
Chapter 29 Wei 1

Chapter 29 Wei Yi (1)
Wei Huanzi
Knowing Bo Suo's land is from Wei Huanzi, Wei Huanzi Fuyu.Ren Zhang said: "Why don't you give it?" Huanzi said: "There is no reason to ask for land, so I don't give it." Ren Zhang said: "If you claim land without reason, the neighboring countries will be afraid; if you want to be insatiable, the world will be afraid. You give it to me. In the land, the Boss of Zhi must be robbed. To belittle the enemy is to belittle the enemy, and the neighbors are afraid and go on blind dates. With the soldiers of the blind date, treat the country that underestimates the enemy, and the life of the cleric will not last long! "Book of Zhou" says: "If you want to defeat it, you must help it If you want to take it, you must give it to you.' It’s better to give it to you, to know your brother with pride. How can you explain the family by the world, but only by my country as the quality of the family?” The king said: “Good. "It is the city of ten thousand families with it.Zhi Boda said.Because of Suo Cai and Gao Liang in Zhao, Zhao Fuyu, because of besieging Jinyang.Han and Wei turned against the outside, and the Zhao family responded to the inside, and the Zhi family died.

Han Zhao Xiangnan
It is difficult for Han and Zhao to meet each other.Han Suobing said to Wei: "I would like to borrow my teacher to attack Zhao." Wei Wenhou said: "I dare not follow Brother Zhao." Dare to follow." The two countries were not allowed to fight, and turned back in anger.I already know that Marquis Wen used to speak to himself, and they all went to Wei.

Le Yang attacked Zhongshan for Wei general
Leyang attacked Zhongshan for Wei general.His son was in Zhongshan, and the king of Zhongshan cooked his son and left the soup. Le Yang sat under the curtain and sipped it, filling a cup.Marquis Wen said that seeing his teacher Zan said: "Le Yang eats the meat of his son because of me." Zan said to him: "I still eat the meat of his son, who would not eat it!" Appreciate his achievements and doubt his heart.

Ximen Leopard for Ye Ling
Ximen Leopard is the order of Ye, and he resigns from Marquis Wen of Wei.Marquis Wen said: "When the son is gone, he must be named after his merits." Ximen Leopard said: "If you dare to ask, is there a way to become famous because of merit?" Marquis Wen said: "There is. First sit down, and the scholars come in and ask the virtuous and virtuous scholars to teach them, and ask for those who are good at concealing the beauty of others and exaggerating the ugliness of others, and then test them. Husbands and things are more similar than others. It is also like a grain of grass, the yellow of a liniu is also like a tiger, the white bones are suspicious, and a warrior is like jade, all of these are similar but not."

Marquis Wen and the People of Yu Qi Hunting

Marquis Wen and the people of Yu are looking forward to hunting.It's a day for drinking and fun, and it's raining.Marquis Wen was about to go out, and he said to the left and right: "Drinking is fun today, and the sky is raining again, what will the general do?" Let it go.Wei was so strong.

Wei Wenhou and Tian Zifang drank wine and had fun

Wei Wenhou and Tian Zifang drank and had fun.Wen Hou said: "The sound of the bell is incomparable, the left is higher." Tian Zifang laughed.Marquis Wen said, "Laugh?" Zifang said, "I heard it, and if you know the king, you will enjoy the officials, and if you don't understand, you will enjoy the music. Now the king speaks to the voice, and the minister is afraid that the king will be deaf to the officials." Wen Hou said: "Good , respectful orders."

Marquis Wu of Wei and other great officials floated in the West River

Marquis Wu of Wei and other great officials floated in the West River.Said: "The dangers of rivers and mountains, don't you also believe it!" Wang Zhong served the king and said: "This is the reason why Jin is strong. If you cultivate it well, you will have the karma of overlord." Wu Qi said to him: "My lord His words are dangerous to the way of the country; and the son is attached to it, which is dangerous." Marquis Wu said angrily, "Is there anything you can say about the son's words?"

