Chapter 1013 Silly X You
Anger ignited Li Xiaochun, and her hands gradually became full of strength, and flames licked out of her eyes, the power of hatred was making her stronger.

This transformation happened to many female soldiers.Although she is a woman, she is first and foremost a student.The sense of honor and mission of the soldiers made them quickly forget their gender and become full-time professionals.

While the female soldiers were quietly waiting for Liu Kui's order, at a place about [-] meters away from Liu Kui, Ryoko Takahashi and other Japanese from the Guangzhou Branch of the Anti-War Alliance were undergoing tremendous psychological distress. torment.

No matter what Ouyang Yun's attitude towards them was, the whole lady group didn't trust them.After arriving here, Liu Kui immediately arranged for people to "protect" them.

"Commander Liu, what you did is contrary to the original intention of the commander-in-chief! I will file a lawsuit against the commander-in-chief!" At the beginning, Takahashi also raised a strong protest.However, Liu Kui didn't talk to him at all, and the female soldiers guarding them kept their faces tense, as if they owed them a lot of money, and they didn't give in at all. Therefore, although Takahashi was indignant, he was a little There is no way.

Takahashi knew that he was not welcome in Niangzi Yunwei regiment.She also knew where the problem was—as a Japanese woman, she had an affair with Ouyang Yun, the commander-in-chief of the Xuebing Army and the popular lover of the female soldiers, so it was no wonder that the female soldiers treated her like an "enemy" up.In their hearts, she may be a public "rival in love".

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, although many female soldiers suppressed their nervousness, their trembling hands still betrayed their true state of mind.

Liu Kui could have taken it calmly - he had never encountered any dangerous situation when he was with Ouyang Yun, and today's situation was nothing more than pediatrics.But, in fact, he was more nervous than anyone else.

The behavior of the female soldiers made him feel uneasy.Seeing that several female soldiers around him looked nervous and at a loss, he couldn't help but want to order to shoot several times. However, considering that this would only expose the strength of the troops, it would make the little devil become Unbridled possibilities.He gritted his teeth and held back.


After 60 meters, Liu Kui hadn't ordered to shoot. Now, even Lin Bing and Hua Ming were extremely nervous.They looked at Liu Kui from time to time, not knowing what he wanted to do.

The little devil was getting closer, and the heartbeats of the female soldiers were getting louder and louder, but unlike the previous time, they controlled their actions very well and did not do anything that violated military discipline.Perhaps, after the test of blood and fire just now, they have successfully forgotten their identity as women, and first positioned themselves as a student soldier.

At 50 meters, when the little devil screamed and began to charge quickly under the command of several officers, Liu Kui stood up and shouted: "Hit me hard!" Immediately, the assault rifle in his hand opened fire first, " In the continuous gunshots, the devils in front of him were swept away.

Before Liu Kui shouted, the machine gunner who had been waiting for a long time pulled the trigger. "Da da da..." Nearly a hundred Qubing general-purpose machine guns roared at the same time, and the devils in front fell down, and their charging speed was immediately restrained.

All the machine gunners are veterans, many of them have rich combat experience, and there are not a few of them with the heads of devils in their hands.From the very beginning, Liu Kui regarded them as the most reliable force.Now, they repay Liu Kui's trust in them with actions.

"Fight!" A crisp female voice sounded—the company platoon leaders began to play the role of grassroots commanders.Most of them are also served by veterans, and their exemplary role has become a reassurance for the surrounding recruits.I had the experience of firing a gun before, and I pulled the trigger again according to the devil. The strange thing is that when the trigger was pulled, many people's hands stopped shaking.

Li Xiaochun fired the first few bullets with his eyes closed.According to Hua Ming's instruction, she adjusted the submachine gun to a single shot, so she did not make the mistake made by the female soldiers in front. When she grabbed the trigger, a box of bullets was emptied.Naturally, none of the devils were killed by these bullets.The accuracy of the submachine gun was already lower than that of the assault rifle, and with her eyes closed, it would be amazing if she could really kill someone.It was very strange, once the gun was fired, once the reaction force was applied to her shoulders, her mood gradually became calmer.The eyes opened naturally, and then she discovered to her embarrassment that the muzzle of her gun was pointing upward at 45 degrees.From this angle, it would be a ghost to be able to hit a devil.The results of the daily training naturally took effect, the muzzle of the gun was quickly lowered, the front sight was set on the devil who was closest to her, the left eye was closed, and then, the index finger of the right hand pulled the trigger. "Ba——" There was a clear gunshot, and the devil in the front sight was shot in the left chest, and then fell down.

"I killed a devil, I killed a devil—" Fear disappeared, and Li Xiaochun shouted excitedly.Unconsciously, she actually stood up.

"Get down—I want to die!" Hua Ming cursed, and pulled her foot with her left hand, pulling her down.

Li Xiaochun fell to the ground, with her head still in mid-air, when she suddenly felt a gust of hot air passing by her ears, she realized that it was a stray bullet, she was startled, and after she fell, she quickly lay down in a well-behaved manner.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and killing devils is no exception.With the first result, the next things will be relatively easier.The gun became more and more stable, the mentality became more and more relaxed, and the tactics became more diverse.The things learned in the usual training were naturally used, and the grenades pinned to the arm belt on the back were also taken out and used.

This situation happened to more than half of the female soldiers.Of course, casualties inevitably occurred.No less than dozens of female soldiers stood up because they were too excited. Among them, although some like Li Xiaochun escaped the bullet because of Huaming's help, many more were hit by the bullet. Among them, at least a dozen The female soldier died on the spot...

War is cruel. As long as you are on the battlefield, gender is not important.Because bullets don't pay you any favors just because you're a woman. "Get down! Get down! You silly X!" Liu Kui walked in the forefront while shooting.He walked past those ecstasy female soldiers, swearing mercilessly and kicking wherever he could. At least a dozen female soldiers were kicked on the buttocks or knees for this, and some even So I hated him.

The fighting power of the female soldiers is definitely not as good as that of the male soldiers, but fortunately, the weapons they use can maintain continuous firepower, which is equivalent to more than a thousand light machine guns firing at the same time. The first wave of Japanese attacks was quickly repelled.

However, this is only the beginning...

(End of this chapter)

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