
Chapter 36 Han 1

Chapter 36 Han Yi (1)
The Three Jins have broken Zhishi
The Zhi family has been broken in the Three Jin Dynasties, and the land will be divided.Duan Gui said to the King of Han and said: "If you want to divide the land, you must take Chenggao." The King of Han said: "Chenggao is a land of slippery stones, and the widows have nothing to use it for." Those who move the power of thousands of miles, the land is also favorable. It is unintentional to destroy the three armies by thousands of people. The king uses the words of his ministers, and Han will definitely take Zheng." The king said: "Good." The result is to take Chenggao.When Han Zhi took Zheng Ye, it started from Cheng Gao.

Da Chengwu came from Zhao and said that Shen would not harm Han
Da Chengwu came from Zhao and said that Shen would not harm Han and said: "My son respects me in Zhao with Han, please use Zhao to emphasize Han in Han. You have two Hans, and I have two Zhaos."

Weizhiwei Handan

Weizhi besieged Handan, and Shen Buhai began to cooperate with the king of Han, but he didn't know what the king wanted, and he was afraid that his words might not be in line with the king.Wang Wen Shenzi said: "Who am I to do it with?" Confrontation: "This is a matter of safety and danger, and a major issue for the country. Please think deeply about it." Naiwei said to Zhao Zhuo and Han Chao: "All sons are the sons of the country. Debaters, as a husband is a minister, you must use what you say, and you must be loyal." The two discussed the matter with the king.Shenzi looked down on the king's pleasure and spoke to the king, and the king said it.

Shen Zi asked to serve as his brother
Shenzi asked to serve as his brother's official, but Zhaohou refused.Shen Zi was resentful.Zhaohou said: "It is not the so-called learning from the son. Do you abandon the way of the son by listening to the son's praise? Do you abandon the left's worship by destroying the art of practicing the son? The son tried to teach the widow to follow the merits and respect the younger brother. Today If you ask for something, will I listen to it?" Shen Zi Nai Bishe pleaded guilty, saying: "You are truly a man!"

Su Qin speaks for King Han for Chu Hecong

Su Qin said to the King of Han on behalf of Chuhe Cong: "In the north of Han there are Gong, Luo, and Chenggao, in the west there is the fortress of Changban in Yiyang, in the east there are Wan, Rang, and Weishui, and in the south there is Xingshan. The place is thousands of miles away. Armored in hundreds of thousands. The most powerful bows and crossbows in the world are all made from Han. Xizi, Shaofu, Shili, and distance, all shoot at a distance of [-] paces. Reaching the chest, close ones cover the heart. The swords and halberds of the Han soldiers all come from Mingshan, Tangxi, Moyang, and Hebobo. Deng Shi, Wanfeng, Longyuan, and Da'a all cut off horses and cattle on land, and hit swans and geese by water. , when the enemy is cut. Strong armor shield, 鍪, Iron Curtain, Ge Jue, Rui, all complete. With the courage of the Han soldiers, with a strong armor, a strong crossbow, and a sharp sword, one man is worth a hundred, which is not enough. Husband with the strength of Han and the virtuous king of the king, wants to serve Qin in the west, call the Eastern Fan, build the imperial palace, receive the crown and belt, commemorate the spring and autumn, and submit to each other. There is no such thing as a husband who shames the country and laughs at the world. This is why I hope that the king will be familiar with the plan. The king will serve Qin, and Qin will seek Yiyang and Chenggao. I will follow it now, and I will seek land next year. If you give it, you will have no land to give it. If you don’t give it, you will lose your previous achievements. Then he suffered even more. Moreover, the king’s land is exhausted, but Qin’s desire is endless. The husband’s endless desire is against the endless desire. This is the so-called one who buys misfortune with grievances, and the land has been cut without fighting. Hey. The minister heard the scorn and said: "It is better to be the mouth of a chicken than to be the queen of the cow." Now the king is facing the west and the minister serves Qin, why is it different from the queen of the cow? I will be ashamed of you by stealing the name of the king." The king of Han became angry, put his arm on the sword, looked up to the sky and sighed, and said: "Although the widow is dead, I will definitely not be able to serve Qin. Now the lord uses the teaching of the king of Chu to respect the country and follow it."

Zhang Yi said Han Wang for Qin Lianheng

Zhang Yi said for Qin Lianheng that the King of Han said: "The land of Han is dangerous, and it lives in mountains. The five grains are not wheat but beans; what the people eat is mostly beans, rice, and Huo soup; if they don't harvest at one year old, the people can't be full of chaff; the place is less than nine years old. In a hundred miles, there is no food for two years old. It is estimated that the number of the king's death is only 30, and the servants are supported among them. More than ten thousand, thousands of chariots ride, ten thousand horses ride, and the tiger-like man who walks with his head, heads, and halberds is invincible. Qin's horses are good, and the soldiers of the army, who search the front and back, and search three times between the hoofs, It cannot be counted. The soldiers of Shandong were armed with armor for battle, and the people of Qin donated armor to chase the enemy. They held their heads on the left and captured the captives on the right. The soldiers of Qin and the soldiers of Shandong are like Meng Benzhi and cowards. Also, the pressure of gravity is like Wuhuo and a baby. When a man fights against Meng Ben and Wuhuo's men, he can attack a weak country that refuses to accept it. Fortunately, the feudal lords did not expect the weakness of the army and the lack of food, but they listened to the people's sweet words and good words, which were better than Zhou's decorations. They all said: "Listen to my plan and you can dominate the world." Listen to Xu Yu's words, there is no one who misrepresents the owner more than this. The king does not matter to Qin, and Qin Xiajia occupies Yiyang, cuts off the land above Han, and takes Chenggao and Yiyang in the east, then the palace of Hongtai, Sang Lin Zhiwan is not the king's own. Husband becomes Gao, and the kingdom of the king will be divided. Qin will be safe first, and Qin will be in danger if Qin is not. Husbands create disasters and seek blessings. Going against Qin and obeying Chu, although you want to have nothing to lose, you can’t get it. Therefore, for the king’s plan, there is nothing like serving Qin. What Qin wants is to weaken Chu, and the one who can weaken Chu is like Han. It is not because Han can be stronger than Chu. Also. Now the king faces Qin to attack Chu in the west, so the king of Qin will be happy. If he attacks Chu and privately exploits his land, and turns disasters to talk about Qin, there is no way to do this. Therefore, the king of Qin sent envoys to present a letter to the king. The censor must make a decision." Han said: "Fortunately, the guest taught him, please compare the counties and counties, build the emperor's palace, and commemorate the Spring and Autumn Festival, call it Dongfan, and serve Yiyang."