Wu Qi said to him: "The dangers of rivers and mountains cannot be guaranteed without trust; this is the business of the Bo Wang, and it will not be done from now on. In the past, the residence of the Three Miao, the waves of Pengli on the left, and the water of Dongting on the right, Wenshan to the south and Hengshan to the north. This danger is also due to bad government, and Yu exiled them. In the country of Hu Jie, the Yin of the left Tianmen, and the Yang of the right Tianxi, Lu and Li are in the north, and Yi and Luo are in the south. There is this danger. However, because of bad government, Tang attacked them. In the kingdom of Yin and Zhou, Mengmen was on the left and Zhang and Fu were on the right, with a river in the front and mountains in the back. There is such a danger, but the government was not good, and King Wu attacked it. And the kings The city is not too high, and the people are not too many. However, those who can be merged, the government is evil. From this point of view, the terrain is dangerous and difficult, and Xi is enough to dominate the king!" Marquis Wu said: "Good I have heard the words of the sages today! The administration of Xihe is the son of the special committee."

Uncle Wei is General Wei

Uncle Wei Gongshu was the general of Wei, and he fought against Han and Zhao to the north, and Qin Lezuo.The king of Wei said, welcome the suburbs, and reward the fields with millions of dollars.Gong Shucuo went back, and said goodbye again: "The husband makes the soldiers not collapse, straight and not leaning, and those who pick and choose but not open, this is what Wu Qi taught, and the minister can't do it. The danger of the front pulse shape is determined by the interests and the disadvantages. Prepare, so that the soldiers of the three armies will not be confused, the power of Baning and Cuanxiang is also. The county rewards and punishments are in front, so that the people clearly believe in the latter, and the king knows the law. It is possible to see the enemy. Also. Why is it that Wang Te is the right hand of the minister and does not tire of rewarding the minister? If the minister is meritorious, how can the minister be worthy of it?" The king said: "Good." After asking Wu Qi, he gave 20 yuan of land.Baning and Cuanxiangtian each have [-].

The king said: "Isn't the uncle an elder? He defeated the powerful enemy for the widow, and he did not leave behind the sages, and did not leave traces of the capable men. How can the uncle be useless?" Therefore, he gave Tian 40 and added a million On top of that, make one hundred and 40.Therefore, "Laozi" said: "The sage has no accumulation, and he thinks that others have more; since he wants to give others the more." Uncle Gong should be right.

Uncle Wei's Acne

Wei Gongshu had acne, and King Hui asked him about it.Said: "Uncle Gong's illness can't be concealed, what will be the society?" Uncle Cuo said to him: "There is a royal concubine, Gongsun Martingale, I hope the king will listen to the state affairs. If you can listen, don't use it." Wang Wang Fuying came out and said to the left and right: "Isn't it sad! It's not against the law to say that the widow must listen to the martingale with the affairs of the state because of the sage of the uncle!" In Qin, Duke Xiao accepted it and used it.Qin Guo strengthened day by day, and Wei day by day.This is not the rebellion of the uncle, but the rebellion of King Hui.Those who disobey are troubled, and those who do not disobey are disobedient.

Su Zi spoke of King Wei for Zhao Hecong

Su Zi was the congregation of Zhao, saying that the king of Wei said: "The land of the great king has Honggou, Chen, Runan, Xu, Yan, Kunyang, Shaoling, Wuyang, and Xinzhao in the south; Huai, Ying, Yi, Huang, boiled jujube, sea salt, Wushu; the boundary of the Great Wall in the west; Hewai, Juan, Yan, Yan, and Suanzao in the north, and the area is thousands of miles away. Although the name of the site is small, there was nowhere to graze cattle and horses in Lutian Lushe. The land of the people. There are so many people, so many chariots and horses, and they are constantly traveling day and night. They are indistinguishable from the three armies. The ministers stole the information, and the country of the king is not inferior to Chu. However, the king's diplomacy is strong and the Qin of the tiger and wolf is invaded. In the world, there is a country in trouble, and it is not a disaster. If you take the power of the Qin Dynasty and rob its master, there is no crime more than this. And Wei, the world's powerful country; Serving the Qin Dynasty, he was called the Eastern Fan, built an imperial palace, received a crown and a belt, and shrine to the Spring and Autumn Festival. His ministers are ashamed to be kings.

