Chapter 1081 Prepare for Battle
"Don't let go of every suspicious target!" "Wanning must be destroyed! Even if it's just to avenge Aikawa-kun and the others!" Before dispatching, the roar of Tsukahara [-] was still ringing in his ears. With this hateful instruction, Tsukahara crazily pounced on one after another residential houses, factories, workshops, and even larger buildings in the suburbs, swooped down, dropped bombs, and then pulled up a fighter plane to pounce on another target.

The sound of explosions was endless, and the people in the air-raid shelter turned pale in horror at first, but gradually, hatred made them forget their fear.Someone boldly appeared at the opening of the air-raid shelter and peeped out. Some teenagers raised their wooden guns and aimed at the plane passing by the opening.The women gathered together, their faces worried about the future life, and the men talked more about how to join the Self-Defense Forces so as to contribute to the upcoming battle.

"The Japanese want to occupy our homeland and enslave us, we will never agree!..." Some students stood in the crowd and delivered speeches. Their speeches made many people feel passionate, temporarily forgetting the pain of their homes being ravaged .

"After the bombing, it should be a landing operation!" In the Dongshanling temporary headquarters, with the sound of rumbling explosions, Shan Renxiong was drawing something on a map with a red and blue two-color pencil. Brother Kuang Lai and several staff officers stood Behind him, Brother Kuang Lai said, "Our fort can finally show its power!"

"The order of shelling remains the same. The first targets are still troop carriers and landing ships, followed by cruisers and frigates. Call me!"

Brother Kuang Lai picked up the phone and handed it to Shan Renxiong.Shan Renxiong asked Zhang Dali first.

Zhang Dali had been looking forward to it for a long time. After the connection, he immediately shouted: "Army seat, is it time to fight back! It's time, the little devil's landing ship has been dispatched, there are many, I guess, at least one brigade!"

"Where is your armored regiment?" Shan Renxiong asked without answering his words.

"They have already left Wuzhi Mountain, but in order to avoid being discovered by the Japanese aircraft, they are still hiding in the coconut grove for the time being."

"Let them prepare for battle, and once the front line can't hold it, they will immediately go into battle!"


After talking on the phone with Zhang Dali, Shan Renxiong asked for the public channels of the three forts.Xu Sanpao, Guo Guizhang, and Wan Lin, the company commander of Hele Fortress, had been wearing headsets on their ears. Hearing Shan Renxiong's voice, all three of them seemed very excited. "Army, please give instructions!" The three said in unison.

"Get ready for battle. Wan Lin!"


"Do you need test shots anywhere?"

The Hele Fort is the farthest from the possible landing point of the Japanese army, so Shan Renxiong only asked this question.He was well-intentioned, but it sounded like an insult to Wan Lin: "Sir, you underestimate people. Although there are very few opportunities for live ammunition practice since the fort was built, we have never stopped training. I promise, the first bomb It will fall into the target sea!"

Solo laughed.The artillery company commanders of the eighteen forts were all selected by him, and this Wan Lin was nicknamed "Wan Dapao" because of his cannon temper, but he was the one he was most familiar with. "That's good! Tell the brothers, I don't ask the process but the result. If anyone can sink the enemy ship first, I will give him first-class merit!"

Who doesn't want to be a soldier who doesn't want to make meritorious service? Although he is still in a well at present, but thinking of the difficulty of obtaining first-class merit, the three fort company commanders immediately became excited, and they shouted in unison: "Yes! Just wait to hear it!"

After talking with Xu Sanpao and others on the phone, Shan Renxiong thought for a while, and asked Kuang Lai to call Guangpo Fort and other forts near Wanning, so that they could carry out shelling as appropriate.Then, he picked up the phone again and asked for Qiongzhou Airport.

Fifty kilometers away, the explosion in Wanning was earth-shattering. According to the information received from the Wuzhishan radar station, the Japanese aircraft formation was carrying out intensive bombing of Wanning. "Captain, why don't we fight? We are the only air force in Hainan! Our responsibility is to protect Hainan's airspace, but what is this? Hiding here and watching the little devils' fighter planes raging, this, this is the biggest battle in my life." What a shame!" Chen Shaoyao, a more radical pilot, questioned Blue Volcano.

Lan Huoshan was also suffering in his heart, but, as the supreme commander of the Hainan Air Force, he had to suppress his true emotions. "Wait for the order! Army Commander Shan must have his reasons for not giving the order to attack. The most important thing we should do now is to maintain our physical strength so that we can take off to fight at any time!"

"But, this, this is really aggrieved! Our Baiji is currently the best fighter in the world, and we still have sky fortresses, why can't we also 'sink it'?" Chen Shaoyao said, waving vigorously The arm looks like it is full of energy and has nowhere to vent.

Blue Volcano ignored him.Although he felt very uncomfortable, he understood Shan Renxiong's decision.In fact, because the location of Qiongzhou Airport was almost exposed in the early morning, he still has lingering fears.Received information from Wuzhishan in the early morning, and without the order of the general headquarters, they released two Baiji dolphins into the sky without authorization. Therefore, the Japanese army must have found Qiongzhou Airport in pursuit and pursuit.

"Fuck, brothers, why don't you talk, don't you feel aggrieved?!" Chen Shaoyao was still roaring, when suddenly the phone rang.

The deputy team leader Man Jiang ran over to pick up the phone, he immediately stood upright, and said respectfully: "Yes!" Then he covered the microphone with his hand and called Lan Huanshan: "Captain, the military seat is calling."

Lan Huoshan immediately took off and ran over, and the lounge became completely silent, and everyone else looked at him and listened quietly.

"Blue Volcano! Take off your disguise and prepare for battle!" Shan Renxiong said straight to the point.

"Yes!" Blue Volcano was so excited that he almost didn't jump up.

"After liftoff, regardless of whether you are injured or not, once you retreat, don't go back to Qiongzhou Airport, just fly back to Guangzhou, understand what I mean?"

"Understood. Military seat, shall we take off to fight?"

"No, wait for my order!"


As soon as Lan Huoshan put down the phone, other people immediately surrounded him, and everyone asked, "Captain, what did the military seat say?"

"Let's remove our camouflage and prepare for battle!"

"Ha, the fight has finally started!" Chen Shaoyao shouted in surprise.

Blue Volcano glared at him and shouted: "For the time being, the disguise is only removed, and the exact time to take off will have to wait for the order from the military seat. Don't get carried away, boy!"

"No way! Hehe, Captain, I'm sorry just now!" Chen Shaoyao said shyly.

Lan Huoshan smiled, he naturally knew the virtues of his soldiers, he laughed and scolded: "Don't do this, hurry up and prepare."


(End of this chapter)

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