Uncle, how are you?

Chapter 20 Confused

Chapter 20 Confused (1)
Opening the iron door of the house, You Nian stood in the porch, the room was quiet, and it was kept spotless, and everything was almost exactly the same as before leaving. Obviously, no one has lived here for a long time.

However, after leaving for more than ten days, the once-familiar room has become very strange.

"It's supposed to be like this," she muttered and walked around the house, "It's so good, no one assigns you to work, no one dislikes you for littering, life shouldn't be too beautiful."

She has to adapt to life without Jiang Jibai as soon as possible.

In the kitchen, there were well-polished glasses, one on the left and one on the right by the sink.

You Nian picked it up and looked at it for a while, and found that there was some dust on the mouth of the cup.

She subconsciously turned on the faucet and rinsed for a while, then suddenly came to her senses, the person who always asked her to wash the cup three times was no longer there.

She quickly threw the cup away, and strode to Jiang Jibai's bedroom. His things were still there, but the laptop was missing.

There was a box under the bed that looked familiar. She opened it and was stunned. It was the shoes she gave to Jiang Jibai. The shoes were still new and there was no trace of wearing them.

The gift she carefully selected was discarded in a corner where no one cares about it.

Her heart seemed to be empty all of a sudden, and she could hear the sound of the wind whistling back and forth through her chest.

The repeated psychological construction along the way seemed to be thrown out of the sky all at once.

Her throat choked up unconsciously, and she swore: "Jiang Jibai, you bastard! I won't talk to you anymore! I'll pack all your things and throw them at the door later!"

But it seems that God also helped Jiang Jibai. Before she could act, there was a sudden pain in her lower abdomen, and her whole body shivered: "It's terrible, it's so unlucky that drinking cold water can stuff the gaps between the teeth, auntie is here!" up.

My aunt is a troublesome little goblin, I miss her when she doesn't come, but she can't wait to kick her away when she comes.You Nian's aunt was especially painful. If she didn't pay attention, she would die of pain. The worst time she even fainted in the campus. It took 5 minutes for her to wake up, and her classmates were so scared that they almost called the emergency hotline.

I don't know if it was too tiring during this time, but my aunt's pain came on violently, as if a stirrer was turning bluntly in her lower abdomen.

After going to the bathroom, she didn't even take off her clothes. She stumbled to the bed and lay down with all her clothes on.

The pain became more and more violent. She lay on the bed panting for breath, clutching her belly and moaning over and over again, wishing she could cut herself in two.

"Bingbing...Mom..." She randomly called her familiar name, "Dabai..."

It's just that the room is deserted, and no one responds.

Why isn't Jiang Jibai here?If only he was here, bickering with him, maybe it wouldn't hurt so much.

An inexplicable grievance welled up in her heart, biting the corner of the quilt and sobbing.

The phone rang, she pressed it twice randomly, and a familiar voice came from the microphone.

She couldn't tell who it was, so she choked up instinctively: "It hurts...it hurts..."

Someone cried out anxiously, she couldn't hear clearly, she just answered twice indiscriminately and lost consciousness.

"Hand over all, all the money, all the money."

"Just so much?"

With a "snap", someone slapped her hard on the head, and a burst of severe pain hit her.

"Do you know how to get more when you go home? Otherwise, I will beat you!"

You Nian widened his eyes and stared at the black figure in front of him in horror, but those faces were all blurred, only the fierce eyes could be seen.

Jiang Jibai walked by in front.

She screamed loudly: "Dabai! Dabai help me!"

Jiang Jibai smiled at her, and said coldly: "I can't help you by myself."

No!don't leave me!

You Nian shouted in her heart, but she could only watch him drift away. She curled up, trying to make herself disappear.

Yes, if you hide, you won't feel pain or sadness.

I don't know how long it took to be dazed, You Nian came to his senses, his body was covered in cold sweat and it was so sticky, he actually felt chilly all over his body on a hot day.

