Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1002 The problem is really big

Chapter 1002 The problem is really big

The atmosphere in the medical room seemed very oppressive. He Zhengsheng stood at the door for a few seconds, and finally gritted his teeth and walked in.When everyone saw him, they all moved out of the way, only two female soldiers were still standing around Ouyang Yun, their eyes staring vigilantly, not at all relaxed because of the rank of major general on He Zhengjiang's collar badge.

He Zhengsheng stood beside Ouyang Yun, saluted, and shouted: "Commander-in-Chief!"

Ouyang Yun's gaze was fixed on Bai Liusu's face.Hearing the shout, the muscles on his cheeks trembled, and after a few seconds, he turned his head.

He Zhengjiang collided with his realization slightly, and his heart immediately relaxed.

Ouyang Yun's eyes were quite normal.He looked at He Zhengjiang and asked, "How is the battle ahead?"

"The No. [-] bunker has been taken over, and the Japanese army is trying their best to compete for the passage linking the No. [-] bunker."

"How long do you think you can last?"

The atmosphere in the medical room became even more depressing.He Zhengsheng gritted his teeth again, and after a few minutes, he looked at Ouyang Yun again, and said bluntly: "Commander-in-Chief, your move is too risky——"

"I'm asking how long you can last, don't give me nonsense!" Ouyang Yun suddenly shouted loudly!His voice was so loud that it overwhelmed the sound of guns coming from outside—everyone was shocked, and sweat immediately appeared on He Zhengjiang's forehead.

How long can you last?He Zhengsheng had never thought about this question.The battle was too intense, and he was in no mood to think about it.And the education method of the Xuebing Army is doomed. If there is no new order, he will lead his troops to fight to the death, even if the entire army is wiped out in the end.

In the plan of the general headquarters, the idea of ​​​​abandoning the North Shore Fortress has never been abandoned.Ouyang Yun was even more so.Although he is familiar with this period of history and knows that the fortress will eventually be captured by the Japanese, or even abandoned by the central government, but before that, at least in his hands, he will not allow this to happen.However, after arriving in Jiangbei, he found that it was impossible to keep this place.It might have been possible, but then Bai Liusu would be in danger.Bai Liusu needs to be transferred to the hospital in the rear immediately. In this case, he may try to give up the fort when the general offensive is approaching, and then withdraw across the river.

After about 2 minutes of careful thinking, He Zhengsheng gave the answer: "There is no problem for half an hour!"

"Not enough, I need an hour!" Ouyang Yun said domineeringly, there was no room for negotiation at all.

He Zhengjiang's forehead was sweating again. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Commander-in-Chief, are you here to pick Brigadier Bai across the river?" In the hour, as long as the commander-in-chief has not been able to cross the river safely, even if the troops on the north bank of the third Xueshi Division fight to the last man, they will stop the Japanese army's footsteps.

Ouyang Yun's answer made him a little disappointed: "This is not your concern, you just need to tell me if you can hold on for an hour!"

He Zheng lowered himself to attention, saluted, and said solemnly: "While holding on for an hour has no confidence, Cheng Ren has determination. Commander-in-Chief, please take Brigadier Commander Bai away as soon as possible."

Ouyang Yun didn't answer his words, but glanced at Bai Liusu, and said: "Let's go command the troops first. Tell the brothers, the artillery brothers on the south bank have already set up the cannons. As long as everyone persists for a while, victory will be assured." our!"


He Zhengjiang trotted away, while Ouyang Yun continued to receive blood transfusions. During this time, Chen Jiayao and others advised him more than once: "Oh, that's enough, that's enough..." But he remained motionless.Finally, after about 10 minutes, he bent his arms and let Chen Jiayao pull out the needle. "Give Liusu a blood transfusion immediately! As I said, I will be responsible for any accidents! Now, you just need to follow suit—what about the salt water?"

Chen Jiayao looked at Ouyang Yun's slightly pale face, something sour in his eyes blurred his vision.She quickly rubbed it away, then changed to another infusion set, and began to transfuse Bai Liusu's blood.

A female nurse came over with a large teapot of cooled salt water, Ouyang Yun said thank you, and gulped it down.Then, he stood up, stretched out his hand to touch Bai Liusu's face, then Chen Jiayao's head, and whispered in her ear: "Now I will leave the tassel to you!"

Chen Jiayao was startled by the meaning of this sentence, she straightened up quickly, however, Ouyang Yun had already left with a group of people.

"Brother -" she chased to the door and shouted towards Ouyang Yun's back.

The latter didn't even look back, just waved at her, and quickly turned into another underground passage.

In the headquarters of the Third Xue Division, the staff officers were busy, some were answering the phone, occasionally yelling into the microphone, and some were inserting new signs on a map.

When Ouyang Yun brought people in, except for a messenger who gave them a curious look and then rushed away, no one noticed them.Ouyang Yun waved his hand to make the assault company wait in the passage, and walked in with only two bodyguards.He walked lightly, consciously keeping his behavior from disturbing anyone.Eventually, he stopped in front of that map.

The scale of the map is very small, and the bunker group in the center occupies about one-third of the area. The advantage of this kind of map is that as long as there is any change in the battle situation outside, it can be quickly reflected by changing the logo.The No. [-] bunker on the map has been painted green, which means that Ouyang Yun understands that it is lost.Except for the No. [-] bunker, the other three bunkers that are now in the hands of the Xue Bingjun are all painted with small green flags representing the order of the Japanese army in the direction of the enemy.Among them, the location of the original No. [-] bunker, the number of green flags accounted for more than half of the total.

After a short look, Ouyang Yun's expression became serious.He then turned and left, exited the headquarters, and said to You Xiaolian, the commander of the assault company, who was actually a commander of the Niangzi Yunwei Regiment: "Let's go to support the No. [-] bunker."

"Yes!" You Xiaolian replied crisply, and immediately led a group of boys and girls towards the No. [-] bunker.

He Zhengsheng promised in front of Ouyang Yun that he could hold on for at least half an hour.However, when he returned to the second bunker, he immediately realized that he had just boasted.

The only Maxim has been blown up.As for the machine gunner, I don't know how many dials have been changed.These are not important, what made him chilling was that the little devil actually shouted such a slogan: "Catch Ouyang Yun alive!"

"Catch Ouyang Yun alive? They know the commander-in-chief is here?" Thinking of this, He Zhengxiang broke out in cold sweat and his hands and feet were cold.He began to realize that the problem was really big!

(End of this chapter)

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