Chapter 1019

In 10 minutes of shelling, Zhang Tianquan's troops fired nearly [-] shells.In other words, from the beginning of the shelling to the end of the shelling at this stage, a total of [-] shells flew over the heads of most devils on Mianchuan Island. What kind of strong psychological deterrent did this bring to the little devils?
Let's not talk about ordinary devil soldiers, just let's talk about Okamura Ningji and Yamada Shiro's second-class devil senior officers. At this moment, there is no trace of blood on their faces. "Your Excellency, what should we do?" Munetake Yamamuro looked at Neiji Okamura with a look of panic.

"Your Excellency, order to retreat! The Chinese cannon fire—" Katamura, the chief of staff of the 11th Division, didn't finish his sentence. When he found that the veins on Neiji Okamura's face were twitching, he immediately closed his mouth sensibly. .

It was still too late, Neiji Okamura had already erupted, he stared at Katamura Siba, and spit on the latter's face: "Retreat? Where to retreat? Now, I am still the commander of the 11th Army, where is my turn here?" When you talk?! Get out! Get out of here!"

"Hay!" Katamura's thoughtful remonstrance was regarded as bullshit by Okamura Neiji, and his face flushed immediately.However, he did not dare to disobey Gomura Ningji who was in a state of rage, so he bowed repeatedly and retreated.

"Attack! Only by attacking and capturing Ouyang Yun will we have a chance of winning! As long as Ouyang Yun is captured, the Chinese will throw their hands at you, and we will win this battle!" Neiji Okamura roared, and Zongwu Yamamuro followed closely ran out.At the door, seeing Katamura in a state of despair, he patted him on the shoulder, and Yamamuro said: "The battle situation is too critical, Your Excellency Commander has lost his composure, Mr. Katamura, please don't take it to heart!"

"I understand, but, Your Excellency, please order the retreat as soon as possible. If there are fewer casualties, our 11th Division can still leave a little seed. If it is later, I am worried that the entire army may be wiped out!"

Zongwu Yamamuro sighed a long sigh and said: "I really didn't expect that the situation of the war would develop to this point. The commander originally wanted to use this to make meritorious service, but Katamura, you go to call the gendarmerie and prepare to evacuate Matters, if the commander still insists on refusing to leave, you might as well take coercive measures. Please remember, the commander must be fine. We still underestimated Ouyang Yun. Now I can be sure that all of this is based on his calculations Well, the reason why he left only this few troops in the Madang Fortress is to lure our army to overwhelm, and the artillery is his trump card—”

Three signal flares, two red and one green, flew across the sky, and were quickly spotted by the officers and soldiers of both the offensive and defensive sides.One passed two, two passed four, when most people saw the three flares, two completely different emotions began to spread.

On the part of the Japanese army, including the part by the bank of Guantian, the little ghosts felt a bad feeling in their hearts. They watched the three signal flares gradually fall to the ground in a daze. Suddenly, someone came to their senses and shouted: "China! People have ambushes, and the Chinese people must have ambushes!" They turned their heads and looked around, trying to find out the "ambush soldiers of the Chinese people", but besides the vast Yangtze River and the dense mountains and forests, where are there any ambushes?Someone thought of the shelling just now, "Cannon, cannon! The Chinese are going to shoot at us..."

The Japanese troops in the Guantian Bank area were alright, they were still distracted by what happened just now, and the devils on Mianchuan Island suddenly fell into a collective panic.The middle and low-level commanders on the front line were still carrying out the order of Neiji Okamura to attack desperately, but at this moment they found that some bullets could not suppress the troops. They roared loudly, trying to restrict the order of the troops. However, the number of soldiers was a hundred times that of them , Thousand times, among them, they are just a reef compared to the water of the Yangtze River.Even though they themselves are strong enough, they can't stop the flow of the river at all. They are surrounded by chaotic crowds, and they can only feel angry.

The sound of "empty" firing finally rang out, and there was no obvious difference from the sound of firing at any stage just now. However, perhaps it was because they had a premonition that the shells were directed at themselves. The cannon fire was particularly loud.After a while, the sound of shells breaking through the air rang out intensively. This time, the judgment of the direction of the shells' flight was more accurate. Many devils ran around like headless flies, or fell down on their heads. The order became more chaotic.

After the signal flare was launched into the air, Zhang Tianquan waited for 10 minutes, then suddenly pinched the microphone and shouted: "Launch!"

More than [-] cannons roared at the same time. The next moment, more than [-] shells pierced through the air, and the next moment, Mianchuan Island began to explode fireballs continuously. Then, there were continuous explosions, and soon, The cotton boat island began to ignite in large groups...

"Move up half a tick! Launch!"

"Turn left one tick! Launch!"

... With every fine-tuning of Zhang Tianquan's shooting elements, areas on Mianchuan Island were covered by hundreds of shells, and then a sea of ​​flames rose.In every area bombardment, almost hundreds of devils were affected by the explosion. Those who were unlucky directly tasted the taste of being a bird and lost their lives in mid-air; Once the funnel is opened, it becomes a blood gourd in an instant.

"Mom—" Finally, some devils couldn't stand this kind of blow. They fell to their knees on the ground, and finally realized that they were a human being, born of a fucking human being.

There were also devils who shouted the slogan "For His Majesty the Emperor" and continued to bravely rush towards the bunkers. However, suddenly a fireball rose around him. His bravery only made him die more completely.The fireball dissipated and the flames ignited. The few devils who were running just now had been turned into pieces—they would become the best fertilizer on this land.

"Our cannon! Look! Look! Look at those goddamn—"

"Little devil, you also have today—artillery brothers, fight well, fight hard!"


If we say that the first stage of shelling, because it was a little far away from the bank of Guantian, Canaan Dazuo and his men only heard the sound but not the shape, but they didn't feel deeply, then this round of shelling on Mianchuan Island brought The audio-visual effects for their senses are really shocking.Hundreds of shells whizzed down at the same time, and immediately an area was caught in a series of explosions, and then a sea of ​​flames ignited. Many devils lost their faces when they thought that they were even closer to the firing point than Mianchuan Island.

However, what Ryoko Takahashi said just now made them feel extra sentimental and caring about their family members at this time, and the fighting spirit in their hearts was fading exponentially.

The sound of the explosion on Mianchuan Island and the scene of the explosion first made the female soldiers of the Niangzi regiment equally terrified.This is the first time I have seen such a scene of thousands of guns being fired. Even some bold female soldiers known as "silly big sisters" still cannot resist the psychological deterrence brought by it.It wasn't until this time that they really saw what war was.They could vaguely see the shattered ghost corpses at the top of the fireball, and many people realized that they were so close to death? !
(End of this chapter)

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