Chapter 1731 Fame
Kansong and Sari’s desperation did not last long—five days later, when the King of Thailand held another front meeting to discuss matters related to the truce negotiations with China, a minister from Shinawatra’s side suddenly jumped out to criticize Kansong in public He Shali pointed out in a stern voice that they have harmed the country, and they should be handed over to the Chinese government to appease the anger of the Chinese.

On such occasions in the past, Kansong has always had the final say. Feeling that his authority has been challenged unprecedentedly, Kansong was furious and immediately ordered the guards outside to come in and arrest people, claiming that the minister had been bribed by the Chinese. It is a spy of the Chinese.

In the past, Kan Song used this tactic to deal with political dissidents, but today he miscalculated.As soon as he finished speaking, a group of four guards came in outside, but they were not his men, but Guo Kui was seconded to Shinawatra's forest special warfare in disguise.

In order to ensure that the diehards such as Kan Song and Sha Li were captured in one fell swoop, Guo Kui used a squadron of special jungle warfare. The 70-member jungle special warfare squadron is enough to deal with a Thai army brigade. There is only one regiment of garrison troops stationed outside the palace of the Thai king. In addition, Kansong and Shali have been captured early. How can they stop [-] jungles? Special warfare attack.The Thai soldiers of these garrisons were very loyal, but the result was that the casualties were in vain.After more than a hundred people were killed, as Shinawatra had controlled the situation, under the order of a major general from Shinawatra's side, these Thai soldiers put down their weapons and stopped resisting. So far, Kansong and Shari have completely lost A chance to turn around.

Kan Song and Sha Li were immediately taken to the camp of the Xuebing Army by the two teams of jungle special warfare, and after capturing the two chief culprits who provoked the conflict between China and Thailand, the Xuebing Army became much more tolerant.Of course, the information received by the Thai military and civilians is another description: Under the efforts of the new Prime Minister Shinawatra, the student army gave up many unreasonable demands, and finally agreed to withdraw troops, and only stationed in a neutral country in Chanthaburi Province A certain number of troops are responsible for supervising the implementation of the ceasefire agreement by both sides.

What is not known is that on the same day, Shinawatra and Chu Tiange signed a package of bilateral cooperation agreements, including the promotion of Chinese language education in Thailand and so on.

When the news spread to Singapore, Yamamoto 56 read the relevant telegrams with a blank face. For the first time, he became dissatisfied with Koizumi Toshiichiro, and thus became suspicious of many of Koizumi's proposals: "Compared with Ouyang Yun, Koizumi is still too tender." Should I solve the serious problem of the United States first? No, I have to think about it again! Maybe the student army is the real serious problem!"

The Xuebing Army solved the southwest crisis that the Japanese army wanted to impose on China in a very radical way, which attracted the attention of quite a few high-level countries in the world.

In the prime minister's residence in London, England, for the first time, Churchill looked at the terms Xue Bingjun and Ouyang Yun, but found that the relevant information that the intelligence department could provide was really limited.He got relevant personnel to reprimand him harshly, and then got Foreign Minister Aiden, and said to him: "You should know what happened in Thailand, right? It was the Chinese warlord army that executed Bai Sihua, and they actually did it on their own. Changed the whole situation in Southeast Asia. Eden, I was thinking maybe we should apologize to the Chinese."

Eden has always followed Churchill's lead. He nodded and said, "Your decision is correct. Our British Empire has always been a responsible country. Although the Chinese dealt with General Bai Sihua's matter a bit harshly, it is indeed our fault. First." Eden, who served as Secretary of State for War, is very good at military affairs and knows the situation of the British army in Southeast Asia. One of the ministers who maintained friendly relations with China.

"Then it's decided. Call Wavell and ask him to handle the matter. I heard that Commander-in-Chief Ouyang Yun, who learned from the Merger Army, is quite arrogant. You have to remind Wavell that for the interests of the British Empire in the Far East, you must exercise restraint." !"

"Yes. I'll do it now!"

In the White House of the United States, Roosevelt summoned Gu Lianyun, talked about the cooperation and friendship with the student army for the first time in public, and ordered Secretary of State Cordell?Hull and Gu Lianyun discussed matters related to deepening military cooperation between the two militaries in the South China Sea.

When the Japanese naval personnel headed by Koizumi Toshiichiro were painstakingly calculating the US Pacific Fleet, the Americans, considering that the Japanese army had formed a de facto encirclement of the US Philippines after fully occupying the Dutch East Indies and British Malaysia, decided to No more illusions about the promises of the Japanese government.

The previous "Strengthening the US National Defense Act" has already revealed this mentality of the United States, but now Roosevelt directly summons Gu Lianyun at the White House, indicating that they have taken Japan as an imaginary enemy to guard against.

Although the previous cooperation between the US government and the Xuebing Army involved the military, it definitely did not involve the Sino-Japanese War.And one of its distinctive features is that it will never suffer.But now, as the Japanese army is becoming more and more rampant in Southeast Asia, the Xuebing Army is standing alone, proving its strength to the world with practical actions. For the first time, a considerable number of members of the US Congress have begun to face up to this Chinese warlord. Armed, invisibly produced considerable influence, which led to President Roosevelt's official summons.

Hull was very straightforward. After sitting face to face with Gu Lianyun in the conference room, he spoke out about the current situation of the U.S. Philippines. land defense force.In the end, he said: "The Xuebing Army has accumulated a lot of practical experience in fighting the Japanese army. This is what our army lacks. The young men in our army need your guidance in this regard. Of course, this is not free. Our country The government will provide considerable remuneration. We admire your army's bravery in resisting the Japanese invasion, and understand your situation, and are willing to provide assistance within our capacity within a certain range. Of course, before we go to war with Japan, These can only be carried out in the name of business——beautiful lady, you have been in the United States for a long time, you should be clear about our country’s system, and please understand the difficulties of your Excellency the President.”

Gu Lianyun has been in the United States for a long time, responsible for all the affairs of the Xuebing Army in the United States, and has long been trained to be an excellent diplomat.In addition, as early as a month ago, Ouyang Yun had foreseen this and gave Gu Lianyun enough hints, so to Gu Lianyun, although she was forced to rush into battle, in fact, there was already a valley in her chest—— ——She first expressed her understanding of the current challenges facing the U.S. Philippines, and she was very willing to provide help from her personal point of view. Then she changed her voice and said that only Commander-in-Chief Ouyang has the authority to deal with matters related to the military, so she needs to report to the The headquarters can only give a reply according to the instructions after reporting.Then she said: "Your government helped us a lot in the 'Singapore rescue operation'. The Commander-in-Chief mentioned this more than once in his letter, and every time he mentioned it, he asked me to thank your government. Personally, Knowing the Commander-in-Chief, as long as the situation permits, he will definitely provide assistance to your country within his ability."

Hull was quite satisfied with this answer, and he immediately proposed to initial a military cooperation agreement with the Xuebing Army. If war is declared, the agreement will be automatically upgraded to an alliance agreement. At that time, the US military and the student army will form an offensive and defensive alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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