"I heard that Goujian, king of Yue, had 3000 casualties, and the poultry men were worse than Qiansui; King Wu had 2000 soldiers, and 20 leather chariots, and killed Zhou in the field of pasture. How many soldiers are there? Sincerely can revive Qiwei. Today's eavesdropping The king's soldiers have more than [-] armed forces, [-] million heads, [-] fighters, [-] servants, [-] chariots, and [-] riders. They have passed the Yue King Goujian, and the Wu King is far away. Now they are robbed by Pichen If you want your ministers to serve Qin. Husbands who serve Qin must cut off land and quality. Therefore, the country has survived before the soldiers are used. All ministers who say that they serve Qin are traitors, not loyal ministers. Husbands are ministers and cut off their masters. Zhiyan seeks diplomacy, steals the achievements once and ignores the future, breaks the public house and becomes a private family, coerces the power of Qin from the outside, and robs his master from the inside in order to cede the land, I hope the king will be familiar with it.

"The "Book of Zhou" said: 'If you don't stop, what will you do; if you don't pull out a hair, it will become an axe.' Uncertainty in the past, and serious troubles in the future, what will be done? The king is sincere and listens to his ministers. The six kingdoms follow their relatives and concentrate If we work together, there will be no danger of strengthening Qin. Therefore, the envoys of the king of Zhao in our city offer foolish tricks, and make clear promises, which are ordered by the king." Wei Wang said: "The widow is unworthy, and I have never heard of Mingjiao. The king's edict ordered it, and respected the country."

Zhang Yi said Wei Wang for Qin Lianheng

Zhang Yi, for Qin Lianheng, said that the king of Wei said: "Wei's land is less than a thousand miles away, and the number of dead is less than 30. The land is flat, the princes are connected in all directions, and the roads are well-connected. There are no obstacles from famous mountains and rivers. It is only a hundred miles from Zheng to Liang, and from Chen to Liang. More than two hundred miles. Horses gallop and people rush, and they don't wait to get tired to Liang. The south is connected with Chu, the west is connected with Han, the north is connected with Zhao, and the east is connected with Qi. No less than [-]. The terrain of Wei is the battlefield. Wei Nan is in harmony with Chu but not with Qi, and Qi will attack its east; if the east is with Qi but not Zhao, Zhao will attack its north; If you are not close to Chu, then Chu will attack its south. This is the so-called way of fragmentation.

"Qifu and the princes are servants, to secure the country, honor the master, strengthen the army, and to be famous. Those who follow the whole world are brothers, and punish the white horse to form an alliance on the Huan River, so as to strengthen each other. Husbands and relatives Brother Kun and his parents are still fighting for money and wealth, but they want to rely on deceit and hypocrisy to repeat Su Qin's remaining schemes. If Jiewei takes Jinyang, then Zhao will not be south. If Zhao is not south, Wei will not be north. If Wei is not north, he will follow the way. In Qin, I dare not refuse to listen. Qin and Han are one country, and the death of Wei can establish a beard. The reason why this minister is the king's trouble is also. For the king's plan, there is nothing like serving Qin. When serving Qin, Chu and Han will not dare to move ; Without the troubles of Chu and Han, the king will rest on his pillow, and the country will have no worries.

"Furthermore, what Qin desires is to be weaker than Chu, and whoever can weaken Chu is like Wei. Although Chu has the name of wealth and greatness, it is actually empty; although its soldiers are numerous, they walk easily to the north without daring to fight firmly. Wei's soldiers faced south. Conquer and conquer Chu. The husband loses to Chu and benefits Wei, attacks Chu and adapts to Qin, and blames Anguo from within. This is a good deed. The king does not listen to his ministers, and Qin Jia comes out and goes east. Although he wants to serve Qin, he cannot get it.

(End of this chapter)

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