Chapter 1576 Entering Vietnam
On November 11, around three o'clock in the afternoon, Lang Son, Vietnam.The French colonial government headed by Ang Bosi went out of the city to the east gate to meet Ouyang Yun.Ouyang Yun accompanied Guo Kui's special warfare reinforcement brigade in the first formation of the Xuebing Expeditionary Army. When a hummingbird appeared in the sight of Ang Bosi and others, many people exclaimed: "What plane is that?"

This hummingbird turned back about 1000 meters away from Ang Bosi and others. After 10 minutes, the helicopter brigade of the Special Warfare Strengthening Brigade appeared in the sight of Ang Bosi and the others. The helicopter formation slowly moved forward. Soon, a A two-wheeled motorcycle carrying two French soldiers stopped in front of Emboss, and a second lieutenant reported to Emboss: "General, Brigadier Brad asked me to report to you that the forward troops of the Cadet Expeditionary Army are only 2000 meters away. He is accompanying General Ouyang Yun, the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force."

Brad was Ivan's subordinate. Ivan called to the second lieutenant, pointed to the helicopters and asked, "What's the name of that plane? Do you know?"

"General! The Chinese call it a helicopter, a specialized infantry support aircraft."


"Yes, this aircraft can take off and land vertically."

After Emboss succeeded as the governor, the French colonial government's military power has been greatly improved. Now, 70.00% of the people who accompanied Emboss to welcome the expeditionary army were from the military.Soldiers have a professional enthusiasm for weapons and equipment. The topic of "helicopters" has been aroused by everyone, and everyone is talking about it. The expectations for the cadet army are getting higher and higher.

Ang Boss was happy to see this kind of scene, he said to Ivan and the division commander of the Army's [-]rd Division, Sachimon: "The Xuebing Army can repeatedly create miracles in the Chinese battlefield and severely damage the Japanese army, relying on advanced equipment. When I was in Chongqing, I wanted to go to Guangzhou to meet with General Ouyang in person. Apart from talking about cooperation, I wanted to see if I could buy a batch of equipment. When you have private contact with the generals of the Xuebing Army later, you can inquire more clearly. See what equipment is urgently needed by our army, I will find an opportunity to ask General Ouyang, and if possible, I will purchase a batch."

Ivan and Satchmon nodded to show their understanding, and Satchmon said: "It's amazing. I remember that 100 years ago, the Chinese even imported matchlock guns from Europe. I didn't expect to develop a modern army of this scale now." Industry. I'm getting more and more curious about the cadet army."

Sachimon is not the only one who is curious about the cadet army.

When the convoy of the cadet army appeared in the French's field of vision following about a company of the French army, the French stared wide-eyed at the armored vehicles painted in camouflage colors and the extremely light off-road vehicle. The young expert exclaimed: "My God! This is a mechanized army!"

The one who greeted Ouyang Yun at the border was Colonel Brad, the brigade commander of the 4th Brigade under Ivan's command.Brad originally looked down on the Chinese army, thinking that it was a joke to let the army of such a country where most of its land was still occupied by the Japanese to help him resist the Japanese.Before seeing the true face of Xue Bingjun, he was quite arrogant. When talking with his subordinates, he joked: "The Chinese don't march on donkeys, do they?"

An hour and a half after he said this, the helicopter brigade of the Cadet Expeditionary Army appeared in the French sight, followed by a long line of armored vehicles and off-road vehicles.When the helicopter flew over their heads, the Vietnamese border guards ran into the woods one by one like frightened quails. The French felt their scalps go numb, and many of them instinctively lay down on the ground and raised their guns stand up.

Where's Brad?He had already seen the Chinese flag logo on the fuselage, and he stood there stupidly for a long time before exclaiming: "My God! Is this really Chinese?"

When Brian jumped off an off-road vehicle and strode towards Umbers, his face was flushed and his expression was very excited.After being driven for dozens of kilometers by off-road vehicles, he has already realized that this kind of extremely flexible car is simply equipped for jungle warfare. "Hey!" Putting his feet together in front of Emboss, he stood at attention and saluted, and he reported loudly: "My lord, Brad, the commander of the [-]th Brigade of the Army, is here to report to you. Fortunately, my humble job has lived up to my mission, and I have successfully received the student expeditionary force."

Emboss returned the military salute and said, "Thank you for your hard work, please introduce us to the guests who came from the far east!"


Except for Brad, the French army of the Hou Ying Xuebing Expeditionary Army was riding on the most common military card in Europe.The French soldiers jumped off their military cards and set up guards of honor on both sides of the road under Brad's command.Emboss and the others passed by under the leadership of Brad, and then saw a convoy of off-road vehicles and armored vehicles lined up in a long line.

Eighteen helicopters hovered at a height of tens of meters from the ground, and amidst the roar of the engines, the trees below were blown rattling.Ouyang Yun, Guo Kui, Unity Brigade Commander Wang Changlong, Pan Meiren and other members of the Expeditionary Force Headquarters got out of the car one by one. They surrounded Ouyang Yun and walked towards Ang Bosi and the others. On the ground, there was a sound of "咵吱, 咵吱".

A few minutes later, Ouyang Yun and On Boss stood face to face. Brad first introduced them. Ouyang Yun and On Boss stood at attention and saluted at the same time, then shook hands.Ang Bosi said in his half-baked Chinese: "Commander Ouyang, I am so grateful. The arrival of your army makes me feel like I have taken a reassurance!"

Ouyang Yun smiled and introduced Guo Kui and others to him. When he introduced Lu Zhibai, the leader of the Wolf Head Regiment, he specifically mentioned: This is the most valiant general under my command. The enemy captured the regiment commander of the Japanese army alive.

Ang Bosi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and after shaking hands with Lu Zhibai, he took out his own gun and handed it a brand new Browning with both hands, saying: "There is an old saying in China, which is called a famous sword given to a hero, now is the era of hot weapons , I will present the pistol as a gift, and I ask Captain Lu not to refuse."

Lu Zhibai looked at Ouyang Yun, Ouyang Yun nodded, and he accepted it, saying: "My lord governor, thank you for your gift, I will definitely make the best use of it."

The welcoming ceremony was not very grand, but the French showed their enthusiasm.The strength of the student army is there. The French may have inherent pride, but facing the tough aura of the officers and soldiers of the Special Warfare Strengthening Brigade, and the sophisticated equipment that shines coldly from the inside out, the more internally Pedestrians dare not despise them.If the French still had doubts about this military alliance before, then now, no one dares to question Emboss' decision.

(End of this chapter)

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