Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1335 Japanese pirates, dare you

Chapter 1335 Japanese pirates, dare you

More than 100 students dared to launch a counterattack against the imperial army of about [-]. If this was placed before the Battle of Nanjing, any Japanese officer and soldier would think that this was a suicidal attack launched by the other side.In this case, if there is no accident, they will have only one response, that is to go up to them with a grinning grin, and forcefully poke out the spear in their hands, to give the enemy a heartbreak, and tell them that the majesty of the imperial army cannot be desecrated of.

What about now?If the enemy on the opposite side is wearing khaki, sky blue or grass green military uniforms, they may continue their previous style, but if the opposite side is wearing this kind of fancy military uniform (the Japanese do not know it is called camouflage color), they will at least Will there be a question mark in my heart, should I bravely meet it?

On the battlefield, hesitation is a taboo. Although it is only a few seconds or even seconds, the characteristics of hot weapons are doomed, and seconds will change the outcome of a battle.

Among the five brothers of the Jiang family, Jiang Tie, who is known as the boss of Tie, is only at the middle or lower level, but because he has been hanging around in the reconnaissance unit, his field combat methods are the sharpest.The timing of this counterattack was extremely well grasped. Although it was a frontal battle, it still caught the little devil by surprise.In addition, the advantages of the terrain were also brought into full play by him - more than a hundred grenades fell down from a high position, dealing a devastating blow to the devils at the forefront.

The sharp counterattack of the reconnaissance battalion almost wiped out the two hundred devils in the front by this tactic of continuous firepower plus grenade area bombing, and when the devils in the back recovered from their hesitation, the students had already attacked them before.

After only one round, he was rushed to the front by the Chinese, and Naito was completely angry. He waved his left hand and shouted: "Counterattack!" Struggling to stand up.His adjutant hugged him, took a few steps back, and at the same time scolded the surrounding devils: "Bage, are you still soldiers of the Great Japanese Empire? Where's your courage?" Amidst his scolding , The sergeant, the second lieutenant, the chief Cao, and the corporal chiefs finally woke up, and they got up first to meet them, shouting in their mouths: "Don't retreat! Attack!" Someone shouted: "For His Majesty, let's fight to the death!"

The little devils stood up one after another, and at this time, the student soldiers who rushed to the front were less than ten meters away from them.

When the counterattack started, Meng Taishan told Huang Zhongming: "Follow me!" At this moment, seeing the little devil approaching aggressively, he once again said: "Come behind me!"

The devil closest to them was no more than ten meters away from them.Although it was still winter, the afternoon sun was still very scorching. The sun hit the spear thorns, and the eyes of the flowers were shining brightly.Shooting and fighting at close range are two different things, and the latter has high requirements on people's psychological quality.Although Huang Zhongming wanted to be brave, he hid behind him obediently.

A few ghosts rushed towards them with strange yells, their faces were twisted, looking very hideous.Huang Zhongming saw that Meng Tai Shanping was holding a gun, but did not shoot. Worried about his safety, he turned the gun and pulled the trigger.There were only two bullets left in his gun, and he was using the automatic shooting mode again. This finger just brushed the trigger, and with the sound of "beep", two bullets flew out, and the magazine was empty.

Huang Zhongming fired hastily, and only one of the two bullets had any effect, but it only left a bloodstain on the left cheek of a devil.The devil yelled in fright, then stretched out his hand to touch it, and looked down to see the blood on his hand. He raised his head, glared at Huang Zhongming, and yelled loudly.

Huang Zhongming could not understand Japanese.But Meng Taishan just happened to be able to understand this sentence, he strode forward, looked at the devil and said: "Want to fight? I will play with you!"

The wounded devil rushed forward immediately, and suddenly yelled and stabbed Meng Taishan in the abdomen.Meng Taishan didn't hide, but went forward, the assault rifle in his hand swung in a small range to provoke the spear, and then rushed up, swung the handle of the gun and smashed at the devil's head.The devil backed away with a cry of surprise, retracting his three-eighth cover with both hands and trying to fight back, but Meng Taishan chopped off the assault rifle with his right hand, and the bayonet on the tip of the gun was pulled over his left shoulder, leaving a bloody gash.

"Kill!" Seeing this, several other devils hurried up to rescue.One of them took a step forward when his body swayed suddenly, blood oozing from his heart, he glanced in the direction of the bullet, and fell down unwillingly.

Zhang Dazhu has already changed into a shell gun, and one for each of his left and right hands.He rushed over and fired left and right with both guns, and all the devils lying in front of Meng Taishan were knocked down immediately.He fired another shot, killing the devil who was about ten meters away from him and already threatening a comrade-in-arms, and then said: "There is an order in the camp, quick battle and quick decision, even if you sit together, you can give the little devil a good time!"

Having been robbed of his food by Zhang Dazhu, Meng Taishan was still a little bit angry at first, but he turned his head and said to Huang Zhongming: "Hurry up and change the magazine, be careful not to hurt your own people!"

Only then did Huang Zhongming come to his senses, and he quickly changed the magazines. When he finished changing the magazines, Meng Taishan and Zhang Dazhu had already killed more than ten meters away.On the battlefield, gunshots, fighting, and howling rang out, and occasionally there would be one or two explosions.He looked up and found that Meng Taishan and Zhang Dazhu seemed to be in no one's land, and a dozen devils fell beside them. Knowing that they were not in danger, he looked elsewhere.Suddenly, his eyes widened, with a look of anger on his face.The next moment, he ran to the front left, shouting loudly while running: "Woven pirates, dare you!"

On the battlefield, hand-to-hand combat has become the main way of fighting.Many students and little devils fight each other, or dozens of people fight together, which limits the continuous shooting of the Wei Qing assault rifle, and also brings a lot of casualties to the reconnaissance battalion. .

A devil stabbed a student in the abdomen with a spear, and then stirred the [-] cover. When he pulled out the spear, the student's intestines were ripped out.The student roared loudly, his hands tightly grasping the bloody spear stab that was still wrapped around his intestines.Seeing that he couldn't pull it out, the devil rushed up and kicked——

When Huang Zhongming saw this scene, he felt furious immediately. He ran a few steps, saw that devil kicked down the student soldier, and finally drew out his spear, and raised it up to stab him again. He couldn't bear it any longer. , a sudden stop and the trigger was pulled.

The devil was so fierce that he wanted to torture the kicked down student, a string of bullets shot in, hitting his left rib consecutively.He staggered and almost fell, and leaned on the ground with his gun. Relying on the last sliver of clarity in his mind, he turned his head and looked where the bullet came from, just in time to see Huang Zhongming's cold eyes with an angry face. "Ba Ge!" He cursed softly, tilted his head, loosened his hands, and fell into a pool of his sinful blood.

(End of this chapter)

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