Xuan Wang said to stay

King Xuan said that heliu said: "I want to use both Gong Zhong and Gong Shu, is it possible?" Confrontation: "No. The Jin uses the six ministers to divide the country, simplify the public use of Tiancheng, supervise and stop, and simplify the public killing, Wei dual-use The head of rhinoceros and Zhang Yi died outside Xihe. Today, the king uses them both. Those with more power build their own party internally, and those with little power gain foreign power. The ministers either build up their own party internally to be good at their master, or externally for diplomatic relations. If the land is split, the kingdom of the king will be in jeopardy."

Zhang Yi called the king of Qi

Zhang Yi: "The king of Qi said: 'The king is not as good as supporting Han Peng and chasing Zhang Yi to Wei. Wei Yin is the head of the rhinoceros, because Qi and Wei abolish Han Peng, and the uncle wants to attack Qin.' Gong Zhong heard that he must Do not enter Qi. According to the public in Wei, there is no trouble for the public.”

Chu Zhao offered to Han

Chu Zhao offered to Han.Qin Qi attacked Han, and Han abolished Zhaoxian.Zhao Xian made people call him Uncle Gong and said: "It is better to honor Zhao Xian to strengthen Chu. Qin must say that Chu and Han are united."

Qin Gongxing

Qin attacked Xing, and Han sent people to the land of Nanyang.Qin had already galloped, and attacked Xing again, and Han Yin cut off the land of Nanyang.Qin received the land and attacked Xing again.Chen Zhen said to the King of Qin, "The state of the country is inconvenient, so it was cut off, and it was cut off because it was not handed over. Now it is cut off, but the handover is not good. The three rivers are impossible to get, so ask for a thousand pieces of gold in Han once they have it. Now when the king attacks Han, it is absolutely impossible to hand it over to the private mansion. It is impossible for the king to take it if it is stolen."

The Five Kingdoms made an appointment to attack Qin

The Five Kingdoms agreed to attack Qin, and the king of Chu, as the leader, could not hurt Qin, so the soldiers stopped and stayed in Chenggao.Wei Shun called Lord Shiqiu and said: "When the five kingdoms are gone, they must attack Shiqiu to pay for the military expenses. The king and minister, please stop the world from attacking Shiqiu on your behalf." Lord Shiqiu said: "Good." Because of sending him .Wei Shunnan saw the king of Chu and said: "The king made an appointment with the five kingdoms to attack Qin in the west, and he could not hurt Qin. The world is so despised by the king and Qin, so Wang Hu doesn't care?" The king of Chu said: "What can I do?" Wei Shun said: " When the world is over, the city must be attacked to pay for the military expenses. The king orders not to attack the city. The five kingdoms respect the king, and listen to the king's words and do not attack the city. They do not respect the king, and attack the city. It’s clear.” Therefore, the king of Chu moved away from Shiqiu Cun.

Zheng Qiang brought eight hundred pieces of gold into Qin
Zheng Qiang brought [-] gold into Qin, please use it to attack Han.Ling Xiang called Zheng Qiang and said: "The Duke offered eight hundred gold to attack the country, and Qin would not listen to the Duke. It is better to make the king of Qin suspect the uncle." Zheng Qiang said: "How?" Said: "The attack of the uncle Chu Ye, because of the existence of a few se, it is said that Chu Ye was the first. Now the king of Chu has ordered a few se to take a hundred cars to live in Yangzhai, and Zhaoxian has been transferred to the place where he has been aware of for ten days. But a few se He is the uncle of the uncle; and Zhaoxian is the uncle of the uncle. The king of Qin must suspect that the uncle is Chu when he hears about it."

Zheng Qiangzhi walks Zhang Yi to Qin
Zheng Qiangzhi walked Zhang Yi to Qin, saying that the envoy of Yi must be in Chu.Therefore, it is said that Dazai said: "The envoy of Gongliuyi forced Xituyi to Qin." Therefore, he asked the king of Qin and said: "Zhang Yi sent people to the land of mediocrity, so the envoys paid homage to the king of Qin again." The king of Qin was angry, Zhang Yi Walk.

Battle of Yiyang
In the battle of Yiyang, Yang Da said that Gongsun Xian said: "Please use [-] to attack the Western Zhou Dynasty. If you win it, you will use the Nine Tripods to seal Ganmao. Otherwise, if Qin attacked the Western Zhou Dynasty, the world would hate him. If he saves Han, he will be sick, and things will happen." I'm defeated."

Qinwei Yiyang
(End of this chapter)

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