qi, Enfeoff ten thousand households, and bestow a thousand yi of gold.' From this point of view, the head of a living king was not as good as the ridge of a dead man." King Xuan was silently displeased.

Both left and right said: "Come here! Come here! Your Majesty built a thousand stone bells and ten thousand stone girdles according to the land of Qiancheng; all the people in the world, benevolent and righteous, all come to serve the place; discern and advance, and everyone will come to speak; East, west, north, south, and north will not dare to disobey. ; Seek that all things are not equipped, and all things are attached to each other. Today, the high-ranking men and women are called ordinary people, and they live in the farmland on foot, while the low-level ones are despicable and in the prison gate. The lowness of scholars is also very low!"

Kyu said to him: "Otherwise, Kyu heard that at the time of the ancient Yu, there were princes and nations. What is it? The way of virtue is obtained, and the power of the nobles is also. Therefore, Shun raised the farm and came out of the savages, and became the son of heaven. And Tang Zhi At that time, there were three thousand feudal lords. In today's world, those who are called widows in the south are 24. From this point of view, it is not a strategy of gain or loss? When you are killed a little, and there is no family, if you want to be a prison gate, you can get it safely. Excuse me? That's why "Yi Zhuan" doesn't say: "If you are in a superior position and you don't get the truth, those who take pleasure in it as a name must act with arrogance and extravagance; if you are arrogant and extravagant, you will be fierce." Those whose name is cut off; those who have no virtue but look forward to their blessings; In fact, there are also those who are virtuous. It is because Yao has nine assistants, Shun has seven friends, Yu has five ministers, and Tang has three assistants. From ancient times to the present, there is no one who can achieve fame in the world. Therefore, the king has no shame to ask urgently, and he is worthy of his subordinates. Learning. It is the one who achieves his morality and promotes his fame to later generations, such as Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, and King Wen of Zhou. Therefore, it is said: "The invisible is the king of form; the unprovoked is the root of things." Husband Seeing its origin at the top, following its currents at the bottom, so that the sages understand the learning, why not auspicious? Lao Tzu said: "Although it is expensive, it must be based on lowliness, and even though it is high, it must be based on the bottom. This is why princes and kings are called lonely, widowed, and not humble. , It is the root of its lowliness, 'Is it not a husband? The lonely and widowed, the poor and lowly of the people, and the king of the king claims that he is not a servant but a noble man? Husband Yao passed on Shun, Shun passed on Yu, and Zhou Cheng The king is the Duke of Zhou, and the world is called the Lord of Ming, because Ming is very valuable to scholars."

King Xuan said: "Wow, how can a gentleman be insulted! The widow is taking his own troubles. And now I hear the words of a gentleman, but now I hear the deeds of a small person. I would like to accept you as a disciple. And Mr. Yan and the widow will eat too much. Prison, you must take a car when you leave, and your wife's clothes are beautiful."

Yan Cheng resigned, saying: "Fuyu was born on the mountain, and the system will be broken; it is not precious, but it is not complete. Scholars are born in the wild, and they will be rewarded if they are selected; if they are not respected, they will not be complete in form and spirit. If you want to return home, eat dinner as meat, walk as a car, be innocent as valuable, and be quiet and chaste as your own danger. The king who makes the words is the king; the one who speaks the truth is the king. The key words are ready. , I hope to be rewarded and return, and go in peace and rebel against the eunuchs of the ministers!" Then he bowed again and resigned.

It is enough to know that, if you return to counterattack, you will not be humiliated for life.

Mr. Wang Dou made a gate and wanted to see King Xuan of Qi
Mr. Wang Dou built a gate and wanted to see King Xuan of Qi, and King Xuan envoyed the visitor to enter.Wang Dou said: "When Dou tends to see the king, it is a good situation; when the king tends to see Dou, he is a good soldier. How about the king?" The envoy returned the report.The king said: "Mr. Xu Zhi, please follow me." King Xuan greeted him at the door because he was approaching, and entered.Said: "The widow worships the ancestral temple of the ancestor and guards the country. Mr. Wen speaks out and speaks out." Wang Dou said to him: "The king has heard of it. Dou was born in a troubled world, and he was in trouble with the emperor. How dare he speak up and speak out?" Xuan Wang said angrily. Let alone color.

For a while, Wang Dou said: "In the past, the one who was favored by the Duke Huan. Nine princes joined together, and the world was ruled by one. The emperor accepted his nationality and made him uncle. Today there are four kings." King Xuan said, "The widow is stupid, and he keeps the order. The country is afraid of losing it, how can there be four?" Wang Dou said: "No. The first king liked horses, and the king liked horses; the first king loved dogs, and the king liked dogs; the first king liked wine, and the king also liked wine. "The former king was lustful, and the king was also lustful; the former king loved scholars, but the king did not like scholars." King Xuan said: "In today's world, there are no scholars, so how can I be a widow?" The four are ready; there are no Dong Guojun and Lu's dogs in the world, and the king's lackeys are ready; there are no Maoqiang and Xi Shi in the world, and the palace is full. The king is not good at scholars, so why worry about having no scholars?" The king said: "The widow is concerned about the country and loves the people, and I am determined to get scholars to rule them." Wang Dou said: "The king's concern for the country and love for the people is not as good as the king's love for the ruler." Wang said: "What do you mean?" Wang Dou said: "The king makes people behave The crown, if you don’t use the left and right, you can open it up, but what’s the matter with the workers? It’s because it’s capable. Today’s king governs Qi, and if you don’t use the left and right, you can open it up without envoys. The minister said, “It’s not as good as loving the ruler.”