There were still bouts of dull pain in her stomach, she touched her face, her hands were wet, obviously she was crying uncontrollably in her dream.

She bit her lip involuntarily, showing a disgusted expression.

There was a sound of footsteps outside, You Nian held his breath and listened for a while, then asked coldly: "Who?"

The door was pushed open, and a familiar face appeared in front of You Nian, with the usual concern.

It wasn't Jiang Jibai, it was Tan Wenshan.

If there was any disappointment in You Nian's heart, she pinched the corner of the quilt with a cold expression: "How did you come in?"

"Look for the balcony where the security guard climbed, and I said my sister fainted inside."

Tan Wenshan walked quickly to her bed while talking, took a hot towel and wanted to wipe her face, You Nian raised his hand to take it with difficulty, and quickly wiped away the tears on her face.

"I'm fine, you can go back." You Nian endured the pain and gave the eviction order.

"Can I just ignore it? Auntie will scold me to death if she finds out." Tan Wenshan shook her head helplessly, "I was dying of anxiety when I heard you crying on the phone. Wait, I'll soak in brown sugar water, and I'll catch my breath later drink it."

The brown sugar water was cloyingly sweet, and the heat steamed her eyes.

The warm baby stickers bought from the pharmacy were placed in front of the bed, and the torn one was carefully wrapped in a thin cloth and pasted on the lower abdomen.

The pressure cooker hummed, and the room was filled with the aroma of jujube porridge.

Tan Wenshan was busy outside, You Nian looked at his back intently.

As before, the big brother who cared about her and took care of her seemed to be back.Appearances are so confusing to people's minds, if the time can be turned back to three months ago, then maybe there will be a faint smile on the corner of her mouth at this moment.

Fortune favors fools.

The innocent and pure You Nian, if he can achieve a positive result with his childhood sweetheart, it will be a simple and happy thing, much better than being with that Jiang Jibai.

It's a pity that this relationship that was favored by the elders went wrong.

You Nian showed a mocking smile, and murmured to the air: "Fool, have you been moved? Tan Wenshan, Jiang Jibai, each of these, you are really worry-free by your side."

Tan Wenshan walked in with the red date porridge, and You Nian took two mouthfuls of it. Tan Wenshan's cooking was good, and the red date porridge was warm and sweet, and even the dull pain in his stomach seemed to be a little lighter after eating it.

Tan Wenshan looked at her for a long time, and finally frowned and said, "Xiao Nian, don't stay outside alone, how can I feel at ease like this."

You Nian raised his head, with a smile that was not a smile: "You worry too much, even brothers and sisters should have their own lives, your worries are completely unnecessary."

Tan Wenshan froze for a moment, then said with a headache: "Don't get angry with me, okay? I admit that I was wrong for provoking you with Xiaoying, but is our relationship for so many years fake? We can't kill them all with one blow." Right? You've been angry for so long, it's time to calm down."

You Nian didn't bother to talk to him, and finished the porridge in a few sips: "I'm full, you can go back."

Tan Wenshan didn't get up, endured it for a while, and finally sighed: "Okay, I lost to you, if you really want to act, then do it, but no kissing and sex scenes are allowed, this is my bottom line. "

You Nian raised his eyebrows, thinking it was very funny, is Tan Wenshan still fantasizing about the two of them being together?It seems that he never cares about entertainment news, otherwise he is only afraid that he can escape as far as possible.

"Why don't you allow it?" She replied coolly.

Tan Wenshan's face darkened: "As a clean girl..."

His cell phone rang, he opened it, then pressed it off. "Will you shoot this kind of scene with a messy man casually? You must use..."

The phone rang again, and he picked it up annoyed, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing? I have something to do... I don't know... Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

When he hung up the phone, You Nian asked quietly, "Wu Keying?"

Tan Wenshan was a little embarrassed: "She... always pesters me."

"Don't put all the responsibility on her," You Nian's voice was indifferent, "You used her, of course you have to pay the price."

