Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1467 Fighting wits and courage

Chapter 1467 Fighting wits and courage
While Liu Yuqing's ground troops were engaged in an artillery battle with Matsui Iwane's southern Japanese army, the air battle over Fujian was drawing to a close.In air combat at night, in the absence of radar, a mistake in operation may accidentally injure a friendly aircraft, and even a collision between two aircraft may occur.Therefore, although the two waves of Japanese fighter planes were all bombers, Wang Hai and the others were still unable to let go, so they could only play the role of expulsion.

The devil's second wave of bombers fled over the war zone after four of them were shot down and two were damaged due to the pilot's misoperation.And what they left to the Chinese people in Fuding and Fujian were several towns that were burning with fire.Air strikes on New Year's Eve, regardless of the loss of personnel and property, will have a huge blow to the morale of the soldiers and the people.In this regard, the Xue Bingjun had no effective preventive measures, which made Wang Hai and others feel quite powerless and helpless, and the depression in their hearts can be imagined.

"Grandma is an idiot, she's running away again!" Some Xuebing couldn't help but yelled in the public channel.And just when they were about to return to the voyage, Tie Linfei's order came: "Mr. Wang, please report the fuel consumption of your brigade!"

Wang Hai, a shrewd man, immediately realized that there was an article in it. After conducting an internal investigation, he replied: "Report to the commander, the average loss is no more than one-third, and it can still fly about [-] kilometers!"

"Did you see the attack fleet taking off from Nanping?"

Wang Hai adjusted the direction of the radar radiation, and excitedly replied: "I saw it, I saw it!" Then he asked: "Commander, are you going to air strike the Devil's aircraft carrier?"

——"Sink it" is the eternal pride of the Air Force members of the Xuebing Army, and it is also the most yearned for pilots.I don't know how many people have the extravagant hope of doing it again. Now it seems that I am expected to catch this bus!

"Contact Geng Changkong, this time the air strike is under his command. If you bite the devil's bomber fleet, even if the 'Canglong' can't be bombed this time, he will not be able to participate in the air strike for a few days!"


A few minutes later, Wang Hai got in touch with Geng Changkong. "Old Geng, I am Wang Hai. The commander asked us to follow your command. Our current position is...Old Geng, what does the coast radar say, how far is the 'Canglong' from us?"

Geng Changkong: "The 'Canglong' has started to run, Lao Wang, kill the enemy plane ahead!"

"Don't worry, the little devil can't fly us!"

"Okay, let's catch up first!"

Compared with Minai Mitsumasa, Yamada's definition is much more interesting.Eat a fall and gain a wisdom. After the Japanese experienced "sink it" once, they became much more wary of the cadet army and air force.And after owning the radar, Yamada Definition also has the capital to make a quick grab.Therefore, as soon as the first wave of bombers was withdrawn, he ordered to retreat towards the waters of the Diaoyu Islands.

When the communications staff officer of the South China Front Army sent him a telegram asking for help according to Matsui Iwane's instructions, the main fleet of the Canglong aircraft carrier fleet had sailed for about [-] nautical miles, and it was more than [-] kilometers away from the coast of Fuding.When the communications officer of the "Canglong" sent him the telegram, he was discussing the night attack he had just invented tonight with several subordinates.

"This is just the beginning. After the tactics are mature, we can go deeper and even directly bomb Guangzhou," he said happily.

"Your Excellency, a telegram from Commander Matsui!"

"Oh, let me see!" Yamada took the telegram, glanced at it, frowned, raised his head and said, "The guys in the army are getting worse and worse, and they lost the artillery battle." Handing the telegram To his chief of staff, he said: "Commander Matsui said that he would lure the Chinese artillery to fire again later, and asked us to dispatch bombers to attack. Hey, do you think our navy's aviation is a god? It's the first time everyone has carried out night operations. Bombing towns and military fortresses with relatively large strategic targets is okay, but what if you participate in support operations for ground troops and accidentally bomb your own people?"

The chief of staff carefully read the telegram and reminded him: "Your Excellency, have you noticed the wording of this telegram? It is both a request and an order. I think—"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a loud cry.It was a communication soldier, he stood up and said to Yamada: "Your Excellency, the early warning ship in the rear reported that a large number of enemy planes were spotted!"

"What?" Yamada said as he strode over, took off the headset on his head and put it on his own head, then squeezed the headset and said: "I am Captain Yamada, please report your findings in detail!"

"Your Excellency Yamada, we discovered that there is a cluster of fighter planes in the northwest direction - there are now two, and more will appear later!"

"Understood, continue to monitor!" After finishing speaking, Yamada took off the headset and said to everyone: "The people in China are ruthless, gentlemen, follow the preview plan No. [-]!"


The walkie-talkie currently used on the "Cangryu" is naturally invented by Toshiichiro Koizumi, and compared with the one used by the Xuebing Army, the Japanese-style walkie-talkie is much larger in size, and its performance is almost the same in other aspects.And this is also one of the reasons why Yamamoto 56 dared to play this hide-and-seek game with the Xuebingjun Air Force.

"Your Excellency, how should I reply to Commander Matsumoto?" asked the chief of staff.

"Let's say our aircraft carrier fleet is being pursued by superior enemy planes and cannot cooperate with it!"

"Would you like to ask Your Excellency Yamamoto for instructions?"

"It's not necessary. After we meet up, I will explain this to him personally!"


Ten minutes later, the "Canglong" aircraft carrier released its 10 fighter jets.Another 31 minutes passed, when the baiji dolphin brigade led by Wang Hai began to line up in a long snake formation and used the airborne radar on his fighter plane to attack the Japanese bombers ahead. One of the second lieutenants suddenly exclaimed: "I said where did the other two aircraft carrier fleets of the devil hide. It turns out that they have been docking on the coast of Taipei. The little devil is getting more and more cunning!"

A few minutes later, Geng Changkong was informed of this information by Tie Linfei.Tie Linfei ordered all the "tiger sharks" and baiji dolphins to return to their original places except for Wang Hai's baiji dolphin brigade. destroyed.

Tie Linfei: "Without the pier, I'd like to see how Yamamoto 56 hides his aircraft carrier!"

Yamamoto 56's single-carrier fleet raid plan made Xue Bingjun Air Force suffer a lot. Tie Linfei and others are always planning a way to crack this tactic, and now, because of the latest discovery of the Fuding Coastal No. [-] radar station, they finally We found a feasible way—without the pier, how could the Japanese aircraft carrier fleet approach the island infinitely so as to avoid radar tracking?

(End of this chapter)

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