King Xuan thanked and said: "The widow is guilty of the country." So five scholars were appointed as officials, and the Qi State was ruled.

The envoy of King Qi asked Queen Zhao Wei

The king of Qi sent an envoy to ask Queen Zhao Wei.Before the book was published, Empress Wei asked the envoy, "Is the year safe? Are the people safe? The king is also safe?" The envoy didn't say anything, but said, "I'm here to ask the king, but the age and the people first. Is it the one who is humble first and then honorable?" Wei Hou said: "Otherwise, if you have no age, how can there be people? If you have no people, how can there be a king? Therefore, there are people who ask about the end and ask about the end?"

Then he asked further: "There is a scholar in Qi called Zhong Ion, is he safe? It is because he is a human being. Those who have food will eat, and those who have no food will also eat; those who have clothes will also wear clothes, and those who have no clothes will also wear clothes. It is to help the king to support him." The people, why are they still unemployed? Ye Yangzi is safe? It’s because he is a man, mourning for widows, sympathizing with loneliness, helping the poor, and making up for the shortage. He is the one who helps the king and the people, why is he still unemployed? Are the daughters and babies of the palace safe? They are completely encircled, and they will not marry until they are old, so as to support their parents. They all lead the people out of filial piety. Hu Wei has not yet ruled? These two scholars have no career, and one daughter does not In the dynasty, why is the king of Qi and his sons and people? Does Yu Lingzi still exist? It is a man who does not submit to the king, does not rule his family at the bottom, and does not ask the princes in the middle. He who leads the people out of uselessness, why is it so far? Don't kill me?"

Qi Wang sees Tian Pian

The king of Qi saw Tian Pian and said, "Mr. Wen made a high opinion that he is not an official, but is willing to be a servant." "What do you mean?" Confrontation: "The daughter of the minister and neighbor is assumed not to marry. She is thirty years old and has seven sons. If she does not marry, she will not marry, but she will be married. Today, the husband is not an eunuch, and she will raise her." Thousands of bells, hundreds of disciples. If you are not an official, you will be fine, but you will be rich if you are too rich." Tian Zici.

Guan Yan offended King Qi
Guan Yan offended the king of Qi, saying that his left and right said: "Which one of you will go to the princes with me?"Guan Yan burst into tears and said: "Sorrowful husband, how easy it is to get a scholar but so difficult to use!" Tian Xu said to him: "A scholar can't eat three meals, but the king's goose and owl have more to eat; go to the palace to mix Luowan, drag Qiqi But scholars can’t be predestined. Moreover, what the rich think less of the king, and the dead think more of the scholar, and the king refuses to take the light of the scholar, but blames the gentleman to serve the king with the most important.

Su Qin from Yan Zhiqi
Su Qin came from the Qi State of Yan and was seen at the South Gate of Huazhang.The king of Qi said: "Hey, the son is here! Qin sent Wei Ran to the emperor, what do you think the son is like?" He said to him: "The king asked the minister to die. But the trouble is from the living. If you don't listen now, you hate it. Qin also; listen to it, you hate the world. It is better to listen to it as the death of Qin, and don’t call it the world. Qin calls it, the world listens to it, and the king also calls it. The succession of the emperor’s name is harmless; Qin Call it, but the world does not listen to it, and the king should not call it because of it, and it will take over the world. This is also a big capital."

Su Qin called Qi Wang

Su Qin called King Qi and said: "Qi and Qin are established as two emperors, and the king regards the world as respecting Qin? Do you respect Qi?" The king said: "Respect Qin." "Shidi, the world loves Qi and Qin Huh?" The king said: "Love Qi and hate Qin." "The two emperors set up an agreement to defeat Zhao, which one will benefit from defeating Song?" Confrontation said: "My husband is about to be emperor with Qin, but the world only respects Qin and despises Qi. "Qi Shidi, the world loves Qi and hates Qin; cutting Zhao is not as good as cutting Song. Therefore, I wish Wang Ming Shidi, so that the world can be conquered; make an appointment to marry Qin, and don't make it more important; and the king will promote Song in the meantime. Husband has In the Song Dynasty, the Yang city of Wei was in danger; if there was Huaibei, the eastern country of Chu was in danger; if there was Jixi, the east of Zhao was in danger; The matter is that the state is important and the name is respected. Yan and Chu subdue it with form, and the world dare not refuse to listen. This is also the act of Tang and Wu. Respect Qin for the name, and then make the world hate it. This is the so-called "be humble and respectful" .May the king consider it carefully."

(End of this chapter)

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