Chapter 1734 Meeting in Bangkok
The last time the Chinese and Japanese underground forces collided in the United States, the Japanese were defeated and lost. Not only were the Japanese military’s painstaking efforts to infiltrate the U.S. government’s many secret agents and spies forced out to become prisoners of the U.S. Intelligence Agency, but also those traditional Japanese blacks The forces were also wiped out by the Chinese gang forces.This is certainly a heavy blow to the Japanese military, making it difficult for it to obtain American intelligence, but now it seems that the super bomb operation planned by Minichiro Koizumi has become more covert.The information that Mao Chengcheng sent out at the risk of his life could not be faked, but he didn't have the slightest clue in his hands, so it was quite difficult to take precautions.

Protect Robert?Oppenheimer and Edward?Teller's work should have been in the charge of the U.S. Military Intelligence Agency, but now it has become a matter for the cadet army. I don't know how the Americans will feel after this incident surfaced from the sea of ​​history in the future.

Five days later, at more than nine o'clock in the evening, on the campus of Caltech in Pasadena, California, USA, Robert?After Oppenheimer came out of the laboratory with a few books in his arms, he was walking towards his dormitory when two black figures rushed out from the side of the road.They first skillfully put a hand knife on the back of Oppenheimer's neck to stun him, then put him in a black cloth bag, picked him up and ran out.

They had just reached the relatively secluded back door when a Ford sedan drove over, the front and rear doors opened, and they were working together to push Oppenheimer into the back seat. He was shot in the head and fell to the ground with a scream.

Two young men in suits and top hats got out of the car, bent down to confirm that the person who was shot was dead, and then left quickly.Not long after they left, Guo Muyi flashed out from behind a nearby street tree. He quickly walked to the black cloth bag, bent down and stuffed a Nissan melon grenade into the waistbands of the two dead men, and held one of them. With his right hand, he pulled the fuse of a grenade.

After doing all this, he glanced around and ran to the nearest street tree.And just as he dodged behind the street tree, there was a violent explosion and a scream behind him. He pressed down the brim of his hat and walked away quickly.

At almost the same time, on the campus of the University of Washington, Edward was working at his desk at home?Teller was also kidnapped.The two kidnappers who kidnapped him suffered even worse - with the help of their accomplices, they drove away from the University of Washington. When they passed a bar, there was a fight in the bar. They were blocked in front of the bar and then surrounded by the local police who arrived stand up.The Japanese were calm at first, and hoped to get away with it.However, as one of the fighting parties pointed their guns at them and wanted to take them hostage, they could only draw their guns for fear of revealing their identities. As a result, together with Teller, they were first smashed into a sieve by the mob with a submachine gun, and then shot in the back of the car. It can be said that he died quite resentfully when he became a Burning Man during the explosion.

Both Oppenheimer and Teller are masters in atomic physics, and they are registered with the US military.The two people died in the same night, which immediately attracted the attention of the US government and military.The Military Intelligence Bureau was ordered to thoroughly investigate the matter, and soon found out the Japanese identity of the kidnapper.This was a blow to the hornet's nest. The US government protested, warned, and issued ultimatums. The Japanese envoy to the United States was summoned by Hull three times in one day, and was almost drowned by Hull's spit.

Gu Lianyun only found out about this after reading the newspaper the next day. She saw in the newspaper that the Los Angeles police suspected that a third party was involved in Oppenheimer's death. She immediately went to Guo Muyi and asked him sharply why Oppenheimer and Teddy Le kill them all.

"We definitely didn't do it," Guo Muyi pushed it cleanly.

The Los Angeles police only suspected that a third-party force was involved, and there was no evidence. Gu Lianyun naturally couldn't say anything more when Guo Muyi made such a statement, but after this incident, she began to have reservations about Guo Muyi.

Gu Lianyun's worry was not unreasonable, but the subsequent development of the matter proved that she was worried too much.After the U.S. government protested vigorously for a while, the matter sank to the bottom of the water and soon disappeared from public view.

At this time, the U.S. government and military have not yet realized the importance of Oppenheimer and Teller to them.Hull quickly devoted his energy to initialing the cooperation agreement with Gu Lianyun, which was completely forgotten by the Americans.

To avoid suspicion, Gu Lianyun did not report this matter to Ouyang Yun.Ouyang Yun didn't know this until a long time later. His reaction at that time was to raise his head and laugh three times, and then said to the people around him, "What a contemporary Guo Ziyi!"

The eyes jumped back from the United States to the Indochina Peninsula. On June 6, in Bangkok, under the mediation of the new Thai Prime Minister Shinawatra, Ouyang Yun and Wavell sat at a table and started what later known as the "Bangkok Talks". conversation.

In order to stimulate the arrogant British, Ouyang Yun specially pulled the "Langluga Prisoners of War Death Squad" outside the meeting place and asked them to line up to welcome Wavell.

After about two weeks of training, the temperament of this British army has fundamentally changed.Wearing camouflage uniforms, camouflage high-top canvas boots, camouflage steel helmets, and holding Weiqing-style and Qubing-style firearms, if they were mixed into the ranks of cadets, they would almost be a cadet.

It is the highest etiquette for soldiers to greet each other in line. Wavell enjoyed seeing this group of well-groomed soldiers from a distance in the Great Wall off-road vehicle. He thought that Ouyang Yun was quite savvy , Knowing what kind of etiquette should be followed to greet a person of his status.After getting out of the car and passing through the army formation under Guo Da's guidance, he was dumbfounded, opened and closed his mouth several times.

Seeing his expression in his eyes, Guo Da snickered in his heart and asked solemnly, "Your Excellency, don't you think it looks familiar?"

Wavell had wanted to ask for a long time, but he just couldn't put his face down. Just after the translator translated this sentence, he hurried down the donkey and asked, "Are these boys all soldiers of our British Empire?"

Guo Da thought for a while and said, "It used to be."

The suspicion in his heart was confirmed, and Wavell's face changed—he was not ignorant, he knew that there were Jews in the student army, and he was worried that these were French, so he held back and didn't ask questions.Since he was a soldier of the British Empire, he should salute and greet him, but they didn't show any sign, which was one of the reasons why he felt unhappy.In addition, Guo Da's answer was very problematic, which made him even more unhappy.Wavell has a noble status and has always felt that he is a gentleman, but at this moment, he can no longer maintain his gentlemanly demeanor.Looking directly at Guo Da, he asked coldly: "General, what do you mean by this sentence? Please give me a reasonable explanation."

Wavell was aggressive, but Guo Da remained calm after listening to the translation. He pointed at the straight British soldiers and said calmly, "Your Excellency, you can ask them yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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