Chapter 1006 I——

Ouyang Yun hadn't personally participated in the battle for a long time, and because of time, he could not guarantee sufficient training. Now his combat power has dropped a lot compared to when he first traveled here.

As the highest military and political officer in Fujian, Guangdong and Qiongxia, although he has handed over civil affairs and other affairs to Jiang Shuren, there are still too many things to deal with.Not to mention guaranteeing normal training, even wanting to sleep well is a luxury.

However, he is not without any progress.At least the thinking ability and logical ability are much stronger than when they just crossed over.Although the matter of Bai Liusu occupied too much of his emotions and energy, he never stopped thinking about it - how can he persist until the artillery shows its power?How can we defend the bunker group?

"Concentrate! Don't drop bombs without my order. If you start dropping bombs, throw them as far as you can--the function of smoke bombs is not to protect us, but to separate the devils from a distance! Do you know what I mean? "He said to the death squads, hung nine smoke bombs on the armed belt one by one, and then began to check the equipment.

The death squads followed suit, and only then did they know what the real mission of the death squads was.Of course, it doesn't matter to them.Because they have ignored life and death since they were selected.Being able to fight side by side with the commander-in-chief, even if you die now, is worth it—many people think so, and something is burning in their eyes.

Even when hanging the smoke bomb, Ouyang Yun did not give up his grasp of the "trajectory".Two more devils entered it, one of his hands was misplaced, and the gun in his hand rang again, and the two devils screamed and were thrown down.

"Bang!" Suddenly there was a crisp sound, and then there was a "poof" impact.This time, Ouyang Yun was finally hit back.However, although the devil sniper found his position, he had no trajectory. Therefore, the bullet hit the stone wall after only entering the gap of more than [-] centimeters, and then shot away.

Ouyang Yun's muzzle was still pointing at the "ballistic", but his body was pressed against the stone wall.He suddenly shouted: "Get ready! One, two, three! Kill!" Immediately, a dodge jumped out.

Intensive gunshots rang out immediately, from the Wei Qing assault rifle in his hand, and more from the three-eighth gunshot.More than a dozen bullets hit the stone wall where he was standing just now, and the stone chips flew in the air. He was already lying three meters away, with his head resting on the bloody broken leg of a devil and started shooting violently.

The death squads rushed out one after another.The gunfire became more and more intense, and the dark entrance was suddenly illuminated by the gunfire, and the devils clustered outside fell down in pieces like reeds in a hurricane.

Suddenly, under the sound of "shooting" in a slightly hoarse Japanese, the gunfire of the Type [-] heavy machine gun rang out, and the four death squads who just jumped out were hit by bullets one after another, and their bodies trembled involuntarily. Then, he fell down unwillingly.

"I——" Ouyang Yun's eyes were bloodshot in an instant. He rolled over and changed his position. Then he tore off a smoke bomb from his armed belt with his right hand, bit open the safety cover with his mouth, and bit the tab with his right hand. out - the whole process takes no more than two seconds.

The smoke bomb flew high and fell in a beautiful arc under the watchful eyes of thousands of devils.

Ouyang Yun didn't exert all his strength when he dropped the bomb for the first time, but the effect was very good.The smoke bomb fell about [-] meters away from him, and the results of the battle had already been produced before it exploded—the little devil didn't know that the smoke bomb was at this time, and the slightly longer airborne time of the smoke bomb gave the devils near the landing point sufficient escape time.As a result, a "stampede incident" was triggered.Three or four devils were thrown to the ground by the crowd, and then stepped on by more than a dozen people.Another devil was stepped on the abdomen by a heel, and two ribs were broken at that time.

With a bang, the smoke bomb exploded.The billowing smoke suddenly flooded the surrounding tens of meters square of the position, which aroused the panic of the devils even more.

"Gas bomb!" "Gas!" The well-informed devil hissed, and then desperately wanted to leave this "dead place" polluted by poison gas.

The commotion behind them affected the devils in front, and many people instinctively slowed down their movements, thus giving the Death Squad a chance to rush out.

Ouyang Yun ran out another smoke bomb, then squatted up halfway, facing the place where the Type [-] machine gun rang, there was a shuttle of bullets.The five devils surrounding the Type [-] machine gun were knocked to the ground, and the heavy machine gun immediately stopped roaring.

More students rushed out following the death squads, and as the assault rifles and submachine guns in their hands began to roar, hundreds of devils in front of the passage were knocked down in large numbers, and their already chaotic formation immediately fell into complete helplessness. sequence.

"Rush forward! Brothers, kill!" Ouyang Yun roared!

"Come on!"

"Tick tick——" the charge horn suddenly blew, and a student soldier with the rank of major on his collar badge ignored the hail of bullets around him, jumped onto a stone half a person's height, and blew the charge horn with all his might.

The students swarmed out, and everyone's mouth erupted like a mountain of shouts.

Dozens of smoke bombs flew out, instantly covering an arc-shaped area about 40 meters away from the passage entrance.The devils in the smoke screen wanted to flee the area in a panic and disorderly manner, but it caused a larger-scale riot.Some devils began to "smartly" put on gas masks, and often, they put the pig-head-shaped gas masks halfway on their heads before being knocked to the ground, and then dozens or even hundreds of round-toed leather shoes fell from the ground. They stepped on—

Within the arc-shaped area, the strength of the apprentice army began to rise steadily, and as time passed, they quickly gained an absolute advantage.Hundreds of automatic weapons fired at the same time, and the devils in the arc-shaped area couldn't resist at all. They turned around and fled immediately, which immediately aggravated the chaos of the Japanese army.

A smoke bomb on the left and a right on the right exploded in the ranks of devils one after another, which made the efforts of those middle and low-level devil officers who had iron fists and managed to gather their subordinates together quickly come to naught.It took only a quarter of an hour for Ouyang Yun to jump out of the bunker, and the Japanese army formation was completely overwhelmed, which made Yamada Joji, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help being furious.

"Bage! Why is this happening? Where is Akishiro Takahashi? This stupid pig..." Yamada Chenger cursed without hesitation, while a group of staff officers from the 112th Division around him stared dumbfoundedly at what happened just now. The imperial army, which had an absolute advantage, was retreating like a tidal wave, each and every one of them kept silent, and no one dared to respond.

Where is Akishiro Takahashi?At this time, he was leading dozens of gendarmes to complete the suppression of the troops.However, the development of the situation has completely exceeded his expectations - his previous high-pressure policy and the expectation of "capturing Ouyang Yun alive" have overdrawn the physical strength and enthusiasm of the devils under his command.Therefore, when the current battle situation suddenly reversed, the huge contrast immediately led to the psychological collapse of the devils.

Ouyang Yun's crazy counterattack actually succeeded!

(Yesterday, I finally finished the homework of another book... From today, the old poison will fulfill the previous promise, and keep at least two updates a day-even if there is an accident that day, it will definitely be added later-thank you Everyone's support, without your support, there would be no persistence of Lao Du today - today's second update)
(End of this chapter)

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