Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1042 I'm going to kill you

Chapter 1042 I'm going to kill you
Bian Jingdao was not opposed to becoming Ouyang Yun's personal male "nanny" and "bodyguard". After all, as a student soldier, this position itself represented a kind of honor and a kind of affirmation.Not to mention that you will get more opportunities for promotion.And Bian Jingdao is a hard-core cloud party, so he happily accepted this arrangement, but after only two days passed, he couldn't take it anymore.The reason for this is because of You Xiaolian.

You Xiaolian was appointed by Shui Hongxiu to be in charge of Ouyang Yun's safety, the chief officer of the Niangziyun Guards. For this reason, she is currently one of the most frequent women besides Ouyang Yun besides Pan Meiren and Chen Jiayao.

When she was still fighting in the bunker group, because she couldn't understand Bian Jingdao's style of work, You Xiaolian was full of "old feet" to him, so she planted the impression of a "tigress" in the latter's mind.Two people can't understand each other, but they have to be together often, which greatly increases the chance of friction.Xue Bingjun is a martial artist, and You Xiaolian, as the heir of the Northern School of Tan Legs, is very skilled. Therefore, in this entangled battle between men and women, Bian Jingdao has suffered a lot, and the shoe prints on his buttocks have almost never disappeared.

Ouyang Yun had heard about this.Of course, unlike other people's opinions, he looked at this matter with a little evil taste in his eyes.

After all, he is a person who came from the 21st century and has a relatively advanced understanding of the relationship between men and women. Therefore, when other people are talking about it, and think that Ju and Bian must have enmity in the previous life, he feels that this may be because The reason why the hormonal smells on the two people are attracted to each other.

On the way to bring Takahashi here, Bian Jingdao and You Xiaolian fought again. Of course, the result was the same as before, and ended with another footprint on his buttocks.This made Bian Jingdao look at You Xiaolian's eyes with some resentment, and also made Takahashi's expression look a little weird.Takahashi obviously regarded the exchange between the two as flirting. She may think that these two people are a bit too much and have no professional ethics at all.Of course, maybe, because of this, she would think of her previous experience of fighting with Ouyang Yun in Tianjin, and even have some feelings in her heart that are completely inconsistent with this trip - this seems to be a reasonable thing.

Compared with Takahashi's fuss, Ouyang Yun was not surprised, he said to Bian Jingdao in a teasing tone: "What? You got kicked again?"

Bian Jingdao stood straight, saluted and said loudly: "Report to the commander-in-chief, good men don't fight with women!"

You Xiaolian stared at him, leaving her right heel off the ground.

Ouyang Yun grinned, and shouted: "If you want to flirt, go, don't hinder my work!"

"Commander in Chief—" You Xiaolian quit.

Bian Jingdao blushed.

Ouyang Yun waved to them, and then said to Takahashi: "Miss Takahashi, you should know, I can only give you 10 minutes."

Bian Jingdao and You Xiaolian backed out, Bian Jingdao was the last to go out, and closed the gate behind him.

Takahashi is wearing a school uniform, which makes her look very ladylike.Perhaps because she had just recovered from her injury, her face was still pale, which added a lot of charm to her.As soon as the door closed with a creak, she knelt down in front of Ouyang Yun with a plop, and then leaned her head against the floor, choked up and said, "Yun Sang, please, let them go. They are actually victims too."

After the troops returned to Guangzhou, Ouyang Yun only visited Gaoqiao once.The reason for this was that he was afraid that Takahashi would become entangled in the issue of prisoners of war.

Gao Qiao wanted to see Ouyang Yun very early on, but because of her injuries, her movements were restricted by the medical staff until today.Ouyang Yun knew that she must have come for the issue of prisoners of war, so he couldn't agree to her.

He bent down to help her, but she firmly refused: "Please promise me, or I won't get up."

Ouyang Yun had no choice but to straighten up, and he said: "I really can't promise you. This is not something I can personally decide. I admit that they are victims, but this is not the reason why they can escape punishment. Everyone is an adult. Are you responsible for your own actions? What? Do you think that we Chinese deserve to die? Have you read every issue of our "Military Daily"? When you see the behavior of those beasts, don’t you feel it? War is a soldier What about the common people? What about the children? Takahashi, you will have children in the future, if someone treats your children like that, what will you think?" He said, his voice gradually became stern.

After arriving in Guangzhou, Ouyang Yun already had the demeanor of a general, and he was able to hide his emotions and anger. However, whenever he thought of those women and children who were killed, he couldn't help but get angry and his brain was congested.At this time, he was as angry as ever.

"They were just poisoned by the ****, why can't you give them a chance to reform? Please believe me, I will make them repent," Takahashi looked up at him with tears in his eyes .

"Get up, what's the point if someone comes in and sees it?" Ouyang Yun shouted, at this moment, his heart was as hard as iron.

Takahashi looked at him, looked at him carefully, but failed to see a trace of the emotional fluctuations in his eyes that she wanted to see, and suddenly her heart ached. "You fell in love with someone you shouldn't love!" She heard a voice shouting in her heart, and then, a devil's tentacles stretched out—another emotion that had been suppressed for a long time began to grow wildly because it was nourished. A crazy idea was brewing in her mind.

She stood up slowly, looked at him and suddenly asked: "Yun Sang, I have another question, please answer me truthfully. Have you ever loved me?"

Ouyang Yun looked at his watch and said dumbly: "There are still 5 minutes, I will go out. Takahashi, I regard you as a friend. Some things, although not your fault, even you are still a victim, but there are some things , we can't change it humanly. At least for now—you know what I mean?"

"Answer me, have you ever loved me?" Takahashi panted heavily, his face flushed, and his chest was undulating.

Ouyang Yun swallowed, well, he was never a saint.Of course, fortunately, he can still control the big issues. "No nutrition question, Takahashi, you have just recovered from your injury and still need to rest. Maybe I can answer you this question 45 years later, but now, sorry, I can only 'say no'."

"Then why did you want me at that time? Did you want revenge? Because I am a Japanese woman?" Takahashi said, his eyes were bloodshot, "Do you think this is what a weak person should do? "

Ouyang Yun noticed the change in her mood, stared at her, and finally realized the seriousness of the problem. Then he suddenly remembered that this woman was not a pure anti-pacifist, her identity was a mystery.He sneered and asked, "What? Can't hold on any longer? Are you showing your true colors? You are basically a pervert, am I right?"

Ouyang Yun was aggressive again and again, smashing the fantasy of love in the woman's heart, and finally, she collapsed, she screamed: "Yes, I am a traitor, I will kill you!" Then Just jumped at him.

"That's not right!" Outside the door, Bian Jingdao said to You Xiaolian, of course, he might also be talking to himself.

You Xiaolian said with a cold expression, "I have searched, and she has no weapons."

Bian Jingdao licked his lips, glanced at her right foot, and finally said out with patience: "The tigress is going crazy, she is a weapon!"

"Are you talking about me?" You Xiaolian was furious.

"Hmph, you're right on your own!" Bian Jingdao said not to be outdone.

"Get lost!" You Xiaolian kicked up.

Bian Jingdao had been on guard for a long time, and immediately stepped aside...

In the room, the fight also started.

(End of this chapter)

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