Chapter 1004

Compared with the No. [-] bunker, the No. [-] bunker where Bian Jingdao stayed encountered much less pressure.It is protected by a stone wall nearly half a meter thick. As long as you pay attention when hugging the fire, and if your character is not too bad, let alone die in battle, there is little possibility of dying.

After all, Bian Jingdao had stayed in Langya, and since then he has been engaged in reconnaissance missions and has rich experience in actual combat, so he does not have the slightest psychological burden on this kind of defensive warfare where the noise is loud, but the actual threat is not as good as field combat.

When Ouyang Yun appeared behind him, he was leisurely smoking a cigarette, looking leisurely.

The cigarettes were just received from the logistics department, two packs of Great Wall.The Xuebing Army has always had ample supply in this regard, and this is related to Ouyang Yun's point of view in this regard: wanting the horse to run and wanting the horse not to eat grass, this kind of thing can be done occasionally, but if you do it for a long time , don't fight this battle.

Ouyang Yun passed by here and came in to have a look.Seeing this, he couldn't help being happy.The matter of Bai Liusu still affected almost all of his moods, although he was happy, it was just a twitch of the corner of his mouth.He said, "Captain, it's quite leisurely!"

You Xiaolian couldn't stand it anymore.The others were fighting with the little devil, but this guy actually——she stepped forward and kicked her.

The light in the shooting room was not very good, and the sound of the guns outside affected his hearing, so although Bian Jingdao was familiar with Ouyang Yun's voice, he didn't hear it at all. "That's right, you don't even look at who it is!" He said arrogantly, and just as he finished speaking, he suddenly rolled to the side, then stared at You Xiaolian and shouted: "What - oh? A bitch?! "

He still didn't realize that Ouyang Yun was standing in front, but because of You Xiaolian's undulating figure, he immediately recognized the identity of the other party's female soldier.

This time, Ouyang Yun couldn't hold back, and finally laughed with a "puchi".The laugh was short, and then he stepped aside and approached a firing hole.Ouyang Yun had a certain understanding of You Xiaolian's temperament, but what impressed him most about You Xiaolian was her legwork.

Bian Jingdao's "a girl" made You Xiaolian, who had a deep taboo about it, furious.The feminist movement in Guangzhou has been more successful than other places, so You Xiaolian has become accustomed to the saying that "women hold up half the sky (this is naturally from Ouyang Yun's mouth)".Of course, in this era, the idea that men are superior to women is still the mainstream.Therefore, what You Xiaolian hates the most is such words and deeds that insult women.

"Get lost!" she cursed, kicking up again.

Compared with the previous kick, both the strength and speed of this kick were much higher. Although Bian Jingdao got out of the reaction in time, he couldn't get out of the way.This kick just hit his ass, and immediately, he felt his ass was shattered.Being kicked in the ass by a woman——When did Bian Jingdao suffer this kind of insult? He threw away the cigarette in his hand and jumped up, pointing at You Xiaolian and yelling: "Where did you come from, I don't know as much as you do, hurry up— —" Before he finished speaking, he heard a "commander in chief" in his ears, he blinked his eyes twice, opened his mouth, but retracted the following words spontaneously.He turned his head and looked over, meeting Ouyang Yun's gaze.Now, he immediately understood the identity of the woman who kicked him.His mouth was a little dry, and he shouted dryly: "Commander-in-Chief!" He was about to stand at attention and salute.

Ouyang Yun stopped him and said, "Keep fighting!" Then he turned around and walked out.

You Xiaolian gave him a hard look, and quickly followed.

Watching them leave, Bian Jingdao licked his lips, and suddenly shouted: "Report, Commander-in-Chief, I want to sue!"

Ouyang Yun stopped and turned around.You Xiaolian stopped, didn't turn around but stood on tiptoe of her right foot, rubbing her toe on the ground.

"Commander-in-Chief, she hit someone!" Bian Jingdao pointed at You Xiaolian.

You Xiaolian immediately jumped up, turned around in mid-air, and swept her right leg over.This time, Bian Jingdao didn't react at all and was kicked away.You Xiaolian lightly landed on the ground, clapped her hands and said, "Shouldn't you fight? The other brothers are fighting hard, but you are lucky to be smoking cigarettes leisurely. You just need to be beaten—"

"Xiaolian, that's enough—" Ouyang Yun suddenly shouted, then walked over to help Bian Jingdao up, first said: "The battle was well fought." Then he whispered in his ear: "Brother, remember, in the battlefield Never underestimate women. A woman who can go to the battlefield will never be worse than us men!" Patting him on the shoulder, Ouyang Yun turned and left.

Bian Jingdao stood there, dumbfounded.Suddenly, he jumped up as if in a fit of epilepsy: "Brother, brother, the commander-in-chief called me brother just now!"

In the corridor, You Xiaolian was still aggrieved: "Commander-in-Chief, why do you want to protect him? Shouldn't this kind of person be scolded? I think, for this kind of rubbish, we should get out of the team."

Ouyang Yun shook his head and said, "Garbage? You're mistaken. He may be a soldier, but he's definitely not garbage. Didn't you notice? There's hardly a devil in sight at the firing port where he was stationed."

"That's his luck—"

"No, I was wrong, it is almost impossible to see a living devil."

"Ah!" This time, You Xiaolian was speechless.

After being epileptic for a full 2 ​​minutes, Bian Jingdao suddenly thought of something, and he immediately screamed: "This is not the trick of the little devil, then——not good!"

The battle in the No. [-] bunker became more and more difficult.

The sound of explosions can be heard endlessly-I don't know when, the two sides in the war hardly fired.For the defenders, there are too many little devils, and they are rushing in one after another. At this time, only the use of area-killing weapons such as grenades or blasting tubes can stop them.For the Japanese army, the existence of too many obstacles made shooting useless. Moreover, because they were too crowded together, even raising a gun to aim at a tactical action that required little space unexpectedly became impossible. Get tough.In this case, bayonets and grenades became the only weapons they could rely on.

The battles are extremely bloody.Every time the Xue Bingjun successfully drops a bomb, it is almost achieved at the cost of the life of the bomber.

When Ouyang Yun was approaching, he happened to see a student throwing a grenade. Then, the grenade was still flying. The student had been shot between the eyebrows, and then fell on the rubble.

Near the entrance of Passage No. [-], several Japanese snipers were lying there. They used the gravel as cover and became the enemy who threatened the students the most.

"Boom!" The grenade exploded, and several devils were blown away. However, in just a few seconds, several more devils filled in. One of the devils screamed miserably while swinging a broken arm that was still dripping blood. He was running towards him, and in his intact hand was holding a grenade that squeaked and emitted white smoke——

(End of this chapter)

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