Chapter 1008 The Shelling Begins

Zhang Tianquan was getting impatient with the wait—as early as five or ten minutes ago, the shooting with the little devil was over.The artillery of a regiment and the artillery of nearly three brigades will be destroyed as a matter of course.Of course, in fact, because it is a self-propelled artillery, the price paid for this strategy of paralyzing the enemy is extremely small.Through the binoculars, Zhang Tianquan was horrified to observe the battle on the other side. The scene of blood and flesh flying all over the place, and the dense army superiority of the devils.The commander-in-chief is on the opposite side. Although they have the help of the bunker, how long can they last in the face of the little devil's attack at any cost? !

The staff of the Third Xue Division has asked for artillery support more than once. Chief of Staff Hu Zilin repeatedly yelled on the phone: "The commander-in-chief is here. If something happens to the commander-in-chief, you will be responsible for it!"

Just 10 minutes ago, Chen Shichang finally couldn't bear the pressure and called.His words were more tactful: "Please pay close attention to the situation on the other side. If it doesn't work, please launch shelling immediately. In any case, the commander-in-chief can't have any accidents."

Zhang Tianquan was aware of the consequences of Ouyang Yun's accident, so he suddenly waved his hand fiercely and said, "He NND, wait another 10 minutes. If Wang Yuxing still hasn't heard from him within 10 minutes, we'll go straight to Mianchuan Island."

Fortunately, just 3 minutes after he finished speaking, Wang Yuxing's contact number arrived.

Talking to Wang Yuxing personally, Zhang Tianquan didn't say a word of nonsense: "Place name? Scale? Density?"

"Snail mouth, three brigades, medium density."

"Received! Keep in touch!" After Zhang Tianquan finished speaking, he turned his head and shouted to the combat staff officer who was getting ready: "Snail mouth, three brigades, medium density!"

The combat staff immediately searched for it on the combat map, and after more than ten seconds, he reported: "Azimuth Dingmao, a radius of two kilometers!"

Zhang Tianquan picked up another Huamai, held it down and said, "All of them are there. The location is Dingmao, with a radius of two kilometers. Each regiment shoots a test shot once!"

"301 Received!" "001 Received!"...

A few seconds later, the sound of "Kong Kong" firing sounded, and 7 shells roared towards the direction of Luosizui.

Since the development of the Xuebing Army, many arms have formed a complete system, and the combat methods are very scientific.As a time traveler, what Ouyang Yun brought to the Xuebing Army was not just a change in concept.What's more important is the use of some advanced tactics.Take artillery as an example. Under the current situation that countries all over the world can only rely on manpower, the Xuebing Army has begun to use some relatively advanced technologies.Use the combat map to divide the combat area, and then obtain the enemy's position through the front-line scouts. This will undoubtedly allow the artillery of the Xuebing Army to discover the enemy first and gain the initiative.

The Japanese artillery does not have a self-propelled system, which determines that their transfer will be very difficult, and it also gives the student army enough time to carry out a second saturation strike.

The shrill sound of shells piercing the air sounded, and Qianshui Zhenhao, who was in the armored vehicle, immediately froze in shock.As the head of the heavy artillery brigade directly under the 11th Army, Asamizu Zhenhao is undoubtedly an excellent artillery commander.Although the student army put on a ecstasy array and set up all kinds of illusions to make him believe that the South Bank defenders only had a small artillery force, Qianshui Zhenhao still maintained a high degree of caution, and avoided retaliatory attacks by frequently changing the firing positions .Even, he adopted roundabout tactics to make the road map for replacing artillery positions appear irregular.

Everything is to ensure your own survival first, and then you can better play a role in the battle.

Unexpectedly, it was still discovered by the enemy first.

"Lie down!" "Report to Your Excellency the Major General!"... The Japanese artillery unit fell into a small chaos.

"Boom!" The shells exploded one after another.Two mountain cannons of about 120 mm were blown over, and four or five artillerymen who could not escape were overturned to the ground.More shells smashed into the clearing, but that didn't make Shallows lucky.

He has been in the artillery industry for more than ten years, so he can naturally tell that this is a test firing to correct the ballistic.

He got out of the armored vehicle, and then saw several junior officers rushing towards him, they shouted loudly while running: "Your Excellency, do you want to transfer!"

"It's too late! Now, I need to know the position of the Chinese people!" Qianshui Zhenhao said, looking up at the sky.In the sky, a few white clouds float slowly.From the very beginning, Qianshui Zhenhao didn't dare to take chances, and mistakenly thought that it was just a blind cat from the artillery of the Xuebing Army on the other side who ran into a dead mouse.He thought it was the reconnaissance plane of the Chinese who had detected their position, but he did not see the trace of the plane in the sky.This made him very puzzled: "How did the Chinese people find out?"

"Get to the combat station and prepare to fight back!"


"Joe Tiger!"


"Take someone to search nearby, I suspect that there are Chinese scouts lurking nearby!"

"Hay!" Zhong Zuo Qiao Yamamoto agreed, and with a wave of his hand, a small group of military police immediately followed him and ran to the periphery of the position.

The sound of the cannon was fired, and Wang Yuxing, who was hiding on the old willow tree, immediately concentrated his attention and began to observe the effect of the shelling.As soon as the sound of the explosion stopped, he slipped down the tree, took a headset from Chen Baoer's hand, and whispered to Zhang Tianquan: "The direction to the southeast is just right, the west is about one kilometer away, and the north is about 500 meters away! It's over!"

"Okay! You can evacuate!" After Zhang Tianquan finished speaking, he picked up another microphone, and immediately, his deep voice appeared in the ears of the heads of the regiments: "Regiments 001 and 002 take back a scale, 101 The regiment recovered two scales! I ordered, the shelling began!"

"The 001 Regiment has received—all are ready, lower the scale by one, and fight!"

…After the commanders of each regiment issued their orders, the next moment, the entire area near the Madang Fort seemed to have an earthquake—nearly two hundred artillery pieces fired almost simultaneously, and the loud noise and reaction force caused by it made the The ground trembled suddenly.

"Hoo..." Nearly five hundred of them flew out of the gun barrel at an average initial speed of about 800 meters, and then dragged their orange-red tail flames and smashed towards the mouth of the snail.

The sound of sharp cannonballs piercing the air came from far to near, and flew over his head in an instant. The devils on Mianchuan Island raised their heads involuntarily and looked up. The next moment, they all turned pale with horror.

There is no doubt that this is the Chinese people firing cannons-the Chinese people have so many big cannons, and they didn't know it until now? !What if the shells had hit Cottonboat Island? !Many devils thought so, and dared not continue to think about it.

Due to the distance, the first among the senior Japanese officials to hear the sound of shells piercing through the air was naturally the commander of the 112th Division, Yamada Joji.Yamada Joji's complexion turned from white to yellow at that time, and his eyes shrank involuntarily.

Originally, because of Ouyang Yun's counterattack, he was holding back his anger, but now, this anger has not been vented, and it has been completely swallowed by fear——

(End of this chapter)

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