Chapter 1370

After the three enemy planes strafed unscrupulously, Shi Shiran flew away.At the same time, more enemy planes swooped down.Wang Changyun suddenly stood there and proposed to bring it. Seeing this, Tu Dai, the chief of staff of the Fourth Brigade, rushed over, slapped him hard, and shouted, "Old man! Old man! What's wrong with you?"

Before, it was so easy to beat down two enemy planes, and even severely damaged one. This time, although sparks sparkled under the belly of the enemy plane, it was impossible to beat one down. This huge contrast made many Xuebing couldn't accept it for a while.Someone looked around blankly, not understanding what happened, which led to such a result.Some students saw their once intimate comrades suddenly turned into bloody corpses, unable to bear the blow for a while, they hugged the bloody corpses of their comrades, and howled tragically—"Old Wang, old Wang , Wake up the fuck!" "Xiaojun, Xiaojun..."

Some tanks broke through the bombing of the Japanese planes and rumbled into the formation of the 214th Regiment.Seeing this, Sato Ken shouted, "Kamakura, lead someone to stop them, I don't care what you do, I will definitely hold them back! Understand?" The person he called Kamakura was a captain, Kamakura With a sound from Hay, a squadron of devils was picked up, and with the [-] caps in hand, they surrounded the "Mandrill" and three platypus.

At the location of the headquarters of the 33rd Division, the muscles on Gan Yan Shigetaro's face finally relaxed. The old devil raised his head and squinted at the fighter planes that were diving towards the tank array of the Xuebing Army, and said excitedly: "It's a new type of fighter plane!" This time, the Chinese people are miserable! Hashimoto, what does the chief of staff say? Ask how long it will take for him to open the situation."

"Hay!" Hashimoto Josuke responded, and went into the headquarters.

"Bage, would it be nice to come here earlier?" Watanabe lay on the ground, punched the ground hard, and then roared.

In the command car of the Second Division, Liu Zheliang witnessed the tragic scene not far away, and his face instantly turned pale. Then, he only felt a sharp pain in his heart, and then couldn't help opening his mouth to vomit, spitting out a mouthful of warm blood from his heart.

"Master! What's wrong with you?"

Liu Zheliang coughed twice, held the microphone in front of him, squeezed the phone and said hurriedly: "Old Zhang, Zhou Tai, retreat immediately! Wang Changyun, Qiang Wentu, and the infantry regiment dispersed on the spot! Stand firm Position! Prevent the devils from counterattacking!"

Zhou Tai, Zhang Changyi and Qiang Wentu all answered "yes", but Wang Changyun howled in the middle of the conversation: "Master, I am not willing!"

"Withdraw, this is an order!" Liu Zheliang finished the sentence with difficulty, threw away the microphone, and said to everyone in the car: "Immediately send a power to the commander-in-chief and report this situation to him. Also, Commander Chu Send a copy there too—"


The cadet army receded like a tide, and at the same time, more intensive bombing by Japanese planes began.Twelve bombers flew over the battlefield in a long snake formation, and the sound of rumbling explosions immediately formed an 800-meter-long and 50-meter-wide trench between the second trench dug by the Japanese army and the first trench. explosive zone.During such intensive bombing, at least one battalion of Zhou Tai’s regiment’s tanks was destroyed or injured by bombs, as many as fifteen armored vehicles of Gao Yunan’s regiment were also destroyed or injured, and the students who fell in the fireworks were also nearly A battalion figure.

After this wave of bombing, the third wave of bombing by Japanese planes came again, and this round of bombing, the Japanese planes focused on Zhou Tai's tank regiment, so, amidst the sound of continuous explosions, three more tanks from Zhou Tai's regiment were bombed Destroyed, eleven vehicles were injured, so far, the regiment's casualties have exceeded 70.00%.And Zhou Tai's "Mandrill" was also affected by a bomb and its tracks were broken.

After the enemy plane dropped all its bombs, it chased the students and strafed along the way.

This is the first time that the light tank has suffered major casualties since its inception.It seems that the myth of its invincibility has been shattered.

Zhou Tai coughed and crawled out of the paralyzed "mandrill". When he saw the paralyzed "mandrill" and the platypus all around him, this steel-like man couldn't help but shed tears. "NND, I lost my 210 just like that? NND, the loss is too great!" He sat down on the turret, gnashing his teeth.The next moment, he jumped down suddenly and shouted to the left and right: "Hurry up and save people!" Then he took the lead and rushed towards a burning platypus.

After three rounds of bombing, the powerful tank unit of the Xuebing Army was defeated. Tokugawa Kenzo's satisfaction was beyond words. He controlled the fighter plane, and after flying a maneuver to celebrate the victory, he pressed the nose of the plane and assembled towards several armored vehicles. dived down.

These armored vehicles, two of which have the Red Cross logo printed on the front, rear, left, and right sides, are the two medical vehicles equipped by the field medical battalion of the Second Xue Division.

This round of air strikes by Japanese planes dealt a severe blow to Liu Zheliang.In the order Ouyang Yun gave him, he didn't ask him to storm the 33rd Division.And for the sake of greed, he rashly launched an attack without establishing an offensive position, which undoubtedly violated the taboo of military strategists.There are no trenches, no air-raid shelters, and no artillery holes, which doubles the casualties of the troops.And he felt that the last thing he should do was to let Wang Changyun and Qiang Wentu use infantry to fight against the Japanese air force without knowing the enemy's situation... Regret!hatred!Ashamed... All kinds of negative emotions troubled him, and finally, after insisting on ordering the aftermath, he spat out two mouthfuls of blood again, and then fell into a coma.

The division commander was unconscious, while the chief of staff stayed in the big town, and the political director was isolated behind by the Japanese plane. The staff officers in the command car had no choice but to call the medical car over.But what they didn't expect was that their kindness almost made them the chief culprit in the funeral of Liu Zheliang.

Tokugawa Jiansan drove a new Type [-] fighter jet to the location of Liu Zheliang's command vehicle. At the same time, in the northwest direction where he could not see, a student soldier named Zuo Bangling was holding a thick sniper rifle. The rifle is also flying towards here.

Although Zuo Bangling is only a second lieutenant, because he is one of the only two long-sun-level snipers in the Second Academy, he enjoys a certain reputation even in the entire Second Academy.What Tokugawa didn't know was that just now, Zuo Bangling had shot down a Type [-] bomber with his anti-material sniper rifle.

A headshot shot directly killed the devil pilot, and then, amidst the exclamation of many devil pilots, the fighter plane slammed into the ground and turned into a burning ball of fire.

(End of this chapter)

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