Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1405 Jewish Independence Army

Chapter 1405 Jewish Independence Army

Stern strongly urged Ouyang Yun to take the "Jewish Independence Army" northward with good intentions.

Counting it, it has been more than four years since the Jews joined the cadet army.What the high-ranking cadet army and the Jewish elite tacitly knew was that the honeymoon period for both sides had passed.More and more Jews poured into the soldier army, and gradually, the inferiority of the Jews (of course, it can also be said to be their inherent advantages) was revealed.There is no doubt that the Jews are business geniuses.And once their talents are brought into play, they will inevitably conflict with the local business elite headed by Fan Xudong.

The reason why Ouyang Yun took back part of the administrative management power from Jiang Shuren by taking advantage of the turmoil in Guangdong was that Jiang Shuren suppressed the Jews too much.Of course, looking at this matter from another angle, this may be Stern's reward for resolutely standing on Ouyang Yun's side at the critical moment.

I don't know when, the Jewish people have split into two factions on the position of dealing with the relationship with the student army.One faction is the Jewish Chamber of Commerce headed by the Bonn father and son, and the other is the military headed by Stern.The former is going further and further away from the student army, while the latter is following suit and is evolving into a real student army.

Before Stern made the decision to go north with Ouyang Yun, he held a general-level meeting.At the meeting, he clearly pointed out: It is time for the Xuebingjun and the Chinese to officially recognize the Jews—"Maybe some people will worry that we may be used as cannon fodder. But what I want to say is, gentlemen, now we The biggest danger is that the commander in chief is not willing to give us a chance to be cannon fodder! Some people may disagree and think that I am being cheap. But what I want to tell you is, gentlemen, this is our last chance—— Well, let's explore what might happen after this battle is over. If the Japanese win, then our fate is unquestionable, and the Japanese will hand us over to the Germans. If the Xuebing Army wins What? Some people may think that the cadet army cannot win at all. Gentlemen, you are wrong. Starting from the self-interest of our Jews, this is the only assumption we can accept, so please let go of your arms and use a real Let’s join this battle, cadets! Only in this way can we be treated fairly and justly, and only in this way will we, the Jews, have a place in the big family of cadets in the future.”

Stern enjoys absolute authority in the "Jewish Independence Army". After he finished speaking, he immediately won the approval of most of the participants.However, it also attracted the questioning of Deputy Army Commander Conte: "General, there is a sentence that I disagree with. According to you, if Ouyang Yun treats us as cannon fodder, we should not flinch and refuse, but should rejoice ? This, what kind of logic is this?"

Stern: "It does not make sense logically. But what I want to say is that in terms of the current situation of our army, even if it is used as cannon fodder, it will only benefit and not harm the growth of our army. If we I have been away from the war for too long, and I am very worried about whether our soldiers can still show enough courage when facing the enemy. Gentlemen, looking at the military history of the world, the growth of a strong army requires blood The test of fire. We Jews cannot always take shelter of the cadet army. One day, we will have our own autonomous territory. At that time, if the Germans have controlled the whole world, what should we do? Instead of pinning our hopes on others It is better to rely on yourself. Conte, do you understand what I mean?"

"General, I understand. If we can go north this time, it will be a chance for our army to exercise."

"Yes. I dare to conclude that the battle in Jiangxi is just the prelude to this great war. If there is no accident, the flames of war will ignite in Fujian and even Guangdong in the near future. At that time, even if it is for self-protection, we must go all out I don't want our soldiers to panic and flee without fighting when facing the Japanese at that time. Gentlemen, I have said so much, but it can be summed up in one sentence-this time going north, Don't be afraid to shed blood, because only in this way can our soldiers and our army grow up quickly, and can one day take on the burden of protecting the people and the country!"

Having been indoctrinated with such a concept before setting off, it is no wonder that when his subordinates began to flee, Monterey would take such drastic measures.

When the "Jewish Independence Army" was only the "Jewish Independence Brigade" and "Jewish Independence Division", they used American-made weapons.However, as the weapons industry of the cadet army has become more and more developed, the "Wei Qing" and "Qubing" gun families have become more and more perfect. Now, the "Jewish Independence Army" has replaced the full-standard cadet army weapons.

The Jews are rich, and Jewish soldiers not only pay much more than the student soldiers, but also have more complete and powerful weapons and equipment than the student soldiers.As far as the standard equipment of ordinary infantry is concerned, the cadet army is only equipped with four grenades for one shot and one stab, while the Jewish infantry is also equipped with a short gun. In addition, a squad must be equipped with three submachine guns and two grenade guns. .The cadet army is equipped with walkie-talkies at the company level and above, but the "Jewish Independence Army" is equipped with them from the platoon level.

However, it was such an army armed to the teeth that it didn't even have the courage to fight when facing the Japanese army whose weapons and equipment level was far behind its own.

When the 52nd Brigade launched its attack, Ouyang Yun, Men Kuili and other people were watching at the entrance of the temporary command office. When the Guqilong regiment was chased down from the mountain by the Japanese army like rabbits, Men Kuili couldn't hold back.He shouted at Monterre on the starter phone, cursing: "Monterere, what did you do? You can make such a good start like this? Don't you know to let them hold the top of the mountain first? Monterer, you are limited Take back the position on the top of the mountain within an hour, otherwise, you don't want to come down!"

After scolding Monterey, he turned his head and said to Ouyang Yun with a little shame: "Commander-in-Chief, I'm really sorry for my humble and incompetent position, and I failed your expectations."

Ouyang Yun was not surprised at all. He looked at the hillside on the east side of the Lion Gate where the battle was raging, and said earnestly: "Men Kuili, now you know how cruel the Japanese are! The soldiers of your division still lack the test of fire! Hmm If there are too many casualties, it will have a bad effect on the morale of the troops. In my opinion, let the third division attack instead of you."

"No, Commander-in-Chief, please give us another chance! I'll direct the battle myself!"

"Okay. Keep in touch with Master Zhang. If you can solve it with cannons, try not to use rifles. I'll give you another half an hour. In half an hour, you must take down the position on the top of Lion Gate Mountain. Otherwise, I can only let Master Bai The three masters are here!"


(End of this chapter)

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