Chapter 1214
Hu Shisan's prediction was not bad, Wu Tingfeng had indeed betrayed the military commander.And the reason why he appeared in the big world was because he received a tip and followed Jiang Yunyan's brothers and sisters. During the period of No. 76, the Japanese Gendarmerie Headquarters, and the Mei Agency, the entire city was suppressed. So far, although no valuable fish have been caught, they have achieved a lot.I don't know how many martial arts scum were intimidated by their lust, and they willingly became their lackeys.These small shrimps are mediocre in strength, and the information they have is not worth a few pennies. However, because they are extremely familiar with the underground world of Shanghai, once they become the Japanese's inquisitors, the Japanese and the gang of traitors in Ding Mocun actually have A network of informants densely covering the underground world of Shanghai.Take Jiang Yunyan and Shuai Batian as an example, there is no problem with the secret stronghold of their Xiaodao Club in Shanghai. "Daoyan", so after meeting her suddenly, he recognized her immediately.Zhang Lang was nobody, Jiang Yunyan didn't notice him at that party, so he could recognize her, but she couldn't recognize him.

Zhang Lang was returning to the army respectfully at this time to listen to Feng's words: "I assure you, they did come in."

Wu Tingfeng glanced at everyone in the hall, and then hooked his finger at a waiter.

The waiter was very clever. He trotted over immediately and said, "Hey! Mr. Wu! What brought you here?"

Wu Tingfeng ignored his flattery, and asked coldly, "Where are the man and woman who came in just now?"

"Ah! I didn't see a man or a woman!"

"Stop pretending to me, kid, I clearly saw them coming in!"

"No! It's not one o'clock yet, and the afternoon dance doesn't start until two o'clock."

"Damn it, I won't give you any color to see if you refuse to tell the truth!" Zhang Lang said, and stepped forward to slap the waiter hard on the face. With a "slap", the waiter's left cheek Immediately swelled up, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The waiter's behavior was a bit unexpected to Hu Shisan. He should have seen Jiang Yunyan and the others come in, but why did he hide it for them?Is he also a member of the Small Sword Society?However, if the Xiaodaohui was lurking in the big world alone, Jiang Yunyan and the others would still be doomed.He understood this Wu Tingfeng. Although this person was engaged in secret service work, he was not very courageous.And at this time when the situation is turbulent, he should not dare to bring only two people to arrest the important criminal.Hu Shisan was thinking that Wu Tingfeng would definitely have reinforcements, when he heard him say: "Zhang Lang, well, let's wait. Wait for Wang Fuqin and the others to come over and search."

Hu Shisan couldn't help trembling in his heart, and the waiter's expression also changed slightly. He suddenly nodded to the three of them and said, "Three gentlemen, I still have work to do, so I won't accompany you." After speaking, he turned around about to leave.

Zhang Lang rushed up and grabbed his collar with his left hand, held a dagger against his throat with his right hand, and shouted: "Stop, why? Want to go in and report the news?!" After speaking, he looked at Wu Tingfeng , flatteringly said with a smile: "Sir, I think this idiot must belong to the Small Knife Club. The man clearly came in, but he just said he didn't see it. Doesn't it mean he's from the same way?"

Wu Tingfeng gave the waiter a cold look, and said to Zhang Lang: "Tie it up first, and take 'Feidaoyan' and her accomplices back together after we catch them."

"Okay!" Zhang Lang yelled, and as soon as he retracted his right hand, he was about to hit the waiter with the handle of the dagger.However, as soon as the dagger left the waiter's throat, the waiter moved. He raised his left knee and pressed hard against Zhang Lang's crotch. When Zhang Lang cried out in pain and bent over, he took it with his right hand, and a cold light flashed. In an instant, a cloud of blood gushed out from Zhang Lang's throat. Immediately, Zhang Lang was like a duck being strangled by the neck, and the cry of pain stopped halfway.

Everyone's attention was attracted, and suddenly, several women screamed at high decibels: "Ah!" "Killer!" The hall immediately became chaotic.

The waiter fatally cut Zhang Lang's throat with a knife. Wu Tingfeng and his men were taken aback. The two of them drew their pistols and were about to shoot. However, they only heard two soft gunshots, and one of them burst into a head, and the other He was shot in the neck and fell down one after another with a muffled grunt.

The waiter was forced to fight back, and he was already ready to fight to the death.After slitting Zhang Lang's throat, he threw himself at Wu Tingfeng. He wanted to take the risk of being hit by a bullet to bury another person with him, but Wu Tingfeng and Wu Tingfeng were shot one after another and fell to the ground.Wu Tingfeng's head was blown, and his face was splashed with brain matter and blood. He took a few steps towards the side and stabilized his figure. When he turned around, he saw a man with a mustache, glasses, and a suit and leather shoes. Shi Shiran put away his pistol, and said to him: "Go and inform 'Flying Daoyan' and them to withdraw immediately—your identities have been exposed, leave Shanghai quickly!" Then, he pressed his top hat , people flashed to the gate with the flow of people.

"Thank you, sir!" The waiter thanked him, picked up Wu Tingfeng and his pistols, and quickly ran towards the stairs that Jiang Yunyan and the others went up.

Outside the gate, as Hu Shisan expected, Wu Tingfeng's reinforcements arrived.Three three-wheeled motorcycles carrying Japanese gendarmes and two cars full of Chinese and Japanese spies rushed towards them like a motor, "squeak!" Several cars stopped one after another, and a gendarme dressed as an officer jumped off the motorcycle and took out his car. He fired his pistol into the sky, and shouted at the crowd at the gate: "Everyone's, everyone's not allowed to leave!"

A group of spies rushed down from the two cars, and one of them ran towards the crowd, waving a pistol and shouting: "The Taijun said, all of them are not allowed—ah!" He shot, and immediately fell to the ground with a scream. "Eight grids!" The devil officer who was the first to shout out cursed, and started shooting at the crowd.When the machine gun on the first motorcycle fired at the same time, several people in the crowd who were approaching them immediately howled and fell into a pool of blood.At the same time, Hu Shisan recognized a bomb, and when the bomb flew to the devil's head, he raised his hand and shot——

"Pfft! Boom—" This is still a special bomb, the difference is that it is specially used to kill people, so there are many steel balls in the bomb.The bomb was exploded in the air, and the steel balls inside flew all over the place. Many devils and spies around were hit by the bomb, and they howled miserably.

Hu Shisan shot the explosive bomb with one shot, followed by nine shots in a row. The three devil machine gunners, the officer, and a spy who looked like the leader were shot one after another. They were so frightened that they fell to the ground or lay prone in the bucket of the truck.Fox Shisan's nine shots were not just for beating people, his design target also included the motorcycle's mailbox, so, as the mailbox was broken and gasoline leaked, the next moment, amidst the loud "rumbling" sound, the Great World Hall The door suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

(End of this chapter)

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