"Where did I know she would be so difficult to deal with, and she even planned to meet my mother and came to my house as a guest." Tan Wenshan complained endlessly.

Just as You Nian was about to speak, her cell phone rang, and Wu Keying's number jumped on the screen.

"Don't pay attention to her!" Tan Wenshan's expression changed, and just about to press the button, You Nian answered the phone one step ahead of him.

"Xiao Nian, where are you?" Wu Keying was as intimate as before on the phone, "Are you free to come out and drink coffee with me?"

You Nian smiled slightly: "No, there are guests here."

Wu Keying paused, and after a while she tentatively asked, "Who is it? Please come out to play with him, I'll treat you."

You Nian just thought it was funny: "You two don't need to go around my place like this, by the way, I haven't returned your things to you yet, I asked him to bring them."

She hung up the phone and struggled out of bed.

"Why don't you take a good rest?" Tan Wenshan said angrily.

You Nian gritted his teeth, and moved to the living room step by step, with a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

She picked up the envelope from the coffee table, pulled out the infield ticket, and looked at it in front of her eyes.


However, nothing rare.

You Nian tore it apart slowly, two pieces, four pieces... After a while, the beautifully bound paper was broken into pieces and scattered on the table.She rubbed it regretfully for a moment, picked it up and stuffed it back into the envelope.

"What are you going to do?" Tan Wenshan inexplicably broke out in a cold sweat.

"It would be great if I could throw it on her face." You Nian said quietly, a little regretful, "Give it back to Wu Keying for me."

Tan Wenshan stared at her blankly, and endless regrets finally swept over: "You care so much? Last time, I really just wanted to annoy you..."

Another burst of abdominal pain hit, You Nian no longer had the strength to argue with him, and staggered back to bed.

Tan Wenshan followed in, covered her belly with a thin blanket, and said softly, "We'll talk when you're well. Go to sleep. I'll watch outside. Call me if you need something."

When she woke up again, her abdominal pain was much better. Unlike before, the other she seemed to really have the desire to disappear, but she still woke up.

Looking at her watch, it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. She got out of bed, walked to the door, and saw Tan Wenshan lying on the sofa in her clothes and falling asleep. The TV was muted, and the screen was flickering.

You Nian looked at him intently, and an inexplicable feeling came to his heart.

She was a little moved, but she couldn't compromise. She wanted to live her own life, and she didn't want to succumb to such an impure love.

She was thinking about how to make Tan Wenshan give up, the door opened with a "click", and Jiang Jibai pushed it open and walked in.

That slender figure looked so familiar and kind, and You Nian was inexplicably relieved.

"Why didn't you tell me when you came back? How can I punish you for driving me back in the middle of the night?" Jiang Jibai obviously didn't see Tan Wenshan on the sofa, and strode towards her with a friendly tone.

Tan Wenshan sat up from the sofa all of a sudden, and looked at him in astonishment: "Why...it's you again! What are you doing here in the middle of the night!"

There was a moment of silence in the living room, so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

"Xiao Nian, who am I?" Jiang Jibai couldn't hear any emotion in his voice, he just looked at You Nian slowly, "We've lived together for so long, why don't you introduce me formally?"

Tan Wenshan was surprised and angry: "You...what are you talking about... You Nian, didn't you say that he was a tenant last time? Tell me that he has nothing to do with you! If you secretly have a relationship with this kind of dubious man , Uncles and aunts must be furious!"

You Nian took a step back, and gave Jiang Jibai a strange look: "Brother Wenshan, he is my boyfriend."

Tan Wenshan was stunned: "What did you say? It's only been a few days and you—"

"Yes, I'm in a relationship. He treats me very well. He will say I love you once every day when I go out. He will not limit my hobbies and respect my career. The most important thing is..."

"I won't flirt with other women." Jiang Jibai said smoothly.

