Uncle, how are you?

Chapter 15 Love sprouts

Chapter 15 Love sprouts (3)
With a bitter face, You Nian switched to her large account. There were two lonely Weibo posts on it, one was posted by herself, and she greeted fans in a proper way; There were two or three messages scattered about.

This kind of costume art is outdated girl.

Beauty, do you want a date?
The third article is directly a small advertisement.

Jiang Jibai was happy: "Don't pay attention to him, you can post whatever you want, just be as comfortable as a trumpet."

"Is it possible?" You Nian was eager to try, "Don't lie to me."

You Nian immediately used Meitu software to add cat ears and tails to the makeup photo, and added a line of text: The beautiful cat is here.

She deleted the original Weibo, and clicked to send it immediately.

"If the big boss scolds me, I will say that you stole my account and sent it." You Nian said triumphantly.

Jiang Jibai smiled and said nothing, but pouted towards the bathroom, indicating that she could go to enjoy the hot spring.

The bathroom is actually half-open, and the bathtub is even more ingeniously designed. There are log fences on both sides to block the line of sight. In front are green trees and valleys, lying quietly under the starry sky.

Lying in the bathtub, there are flickering candles on both sides, rose petals rippling slightly on the flowing water, stars all over the sky are scattered in the black velvet night, the night wind is blowing slightly, and the leaves are rustling... You Nian thinks she must be dreaming.

"Tuk tuk tuk", there was a knock on the bathroom door.

You Nian casually grabbed the wooden box on the bathtub and thought nervously: Jiang Jibai is going to break in, right?Should he smash his head or his devil's claws when he broke in?
Before the door opened, Jiang Jibai's voice sounded solemnly: "Don't soak for too long, I have to come over and give you artificial respiration if you faint."

You Nian didn't change in one breath, and almost fainted.

When she came out, her whole face was flushed red, and her eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of steam and foggy.

Jiang Jibai had already changed into pajamas, and there was a dining car in the living room, with two glasses of red wine on each side.

You Nian looked at all this stupidly, and asked belatedly, "Did you win the lottery?"

Jiang Jibai was cutting the steak with an elegant posture and a gentle voice: "Come and eat something, are you hungry?"

She had eaten the steak, and You Nian sat down and cut it hard twice. Jiang Jibai leaned over, held her hand, and motioned, "The blade is here, it's easier this way."

The two people's skins were touching, and You Nian felt a little dizzy for no reason, as if he was about to float up: "Don't... I will do it myself."

She concealed her mouthful of steak, but the beating heart in her chest betrayed her panic.

Jiang Jibai pushed a small plate in front of her: "Try this foie gras, it's not bad."

You Nian randomly cut a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, but didn't taste anything, but when he looked up, he saw Jiang Jibai staring at her with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen beautiful women eating?" She was a little embarrassed, picked up the red wine glass and took two sips.

Jiang Jibai smiled, stood up and walked to her side, leaning down towards her, a unique breath of mint swept towards her.

You Nian was suffocated for a moment, and subconsciously closed his eyes.

The corner of the mouth was touched by something, and it was slightly rough.

Her heart skipped a beat and she opened her eyes suddenly.

Jiang Jibai wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin. "You idiot, the sauce is on your face," he whispered.

You Nian stared at him blankly, feeling an inexplicable sense of disappointment welling up in his heart.

She grabbed the napkin and wiped it on her lips, and said in a muffled voice, "Okay."

Those black pupils were a little shallow from the steam, and covered with a layer of dampness; the lips were a little red from being wiped by the napkin, and they were slightly open, and the red on the cheeks was even more smudged. People can't help but want to take a bite.

Jiang Jibai's head seemed to be hit by something, he couldn't help lowering his head, and pecked lightly on that red lip.

You Nian didn't react all of a sudden, flinched for a moment, his expression was dull, his eyes were like a homeless stray cat.

Jiang Jibai breathed out lightly, clasped her neck, and kissed her eyelids twice: "Fool, you can close your eyes now."

The soft red lips were unexpectedly soft, with the sweetness of red wine, people couldn't help but indulge in it, Jiang Jibai ravaged the red lips, then pried open the teeth, hooked Lilac and entangled her After a while, he let go of his hand without any intention.

You Nian obviously hasn't recovered yet, his cheeks are already flushed, his breath is disordered, and his eyes are absently set on some unknown place.

