Chapter 1489 New Year's Gift
Man is a knife, I am a fish - at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, this should be the helpless and sad thought in the hearts of most Chinese people.But at this time, this was what Naoji Sakai thought in his mind—Sakai had a deep research on traditional Chinese culture. When the explosion finally stopped, he suppressed the trembling in his heart and ordered to stop. Then he got out of the car and turned to look back. Looking at the sea of ​​flames that stretched for an unknown number of meters 2000 meters away, such a sentence suddenly appeared in his mind.

The second volley of the First Special Artillery Brigade covered a wider area and struck longer, but the direct damage was not as good as the first time.The reason why the Japanese army suffered heavy losses was due to the complex terrain at the east end of Wucun Town.The terrified devils were eager to escape. In the dark, I don’t know how many people fell off the cliff or stepped on the traps laid by the self-defense team. Some people even bumped into the mountain wall or tree trunk. They were not killed by the explosion but were scared to death by themselves up.

"Your Excellency, let's go!" Tachibana walked to Sakai's side with lingering fear, and said warmly.

Sakai: "Tachibana-kun, we made a mistake!"


"We should have gone on the offensive."


"It's too late to say this now! Speed ​​up the retreat!"


"Tachibana-kun, I have a hunch! The last one to defeat the empire must be the student army! We have been unable to stop the rise of the student army. Hey! Only now do I know the wisdom of Mr. Okamura! It's a pity. Tachibana-kun, pass the order, definitely To find Xiang Mingqiao! Life or death!"

"Ah! Hay! I'll go myself."


Although Tachibana Benkey didn't understand Sakai's last order, he still did it without compromise.And just as he returned to Wucun Township with dozens of military policemen to search for Xiangming Bridge, Ni Chunsheng was urging his men to hurry up and refill the rockets. Seven minutes later, the 7 "Thunderbolt" were reloaded, and he ordered to retract the supporting legs and move the position forward 54 meters.As a result, they did not start the third salvo until a quarter of an hour later.

This round of salvo was much less effective than the previous two rounds, but it still killed more than [-] devils.In this way, the Special Artillery Brigade wiped out more than ten thousand devils in just three salvos, which can be called a miracle.The offensive and defensive battle of Wu Village also ended with the victory of the Second Army.

Around six o'clock, the east began to turn white. Zhang Rentian led more than [-] students under his command and more than a thousand self-defense team members and began to march towards Wucun Town, cleaning the battlefield along the way.Under the command of Zhang Rentian, more than [-] people entered the battlefield cautiously. They walked among the corpses everywhere. First, many self-defense members couldn't help but vomited.Then, the students were infected, and many of them also vomited.

Witnessing the scene of the rocket explosion was just a joy, but now, when the hellish scene was completely presented in front of them, they still couldn't bear some of the extremely bloody details and became vulnerable.Not to mention these self-defense members and students with little experience in the battlefield, even Zhang Rentian, an old soldier, couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart when he walked tens of meters among the corpses of the devils.

The destructive power of cluster bombs is really astonishing, and the devils who fell to the ground are rarely intact.As invaders, their death is of course well deserved, but the tragic death is really not something ordinary people can bear.So, Zhang Rentian and the others walked all the way, and found a puzzling scene—many devils actually committed suicide.

"I couldn't bear the psychological pressure, so I committed suicide!" Du Shuangwen squatted next to a major, and said, pulling out the command knife he had stabbed into his abdomen.

"Lost his mother! This bazooka is really, really—" Zhang Rentian said with emotion, "It's really" for a long time, but he couldn't hold back a suitable adjective.

"There's more than enough to die!" Du Shuangwen said, and then his eyes suddenly became bright, and he continued: "I was worried that I might not be able to hold this time, and I would have to fight guerrilla warfare in the mountains of Fujian. Now it's all right, with this kind of big killing No matter how many people you come here, it’s useless! Old Zhang, I now regret not going to the Special Warfare Division at the beginning!”

The Special Artillery Unit was separated from the Special Warfare Division. When the Special Warfare Division was first established, Du Shuangwen happened to be studying at the military academy. At that time, Li Tieshu talked to him, hoping that he would join the Special Warfare Division preparatory team.But he thought that the Special Warfare Section was a civilian force, so he resigned.

Zhang Rentian knew this allusion, heard the words and laughed, and said: "There is no regret medicine in this world. Well, hurry up and count the data. Hehe, we can also share in this credit!"

February 2th, Chinese New Year.

At about seven o'clock in the morning, on the main road in Beitou, Nanxiong City, Guangzhou, Ouyang Yun was sitting in the car wiping his face with a towel soaked in cold water, when he suddenly saw the car in front of him stop, and then Jiang Huangyong jumped off, waving A telegram came straight over, yelling something.

It is Liu Kui who is driving the car now, and Liu Kui quickly stepped on the brakes and put the car in neutral to stop the car.Turning around, he said to Ouyang Yun: "Commander-in-Chief, Team Leader Jiang seems to have something important to report!"

At this time, Jiang Huangyong had already run to Ouyang Yun's side and started knocking on the car door.Ouyang Yun unhurriedly passed the towel to You Xiaolian who was beside him, opened the door and was about to ask Jiang Huangyong why he was so excited, but he heard him shout: "... Great victory!"

"What a great victory!" Ouyang Yun took the telegram from his hand, glanced over it, and his eyes lit up.

Jiang Huangyong was still highly excited, and he repeated: "Great victory in Yushan Wucun! Little sir, the Special Artillery Brigade fought well!"

"Hmm! Three salvos wiped out more than 1 enemies, not bad! Mmm, it's a good New Year's gift!"

"Send a congratulatory message to the Second Army! I guess Commander Ye and Ni Chunsheng must be waiting impatiently! Hahaha, first Fuding wiped out more than ten thousand enemies, then Tietou Peak wiped out more than ten thousand enemies, and Yushan Wu Village again. More than [-] enemies have been wiped out, little sir, this New Year's Eve is meaningful, and more than [-] devils are gone! Hahaha, is this a New Year gift from the Japanese?"

Jiang Huangyong seemed a little complacent, but Ouyang Yun's eyes dimmed after seeing the death figures of the Second Xue Army listed on the telegram, and said: "The congratulatory message is to be sent, and condolences to the injured officers and soldiers. In addition, Send a telegram to Minister Ji and ask him to discuss with Mr. Jiang whether to pay some pensions to the families of the soldiers who died in battle in advance. If possible, let Liu Yuqing, Jiang Tiezhang and Ye Zhao report the list to Guangzhou as soon as possible. "

In the battle on New Year's Eve, the Xue Second Army certainly achieved impressive results, but the price they paid was not small.One brigade was almost wiped out, two brigades were disabled, and the casualties exceeded 5000, which made Ouyang Yun feel heartbroken.The Japanese attacked the Xuebing Army with the power of the whole country, and the idea was to fight for consumption. The soldiers of the Xuebing Army were replenished in Fujian, Guangdong and Qiongdong.Among them, Hainan cannot be included in the normal recruiting system due to ethnic issues. That is to say, the real recruiting places for the Xuebing Army are actually only Fujian and Guangdong.

A war of attrition, the cadet army can't afford it!

(End of this chapter)

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