No matter how indifferent You Nian was, she was choked for a while, but this dose of strong medicine cannot be wasted, so she could only squeeze out a smile, and leaned against him like a small bird: "Yes, I feel very happy."

The blood on Tan Wenshan's face faded away, and he said after a long while, "Xiao Nian, I didn't expect that you would be so ruthless."

You Nian looked at him, and replied lightly: "I didn't expect that either, I thought that this person would be you."

Tan Wenshan's breathing became heavy, and he opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, turned around and walked towards the door with big strides, and slammed the door shut with a "bang".

You Nian quickly stood up straight, took two steps back, distant and indifferent: "Thank you for your cooperation."

Jiang Jibai sensitively sensed something was wrong, stared at her for a while, and asked tentatively, "You Nian No. [-]?"

The corner of You Nian's mouth froze: "When will you move out? I don't care about you lying to me, but please leave quickly."

Jiang Jibai stared at her for a long time, then suddenly smiled: "Hey, go to sleep quickly and let my little squid come out."

"Screaming so affectionately, what did you do a few days ago?" You Nian said contemptuously, "Dare to act but dare not to act, kiss me but dare not face it, you bastard."

Jiang Jibai was a little ashamed, this was the first time someone scolded him like this, and he was full of ridicule for his hesitation in the past two days.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid of hurting you," he apologized in a low voice, looking at You Nian sincerely and calmly, "However, I've thought about it for a long time, or, we can give it a try."

It's just that the woman in front of him didn't respond to the familiar smile, and the once pure and warm eyes were sharp and cold now, which made him feel confused, and he couldn't help but miss another You Nian.

You Nian was a little surprised, and it took a while to show a mocking smile: "Why, do you think you can try it if you want?"

Jiang Jibai said confidently: "Just go to sleep obediently, and don't worry about anything else."

You Nian was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Do you know why I exist?"

"What kind of stimulation did you receive as a child?" Jiang Jibai guessed.

"Then do you know when I'll be out?"

"When the body and mind are abnormal?" Jiang Jibai guessed, looking at the mess on the coffee table, he suddenly understood, "Are you... uncomfortable?"

You Nian nodded: "Yes, in the afternoon, the pain was so painful that it was a pity that you were not here. Also, I am much better now, but she did not come back. What do you think is the possibility of this?"

The situation came so suddenly that Jiang Jibai couldn't recover for a while.

There was a deviation in getting along with You Nian, he wanted to calm down and think about what to do.

It is a difficult question whether to cut the mess quickly and cut off this unexpected relationship, or to try the love that friends say will never turn back.

He never thought that during the interval of his thinking, You Nian might have other choices, or just disappear and never come back.

The moment he opened the door and saw Tan Wenshan, his heart skipped a beat.

He didn't even feel this kind of palpitation when he faced Xu Xu's unconscious body.

But now, You Nian in front of him told him that that silly little squid might be heartbroken because of his hesitation, and retracted into his turtle shell and didn't plan to come out.

How can this be?He won't allow it.

"She will come back," Jiang Jibai stared at those eyes, his voice confirmed, "I'll wait for her here."

You Nian shrugged and smiled nonchalantly: "We'll wait and see."

Seeing the bedroom door slowly closing in front of his eyes, Jiang Jibai couldn't help frowning.

He has a friend named Qin Feng who is engaged in psychotherapy. When we were playing together, I heard him talk about some basic common sense of psychology.

The two You Nian's personalities are completely different, and there is almost no similarity. This kind of symptom is usually caused by the patient's physical and psychological trauma when he was a child, so he subconsciously has a tendency to escape from himself and turn into another completely different personality.

It's hard to imagine what kind of trauma that girl who was so careless all day would have suffered.

He was careless, and everything happened one after another, so that he ignored You Nian.

Lu Qing and Lin Yunzhong's affairs had to be dealt with, and what was even more terrible was that Mr. Jiang was hospitalized suddenly, which caught him completely by surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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