"Let's eat, or the food will be cold." Jiang Jibai looked nonchalant.

You Nian glanced at him quickly, lowered her head to poke at the steak, the first thought that came to her mind was very weird, oh no, she didn't brush her teeth just now.

Immediately afterwards, second thoughts quickly occupied my mind: what does he mean by this?Take advantage?You should have poked him with a fork just now!

All kinds of thoughts came flooding in, You Nian secretly glanced at Jiang Jibai, but found that the other party was calm, as if nothing had happened.

She was a little annoyed, and ate up the steak with bolognese noodles on the dining car in one go.

After dinner, Jiang Jibai took her for a walk in the resort. The resort at night had a special flavor, the moonlight shone, the birds chirped and the insects chirped, adding a bit of tranquility.

Occasionally, on the trail, you would meet a couple of lovers walking hand in hand, with an intimate look, and You Nian was a little nervous, secretly spying on Jiang Jibai's movements all the way, but Jiang Jibai was very gentlemanly, and did not behave in the slightest.

In the middle of the resort is an artificial lake with a wooden arch bridge on it. You Nian was distracted all the way, and when he was on the bridge, he stepped into the air and was about to fall to the ground.

Jiang Ji rolled his eyes and quickly supported her: "What are you thinking, won't the road go away?"

You Nian leaned against the railing of the bridge, the sound of water gurgling under the bridge, a few wild ducks were still playing on the lake, the moonlight was reflected on the water, it was charming.

The soft moonlight suddenly gave her courage.She finally opened her mouth and asked, "Jiang Jibai, why did you come to me all of a sudden?"

Jiang Jibai froze for a moment, the girl in front of him was sweet and delicate, completely different from the women he had dated before, with a serious expression and focused eyes.

At this moment, he hesitated.

It has been almost three months since he and You Nian met, which exceeded the date of any of his previous girlfriends. Although, he never regarded You Nian as a girlfriend.

He helped her vent her anger, helped her make a contract, and helped her move towards her dream step by step. It was originally dispensable, so he should do a good deed by the way.She flies around the room all day long, chirping and chattering like a sparrow, which makes people feel at ease, and bullying also gives people a sense of accomplishment.

Seeing her shining eyes at Jiang Zhen, he suddenly felt sour. He thought it was his manly thoughts that were causing the trouble.

But these few days when she wasn't here, he always felt that something wasn't right all over his body, and the small simple house seemed to have lost its vitality and fun.

Answering her call last night, and driving to visit the class this morning has already taken him by surprise, and the involuntary kiss just now was not in his plan.

Just now, he suddenly understood that he had feelings for this girl.

That's why he stayed by her side for such a long time, that's why he advised her, that's why he drove from city S to city G in a single thought, and that's why he kissed her inexplicably .

But how long can his feelings last?He himself is not sure.

The girlfriends he dated in the past were either celebrities or socialites. To him, the girlfriend was like a dispensable decoration on his body, a prop to accompany him in and out of Vanity Fair.

The love between the two friends was almost earth-shattering. Seeing their love so desperately, he just found it incredible. He couldn't imagine the kind of love that would give everything and even life for each other.

Is a man like him suitable for dating a girl like You Nian?For such a girl who works hard, lives hard, and has a beautiful vision for everything, if she is a little careless, will her life be ruined?

The wild ducks on the lake suddenly flew up, splashing countless drops of water.

Jiang Jibai suddenly woke up, looked at You Nian and said politely: "I have something to do, so I stopped by to see you on the set."

You Nian's eyes widened in astonishment: "I...I thought you came to see me specially...but you just..."

"I'm sorry." Jiang Jibai apologized directly, "I drank some wine just now, and I was a little dizzy."

You Nian was completely dumbfounded, and struggled for a long time before saying, "Oh...it's nothing...I..."

She couldn't go on, a layer of water appeared in her eyes, and her throat choked up.

Jiang Jibai's smile was light and calm: "Why don't you beat me up? Or when your side is over, I'll cook a delicious meal to apologize to you?"

You Nian couldn't understand, why he could dismiss this matter so lightly?It was a kiss, the most sacred beginning of love praised by all literati, how could it be dismissed so casually with the excuse of dizziness?
She quickly lowered her head and walked forward on her own.

