Chapter 1030 Fox Thirteen

Although the appearance of a butterfly caused a storm in time and space and limitedly changed the course of World War II, its power is still too insignificant in front of the wheel of history.

In Shanghai, in a small building called Plum Blossom Hall, three Japanese were sitting on a tatami mat, discussing something in a low voice.Suddenly, a middle-aged man about 50 years old, wearing a kimono and glasses, slapped the tatami hard, and said angrily: "Bage, the Chinese people are getting more and more arrogant. Now, some gangsters in Shanghai It has already begun to treat us positively and negatively. If things go on like this, the prestige of our Mei agency will be lost! In that case, how will we carry out our work! I have decided to take advantage of the opportunity of Yagyu Quanzhai to come to Shanghai to hold a martial arts competition. The spy organization will carry out a cleaning!" After finishing speaking, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the other two Japanese in suits and ties.

Compared with the murderous look of the Japanese men in kimonos, the expressions on the faces of the two Japanese in suits and leather shoes are much softer. One of them said: "Your Excellency Kagesa, as citizens of the empire, our Yagyu family naturally has an obligation to serve Don’t worry, I’ll do Yagyu-kun’s work. As long as he still wants to exchange so-called martial arts with the Chinese people, then there is great hope for this matter. I only have one condition, that is, no matter what No matter what method you adopt, you must ensure that Liu Sheng-kun maintains a complete victory record in this martial arts tournament!"

As soon as he finished speaking, another man in a suit and leather shoes shook his head with a smile and said, "Okada-kun, you don't seem to have confidence in Yagyu Quansai? Yagyu is the direct descendant of the strongest swordsmanship in our empire, Yagyu Xinyinliu. Why? You Do you think that our strongest samurai in Japan can't beat the sick men of East Asia?"

"Of course I am confident, but the population of China is too large, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will be one or two Huo Yuanjia-style characters among them-don't forget, how the strongest warrior in our country defeated the Huo family in Tianjin at that time Yes. Always, the reputation of Yagyu Xinyinliu must not be tarnished, this is the premise of my agreement to cooperate!"

The middle-aged Japanese man in his 50s wearing a kimono is none other than Akira Kagesa, the head of the notorious Ume Agency.And that man named Masaru Okada is the imperial lawyer of Yanagyu Xinyinliu in Japan, and he is the main person in charge of the current head of Xinyinliu Liuyu Quanzhai's trip to China for the martial arts competition.As for the other person, it is the president of the Shanghai branch of the Black Dragon Association, named Yoshikawa Shanbin.

Okada and Yoshikawa came to Plum Blossom Hall together, and originally asked for Kagezuo's help in the Yanagyu martial arts competition. However, Kagezuo was being humiliated by the Xuebing Army Fox Tong Shanghai Branch during this time, and he was always thinking about On the special station line to win back the field, so there was the words and deeds at the beginning.

Japan has won successive victories in its use of troops against China, and the national pride of the Japanese has also risen unprecedentedly. Therefore, all kinds of people began to go to Shanghai and other large and medium-sized cities in China to seek victories on other levels, so as to respond to the government and the Communist Party. The propagandists on race: Yamato is the most superior race in the world.

Yagyu Quansai, as a martial idiot, didn't pay much attention to things other than martial arts, so he was used as a chess piece by Okada Katsuki with ulterior motives, and this "Journey to China" of Yagyu Shinin-ryu was born.

After Ding Yi brought some Spike elites to Shanghai to preside over the work of counterfeit coins, he has recently made frequent big moves, releasing a large number of counterfeit Japanese military tickets on the black market, which caused a great loss of credibility for Japanese military tickets, and also caused the Mei Agency to use military tickets to go to other places. The means of obtaining huge profits from the price difference began to fail, which naturally aroused Yingzuo's shame.He has been busy fighting against the counterfeit military ticket group during this period of time, but he has gained very little. Therefore, when Okada asked him to help organize the martial arts competition, he had an idea, thinking that this is the right way to wipe out the underground forces in Shanghai. This is a good opportunity, that's why he released the cruel words above.

Since the Revolution of [-], Shanghai has been one of the most mixed cities in China. Now, because of the Japanese occupation, Shanghai has actually become a city of all nations (World War II has not yet officially started, and Britain, France and other countries and Japan have not yet torn their faces. , so their concession rights in Shanghai were preserved).Shanghai at that time was actually composed of two parts, one part was more glamorous under the sun, and the other side was full of all kinds of shady people and forces, and these people and forces were entangled because of their different positions. The whole of Shanghai has become a big dye vat.

During this period of time, Yingzuo led the elite special agents of the special high technology and the military police provided by the Shanghai occupation army to attack frequently, but he gained little.At the beginning, he thought of using Shanghai's underground forces. However, although the Japanese are an occupying force and can act mischievously in some places, this method has no deterrent effect on the Jianghu people who are on the tip of their swords.From this, he came to the conclusion that if he really wanted to eradicate the Xuebing Jun Hutong and the Chinese agents of the military commander and the Central Command from Shanghai, the underground forces in Shanghai must first be eliminated.The arrival of Liu Shengquanzhai just gave him this opportunity.

No matter how good Liu Shengquanzhai's martial arts skills are, as long as he can successfully arouse the Chinese people's desire to challenge, then he can use various means to eliminate those so-called martial arts people one by one.These people must be the backbone of Shanghai's underground forces. As long as these people are eradicated, then the remaining minions will be much easier to deal with.Even, if the method is used properly, they will become loyal dogs of the imperial army!
He was going to use this to deal with the so-called Jianghu people, so he naturally agreed to Okada's request.He patted the tatami again, and said heartily to Okada: "Mr. Okada, don't worry, in Shanghai, no one can challenge His Excellency Yagyu's swordsmanship. Hmph, I have been in Shanghai for a few years, and I have not done it for nothing!"

"Then it's a deal!" Okada got what he wanted, stood up and solemnly bowed to Yingzuo to thank him.

Ying Zuo nodded, indicating nothing, then looked at Yoshikawa, and said, "Yoshikawa-kun, next, it depends on our intensive cooperation."

As the president of the Shanghai branch of the Black Dragon Club, Yoshikawa will be in charge of the operation of the martial arts tournament. He nodded and said, "The Black Dragon Club will only follow your lead, but if you have any orders, we will definitely obey them."

Yingzuo gritted his teeth cruelly, clenched his right fist and said, "Then, let's set the date for the tournament to be held on Sunday. In the next few days, I will let the Chinese people under my command do their best to publicize this matter. The Chinese people will save face." , as long as we do it right, there will be a large number of so-called martial arts people willing to participate in this event! Humph, Hu Shisan, I hope you won't let me down this time!"

Who is Fox Thirteen?Why did Yingzuo hate him so much?
This has to start with an incident that happened in March this year.

At that time, the Xuebing Army's counterfeit currency plan had just begun to be planned——

(End of this chapter)

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