Chapter 1079 Shame

The next day, as soon as a ray of sunlight appeared at the junction of the sea and the sky in the east, Onitsuka Shomuro, who was sitting on a chair, opened his eyes. "Actually fell asleep!" He whispered self-deprecatingly, stood up and stretched himself.

Adjutant Matsushita Hitoshi had been waiting outside with breakfast, nodded to Onizuka through the glass, opened the door and walked in slowly.

"Aikawa-kun's remains must be found!" Onizuka said, "However, we don't know how many Chinese people are ambushing on the island. It seems that we can only ask the aviation soldiers for help."

"Your Excellency, I will send Captain Noma to send a telegram."

"Also, help me call Major Sama over."

"Hay!" Matsushita Jin bowed and stepped back. Five minutes later, Dashiro Sama walked in.He bowed respectfully and said, "Your Excellency, what are your orders?"

"From now on, the Cangtian Regiment is under your command. Go prepare, we will launch another landing battle in a short time! The remains of the soldiers of the imperial army who died in the battle must be found."


At around seven o'clock, on the deck of the "Kaga", Tsukahara Nishizo personally delivered Yamabe Chuan Sankey to a Type 1003 fighter numbered 99.As one of the few ace pilots in the United Fleet Aviation, Sankey Yamabe could no longer easily carry out such easy reconnaissance missions.However, what happened on Dazhou Island last night was really weird. In order to find out, Yamamoto personally ordered his general.

As a lesson learned from the past, Tsukahara paid special attention to this reconnaissance mission, not counting personally conveying orders to Yamabe, and personally sent him to the fighter plane.

Yamabe wasn't interested in this newly promoted officer who came by airborne, but Tsukahara valued himself so much, which moved him very much. "Your Excellency, don't worry, the Chinese pilot who can shoot me down has not yet been born!" He said to Tsukahara, and then pulled down the hatch.

Facing his confident words, Tsukahara stood on the deck and gave him a military salute.

As soon as 1003 rose above 56 meters, Fang Xueliang immediately picked up the phone and called the military headquarters at the Wuzhishan radar station.Shan Renxiong received the report, smiled and said to Brother Kuang Lai: "It must be Dazhou Island, hehe, I don't know what expression Yamamoto [-] will have when he gets detailed information and learns that there are only snakes on the island."

"Should we send Blue Volcano and the others to meet them?"

"Of course, if the little devil wants to cross the border for reconnaissance, he must be expelled."

Blue Volcano is the commander-in-chief of the Hainan Air Force.At this time, he was taking a group of pilots to do morning lessons. After receiving a call from Brother Kuang Lai, he immediately sent two Baiji dolphins to fly towards Dazhou Island.

The Kaga is only about 99 kilometers away from Ozu Island, and at a speed of more than 570 kilometers per hour in Type [-], it arrived in a few minutes.

Onizuka wanted to know the secret of Dazhou Island too much. He paid close attention to 1003, watching it first maintain an altitude of more than 400 meters and fly around Dazhou Island, and then lowered its altitude step by step until it dropped to [-] meters. Flying around the mountains of Ozu Island at a high altitude, his heart beat faster, and he was even more nervous than Yamabe himself.

After 10 minutes, nothing happened, and 1003 left again.Onitsuka couldn't help feeling a little disappointed—there was no sound of anti-aircraft artillery, and 1003 did not attack. Was it because the Chinese people on Ozu Island were too well concealed that 1003 didn't find anything, or was there no one on the island at all?If there were no lurking troops of the Chinese on the island, could it be said that all the officers and soldiers who died on the island last night were buried in Shekou?In that case, last night would not have been a defeat but an accident - Onizuka thought, with extremely complicated emotions.

1003 landed lightly on the flight deck of the "Kaga" under the control of Yamabe. Yamabe opened the hatch and stood up from his seat. He was greeted by the thumb of the pilot: "Your Excellency Yamabe, pretty!"

Yamabe's expression was tense.Tsukahara greeted him, and he couldn't wait to ask Yamabe who was walking down the gangway: "What did you find?"

Gritting his teeth, Shanbu spit out a line: "Snake, the island is full of snakes!"


"Based on my experience, there is absolutely no human presence on the island!" Yamabe added: "Your Excellency, we were tricked by the Chinese people. No, or, we fooled ourselves!"

"They're all snakes? Could it be that Dazhou Island is a snake island at all?!" Tsukahara asked, the expression on his face suddenly became weird.

Not only him, Yamamoto 56, Koizumi Toshiichiro, Arima Masafun and others had strange expressions after hearing this report, and no one expressed any opinion for a long time.

Shame, excitedly and wantonly raised troops, but ended up entangled with a group of long insects for most of the night, and paid a huge sacrifice.If this matter is reported back to the country, what will the army leaders in the base camp think of this matter?

Koizumi Toshiichiro deserves to be from later generations. He was the first to realize that he took a look at everyone and said loudly: "Yamabe is absolutely wrong. How could a group of snakes defeat the heavily armed imperial army? This is simply a conspiracy by the Chinese people." I thought those snakes were bred in captivity by the Chinese people! The Chinese people have always been superstitious, and there may be some masters driving snakes among them. I heard that in Indochina, there are people who can even kill the poisonous king cobra. snakes can be tamed."

Koizumi's words reminded others. Except for Yamamoto, others echoed their words and quickly reached an agreement to blame Onizuka for the defeat last night. , This caused the Marine Corps to suffer such a large battle loss.

Since Onizuka is responsible, it is natural to deal with it to show the strict discipline of the imperial army.Of course, due to unknown reasons, the handling must be just right, so Koizumi decided to electrify the entire army in the name of Yamamoto: "Major General Onitsuka, as the supreme commander, should take the main responsibility for the defeat in the battle of Ozu Island on the night of the 12th. However, Considering that the decisive battle is imminent, the Marine Corps does not have a more suitable commander, so he is allowed to continue to command the troops despite his crimes and meritorious service. I hope that Major General Onizuka can learn from the lesson and learn from it in future commands—to! Combined Fleet Commander Yamamoto 56. "

Because of unknown reasons, although Onizuka repeatedly asked Tsukahara [-] for Ozu Island reconnaissance information, the latter used various excuses to shirk it.

At around 56:[-], after the research of Yamamoto [-] and others, the United Fleet's offensive against Wanning finally started again.Fighter planes took off from the "Kaga" and "Cangryu" one after another. The next moment, they formed two formations at the upper left of the fleet, and then flew towards Wanning.

On the morning of the 13th, after being silent for the second half of the night, the battle started again in the sea, land and airspace of Wanning, Hainan.

(End of this chapter)

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