Jiang Jibai did not catch up, but followed slowly.You Nian hurriedly walked for a while, but couldn't shake off the tail.The scenery on the road was still the same, but she no longer had the heart to watch it, her eyes were sour uncontrollably, the water blurred her eyes, and she almost couldn't see the road clearly.

She didn't want to expose her embarrassment to Jiang Jibai at all, so she turned her head and got into the bushes.

"Come out soon," Jiang Jibai said helplessly outside, "When people see it, they think I've done something to you."

"You don't need to worry about it." You Nian said while holding back the crying.

There was no sound outside, and You Nian finally couldn't help sobbing.

It's so sad, her first kiss was taken away by Jiang Jibai just like that; what's even more sad is that she actually likes the feeling of being kissed by Jiang Jibai like this; the saddest thing is that Jiang Jibai doesn't seem to be serious, he Kiss her not because you like it.

What should she do?Defrauding money and sex is not as sad as deceiving one's heart.

She grabbed the leaves and tore them into pieces one by one, as if she was tearing Jiang Jibai's hair.

I don't know how long it took, all the suppressed emotions seemed to be vented, and she poked her head out from the bushes.

There was no one outside, and Jiang Jibai was gone.

My heart is empty, I don't know whether to be disappointed or relieved.

You Nian walked out slowly, wandering all the way, and finally couldn't find a place to live, and asked the waiter all the way before arriving at the villa.

The lights were on in the villa, but Jiang Jibai was not in the living room. When You Nian returned to his room, he found a delicate cake on the bedside table.

A human head was clumsily drawn on the cake, and a line of words was written next to it: eat me, so that you will calm down.

You Nian burst out laughing.

Someone coughed lightly outside the door, You Nian looked back, Jiang Jibai came out of the bathroom, his hair was wet, he was wearing a bath towel and his upper body was naked, the water droplets reflected a beautiful luster on his skin.

It can't be seen that a person who is usually so handsome and elegant has a rather predictable figure.

You Nian quickly looked away as if being scalded.

"Aren't you angry?" Jiang Jibai stared at her, and apologized again, "This time I was wrong, I promise there will be no next time."

You Nian raised his hand and stabbed the ugly face with a cake knife.

"Ouch." Jiang Jibai groaned in response, "It's disfigured."

You Nian pursed her lips hard to keep the corners of her mouth from turning up, and with her red and swollen eyes, her expression was a bit ridiculous.

There was an inexplicable pain in the heart, Jiang Jibai sighed softly, walked to her side, raised his hand and rubbed her eyes: "Fool, I have to film tomorrow, don't think about it, go to sleep."

You Nian bit her lip and nodded.

"Good night." Jiang Jibai said softly, turned and walked out.

You Nian's pupils dilated suddenly, and his mouth opened wide in astonishment: on the wide right back, there seemed to be a scar of seven or eight centimeters, ferocious and terrifying, like an indelible blemish on a fine jade.

You Nian didn't fall asleep all night, tracing Jiang Jibai's face over and over again in his heart.

Jiang Jibai's facial features are somewhat similar to Jiang Zhen's, but they are not the same. Jiang Jibai's is softer, Jiang Zhen's is deeper, one is elegant, one is handsome, one is silent, and the other is stunning at first sight.

Coupled with that scar, it is understandable for her to admit her mistake.

However, Jiang Jibai is not the kind of nosy character at all, and he doesn't match up with the warm and inspirational big brother in memory!

Most importantly, how should she face him now?Especially after that inexplicable kiss yesterday.

Could he have forgotten all about that matter long ago, thinking that she made up all of this to trap him?

She thought about it left and right, but she didn't come up with a reason, and she didn't fall asleep vaguely until late at night.

After breakfast the next morning, Jiang Jibai drove her back to the base.The atmosphere along the way was very dull, Jiang Jibai was absent-minded, even the familiar smile disappeared from the corner of his mouth, it could be seen that he was trying to keep a distance from You Nian.

You Nian wanted to confirm the details of eight years ago, she opened her mouth a few times, but swallowed it back.

When getting out of the car, You Nian looked back reluctantly, and happened to meet Jiang Jibai's focused gaze.

Jiang Jibai was a little embarrassed, waved his hand at her, and told her: "Film well, call me if you are bullied."

You Nian's eyes were a little hot, and he quickly ran into the gate, swearing in his heart: never talk to this volatile man again!

(End of this chapter)

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