Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1057 Grid, it's too hateful

Chapter 1057 Grid, it's too hateful
With Ding Yi in the lead, a group of people entered the tunnel one by one.A Langya named Mao Zhenglong stayed behind to install the bomb at the entrance, while Hu Shisan stayed with him.Mao Zhenglong was the only blaster in the Wolf Fang team, and he was the only one among the eleven who carried plastic high-energy explosives.Mao Zhenglong installed the explosives, Hu Shisan walked up to Suga Hikojiro, first stuffed his mouth with a cloth strip, and then cut off all his tendons and hamstrings under his terrified eyes.Picking up Suga whose whole body was still twitching from the pain, Hu Shisan tied him to a chair, and after Mao Zhenglong finished operating, he moved the chair to the top of the bomb.Hu Shisan patted Suga's face, stared into his eyes and said, "Remember, my name is Hu Shisan!"

The secret passage was not easy to walk because of the deep water, but the more it was like this, the more relieved Ding Yi felt. "Everyone follow me, are Xiao Mao and Thirteen back?"

Xiaomao and Hu Shisan were rushing over quickly. Hearing the question, Hu Shisan said in a low voice, "Here we are."

"Okay, everyone follow closely!" Ding Yi said and quickened his pace.

Yangpu, after waiting for another quarter of an hour, the battle started again.The majestic Japanese imperial army can't even deal with a dozen or so small Chinese thieves. If this news gets out, how will I, Toyoma Ono, be able to hang out in the military?With this in mind, Toyoma Ono ordered a strong attack. The "Tong Tong" mortar fire sounded, and one grenade after another was thrown at the hiding place of Xue Degang and others. A few minutes later, amidst the roar of Type [-] heavy machine guns, more than a hundred gendarmes charged from all directions. up.

For Kagezuo Haruaki, the Rangers are no match for a little thief, but Xue Degang refuses to accept his softness and toughness, and Suga Hikojiro has not been there for a long time, so he can only watch helplessly as the two sides fight again . "What's the matter with this guy Suga? The Chinese people in the Ranger Team are all his direct subordinates—no, something must have happened!" Kagezuo thought, and the more he thought about it, the more disturbed he gradually came up with an idea: Fox Tong Those Chinese people, they will not do the opposite and kill the Plum Blossom Hall.At this time, the guards of Plum Blossom Hall are the most vulnerable.

As soon as this idea came up, because the relationship was too important, Ying Zuo couldn't stay there for a second.He waved to Quan Yangjian, another middle-level cadre of the Mei Agency, and shouted: "Mr. Quan Yang, quickly gather people and go back."

As the son of the former Prime Minister Inuyang Takeshi, Inuyang Ken is considered a descendant of a famous family and has a considerable reputation among the Japanese in Shanghai.He also felt very anxious and helpless about the conflict between the Rangers and the Gendarmerie. After hearing what Yingzuo said, he couldn't understand the situation and asked, "Director, where are you going?"

"Plum Blossom Hall!"

"Huh? We don't care about them?"

Yingzuo glanced at the battlefield where the fierce fire was being fought, and said something that Quan Yangjian regarded as a classic: "As long as there are meat and bones, are you afraid that you will not find a dog that can be raised?" After he finished speaking, his face changed, revealing Feeling anxious: "I suspect that Hutong's people have gone to Plum Blossom Hall."

"What?" Quan Yangjian was shocked when he heard this: "Assemble, the people from the Mei Agency have assembled—" He shouted loudly, and after a little thought, he approved Yingzuo's judgment.

At that time, Shanghai was only so big, and they invested so many troops, but they failed to find any trace after a few hours, which is really abnormal.Abnormality is a monster. Thinking about it from the opponent's point of view, there is no doubt that the Plum Blossom Hall, which is weakly defended, is a relatively safe place.The Mei Agency has many places in Shanghai to hide stolen goods, and the Meihuatang is the largest one. If the Meihuatang is breached by the Chinese——Qu Yangjian shook his head, not daring to continue thinking about it.

Yingzuo Zhenzhao realized later, and hurried back to the Plum Blossom Hall with dozens of subordinates.

The gate of Plum Blossom Hall was closed tightly, and there was no one around. Everything seemed to be peaceful. However, when they walked up the steps, the gate was still closed. Ying Zuo, Quan Yangjian and others looked at each other, and their expressions changed immediately.

As usual, the door would have been opened long ago, and the agents on duty inside should have come out long ago.What happened that made it possible for the people inside to have no reaction at all?Could it be that all the people inside are dead.

Ying Zuo stood in front of the door thinking, and after a few minutes, he raised his hands to signal everyone to back off, and then assigned a person who was usually more alert to open the door.Having dealt with Hu Tong's people a lot, Yingzuo has learned a lot of experience and lessons. For example, now, he is very worried that Hu Tong's people have set up booby traps behind the door.

Not only Yingzuo, but in fact, all the agents of the Mei Agency who are standing at the door now have this awareness.Many people stepped back, bowed their bodies slightly, and were even ready to rush when they heard the sound of the explosion—once the sound of the explosion sounded, they could immediately fall to the ground to avoid the shrapnel and blast waves.

The face of the devil who was assigned to open the door turned pale with shock.He stepped forward cautiously, first checked the status of the door, and after confirming that it was not locked inside, he pushed it lightly.

With a "squeak", the door was pushed open a little, and the hearts of all the devils beat violently with a "dong" almost at the same time.Ying Zuo licked his lips, but he didn't hear the explosion, so he exhaled lightly.He said: "Cunzuo, you are too cautious, just push it away."

"Hay!" Murao wiped his sweat and pushed open the door.

The gate was pushed open, and just as Cunzuo was about to step in, he suddenly exclaimed: "Ah!"

"What's going on?" Quan Yangjian ran up, and then he was also stunned.

In the hall, eight corpses were neatly placed, and seven of them had their heads tilted.

This is the masterpiece of Hu Shisan's evil taste. He originally only wanted to disgust the Japanese, but now it seems that he has completely angered the Japanese.

"Bage, it's too hateful!" Inuyang Jian roared.

Among the middle-level cadres of the Mei Agency, Quan Yangjian has the best self-cultivation. Now, even this "gentle and elegant" person is irritated, and the emotions of others can be imagined.

Kagezuo Zhenzhao's face was livid, he stood in front of a dead body for a full 3 minutes, and suddenly said: "Where is Suga? Suga is not dead yet?!"

"Will Mr. Suga follow the Chinese people?" said an imaginative Mei Agency agent.

"Look around to see what's missing," Yingzuo said, suddenly feeling a little hopeful in his heart.If Suga really followed the Chinese people, then they should not have been able to find the underground warehouse.

Reality gave him a hard blow, and with a cry of surprise, he walked to the door of the basement where the gold was stored, probed his head and saw the empty box inside, felt his eyes darken, and he staggered and almost passed out.

"Your Excellency, be careful!" Quan Yangjian next to him hurriedly supported him.

(Old Poison: Indeed, words are just excuses...Well, then I can only take action...Although I can't guarantee how much every day, in short, I will try my best...)
(End of this chapter)

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