
Chapter 3 Qin 1

Chapter 3 Qin Yi (1)
Wei Yang died from Wei and entered Qin
Wei Yang died in Wei and entered Qin Dynasty. Duke Xiao thought he was prime minister and granted him the title of "Shangjun".The ruler of Shang ruled the Qin Dynasty, and the laws and regulations were carried out. He was fair and selfless.After the period, the Dao will not pick up relics, the people will not take them rashly, the military revolution will be strong, and the princes will be afraid.However, I am deeply ungrateful, and I especially use the ears of strong obedience.During the eight years of Xiao Gong's trip, he was ill and couldn't afford it. He wanted to pass on to Shang Jun, but he refused to resign.

Duke Xiao died, and King Hui came to power for a while, and Lord Shang returned.People say that King Hui said: "If the minister is too serious, the country will be in danger, and those who are too close to him will be in danger. Today, women and babies in Qin Dynasty all talk about the law of the Shang monarch, not the law of the king. Also. Husband Shang Jun, Gu Dawang Qiuyu also, I hope the king will draw it."

The king of Shang returned it, King Hui's car was torn apart, but the people of Qin did not show mercy.

Su Qin Shi general Lian Heng
Su Qinshi general Lian Heng said Qin Huiwang said: "The king's country has the benefits of Ba, Shu, and Hanzhong in the west; It is solid. The fields are fertile, the people are prosperous, the chariots are tens of thousands, and millions of people are fighting hard. The fertile fields are thousands of miles away. The use of chariots and horses, the teaching of the art of war, can unite princes, swallow the world, and rule as emperor. May the king pay less attention, and my ministers please use it!"

The King of Qin said: "I have heard this: Those who are not plump cannot fly high, those who fail to write well cannot be punished, those who are not moral are not allowed to make the people, and those who are not in the right political order are not allowed to bother the ministers. Mr. Jin seems to travel thousands of miles. Teach it in the court, and hope to see a different day."

Su Qin said: "My minister doubts that the king can't use it. In the past, Shennong cut down Sui, the Yellow Emperor cut down Zhuolu and the bird Chiyou, Yao cut down Piaodou, Shun cut down Sanmiao, Yu cut down Gonggong, Tang cut down You Xia, Wen Wang cut down Chong , King Wu defeated Zhou, Qi Huan was in charge of war and defeated the world. From this point of view, is there anyone who does not fight? The ancients used the wheels of chariots to gallop, and the words were connected, and the world was one. The literati are in harmony, the princes are confused, and all kinds of problems arise, which is invincible; the science and regulations are prepared, but the people are hypocritical; the books and policies are thick, and the people are not enough; the upper and lower are worried, and the people have nothing to talk about; Start up; argue and speak, and conquer, and fight endlessly; call it Wenci, and the world will not be ruled; the tongue is deaf, but success will not be seen; doing righteousness and promises, the world will not be close. Therefore, it is abolished to use literature as a military force, to support the dead, and to wear armor A strong soldier is more effective than the battlefield. The husband and wife are only there to benefit, and they sit quietly in a wide area. Although the ancient five emperors, three kings, five uncles, and wise lords and virtuous monarchs often wanted to sit down, they were unable to do so, so they continued with war. It means that the two armies will attack each other if they are wide, and the two armies will fight each other if they are forced, and then you will see great achievements. Therefore, the soldiers are better than the outside, and the righteousness is stronger than the inside; , Destroy the enemy's country, control the sea, son Yuan Yuan, minister to the princes, must be soldiers. Today's heirs, who are suddenly in the Tao, are obsessed with teaching, chaotic in governance, confused in words, confused in words, addicted to debate, and drowned. Yu Ci. From this point of view, Wang Gu can’t do it.”

It is said that King Qin's book is ten, but it is not good. The black sable's shortcoming, the gold is exhausted, and the resources are exhausted. Go to Qin and return.Lean and sloppy, carrying books and carrying sacks, with a haggard appearance, a black face, and a resemblance of color.When I return home, my wife doesn't give birth to rice cakes, my sister-in-law doesn't cook for me, and my parents don't talk to me.Su Qin sighed and said: "My wife does not consider me a husband, my sister-in-law does not consider me an uncle, and my parents do not consider me a son. These are all Qin's crimes!" , and recite it, concisely think of it, try to figure it out.Reading to sleep, the awl pierces his thigh, blood flows to the foot.Said: "Anyone said that the ruler can't show his gold, jade, and beauty to take the honor of the prime minister?" After thinking about it for a long time, he said: "This can really be said to be the king of the world."

So Naimo Yanwuji Que saw that Zhao Wang was under the Huawu, and talked with his palm. Zhao Wang was very happy, and he was named Wu'an Lord, and he was sealed by the Prime Minister.There are hundreds of leather chariots, thousands of pure cotton embroidery, hundreds of pairs of white walls, and overflowing gold. Follow them, make appointments with Sanheng, and suppress and strengthen Qin.Therefore, Su and Qin were close to Zhao, but they couldn't get through.

At this time, the vastness of the world, the multitude of people, the prestige of princes and princes, and the power of counselors all wanted to decide Su Qin's strategy.Without fighting for food, without annoying a soldier, without fighting a soldier, without cutting a string, without breaking an arrow, the princes are on a blind date, and they are better than brothers.The world obeys a husband and sage, and the world obeys when one person uses it.Therefore, it is said: "The style is in politics, not in courage; the style is in the corridor temple, not in the four realms." The country obeyed the wind and made Zhao Dazhong.Qifu Suqin dug the door in Teqian Alley, and the ears of scholars from Sanghu's Shushu.Fu Shi held the title and traveled across the world. The court said that he was the king of the princes.

It will be said that the king of Chu passed by Luoyang.Parents heard it, the Qing palace cleared the road, Zhang Le set up a drink, and the suburbs greeted thirty miles; the wife looked sideways and listened with her ears;Su Qin said: "Why did my sister-in-law be arrogant before and then humble?" The sister-in-law said: "As the son of the season, you are respected and rich." Su Qin said: "Wow! If you are poor, your parents will not have children, and if you are rich, your relatives will be afraid. In the world, power and position Wealth and honor can be ignored!"

King Hui of Qin called Hanquanzi

King Qin Hui said to Han Quanzi: "Su Qin deceived the widow, and wanted to overthrow the king of Dongshan with one man's wisdom, and then deceive Qin. Even the rooster's inability to stop at the roost is clear. The widow has been angry for a long time. I want to make Wu Anzi go up and go as a metaphor." Han Quanzi said: "Impossible. If you attack the city and fall to the city, please send Wu Anzi; be kind. Our country, envoys to the princes, please envoy the guest Qing Zhang Yi." Qin Huiwang said: "Your respect."

Ling Xiang called the King of Qin

Ling Xiang said to the King of Qin, "Xiang wants to use Qi to serve as the king, so that he can attack Song. Song is broken, Jin is in danger, and the king of Anyi has it. , Qi must be more important than the king. If you attack Song, and fear Qi and respect the king, why would the king attack Song? Xiang regards Wang Zhiming as a prophet, so I don’t say anything.”

Zhang Yi said that King Qin

Zhang Yi said that the King of Qin said: "I heard it, 'If you know what you say, it is unwise, but if you don't speak, it is disloyal.' If you are a man, you should die if you are not loyal. If you don't judge, you should die. Although, I would like to hear what I said. , the king punished him.

"The minister heard, 'The world is yin, Yan, Yang, Wei, even the Jing, and the rest of the Han, as a follower, will make the Southwest difficult for Qin.' The minister snickered. There are 'three perishes' in the world, but the world gains them. What does it mean! The minister heard it and said: "Those who attack the government with chaos will perish, those who attack the righteous with evil will perish, and those who attack obedience with rebellion will perish." Thousands of millions, with the white sword in front and the ax in the back, and they all go away and cannot be executed. The people cannot die, and the people above cannot be killed. Rewards are not given, punishments are not enough, rewards and punishments are not enough, so People don't die.

"Nowadays when Qin issues orders, rewards and punishments are carried out. There is no attack and no attack. When he came out of the arms of his parents, he had never seen a bandit in his life. Hearing the war, he stomped his feet, committed a white sword, jumped over the simmering charcoal, and died. Comparing with the former, it is also true that the death of a husband is different from the death of life, and the people who do it are precious. One can win ten, ten can win a hundred, a hundred can win a thousand, a thousand can win ten thousand, and ten thousand can win the world. The terrain of Qin today is long and short, with thousands of miles in area and millions of famous teachers. Qin's orders reward and punishment, the terrain is good and bad, and there is nothing like it in the world. In this way, it can be compared with the world. It is a great achievement to open up thousands of miles of land. However, the armored soldiers are destroyed, the soldiers and the people are sick, the savings are left, the fields are desolate, and the warehouses are empty. For the same reason, counselors are not loyal.

(End of this chapter)

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