Chapter 1739 July 6rd

The deputy prime minister of Thailand's Kansong Cabinet, Shinawatra, overthrew Kansong's rule with the help of the Xuebing Army and established the "Red Cabinet". A press conference was held in Bangkok to release the "Bangkok Meeting Minutes"... These news spread to Tokyo intermittently, and immediately caused an uproar in the Japanese military circles.Under pressure, Mitsumasa Minai sent a telegram to reprimand Yamamoto 56, ordering him to fully occupy Myanmar within three months in order to open up the western front against China. At the same time, he sent a note to the Thai government, threatening the "red cabinet" to sever all diplomatic relations with China, otherwise Thailand will be considered a hostile country.

Not to mention how Shinawatra will deal with the Japanese threat, on June 6, Toshiichiro Koizumi, the general headquarters of Yamamoto in Singapore, rushed here from Sumatra.Koizumi rushed to see Yamamoto in such a hurry because he had sensed his hesitation in implementing the US strategy from the previous power-ups.Yamamoto was quite surprised at his unannounced visit. When Koizumi explained his intention of coming, he said straight to the point: "Your Excellency, I am here to witness something with you."

Yamamoto was even more curious and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Tomorrow, an earth-shattering event will happen in Europe tomorrow," Koizumi said mysteriously.

Kazurin Yamamoto asked, "Is it related to the empire?"

"Of course. Your Excellency, what do you think of the current world situation?"

When Koizumi mentioned this topic, Yamamoto became angry. He said in a serious tone: "I have no opinion on the world situation, but I am very worried about the situation in Southeast Asia. The base camp limits us to occupy Myanmar within three months. With the military's current combat strength, it is not easy to achieve this goal."

Yamamoto's attitude towards himself has changed recently, Koizumi has already felt it, and he doesn't care about it.He still maintained a sufficiently respectful tone and said: "Your Excellency, those people in the base camp do not understand the actual situation here, so you don't need to talk to them at all. Let me tell you a piece of good news, all the oil wells of the Dutch in Sumatra have been restored. Oil production is normal, and the refineries have all resumed production. Your Excellency, in at most three months, the empire will be self-sufficient in fuel. Your Excellency, when we take the Philippines, no one in the Far East will be able to resist the expansion of the empire pace."

The United States cut off the oil supply to Japan is the biggest worry of the Japanese. Under such circumstances, Koizumi's "good news" is worthy of the name.It seemed that he didn't see mud still sticking to Koizumi's body until this time, and Yamamoto said with a slightly tender face, "Koizumi-kun has worked hard."

"Everything is for the future of the empire, this is what I should do," Koizumi bowed his head respectfully, raised his head to look at Yamamoto, and the topic returned to "tomorrow", he said: "Your Excellency, regarding the current world structure, the humble Please give me some advice if you have some unreasonable opinions—Your Excellency, if the current world structure is compared to a game of chess, then the only countries in the world who are qualified to play on it are Britain, the United States, Soviet Germany, and our Great Japanese Empire. So far, neither the Soviet Union nor the United States has joined, but tomorrow this pattern will be broken—"

Startled, Yamamoto stood up and said, "What do you mean, Germany will attack the Soviet Union?"


"Do you have the above evidence?"

"No, that's why I came here specially to witness this incident with you."

Suddenly recalling Koizumi's identity as a traveler, Yamamoto looked at him and asked, "Is this the history of that time and space?"


"But didn't you say that many things have changed? This time and space—"

"Your Excellency, some things have changed, but the general direction of history will not change. For example, the war between Japan and the United States."

"According to what you said, isn't the empire destined to be destroyed in the end?"

"That's why we need to act first, and we must not repeat the same mistakes."

Yamamoto fell silent - the war is not over, but it is really painful to know that the party is bound to lose.

Koizumi continued the previous topic and said with discretion: "Compared with Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union and Germany, Italy and China can only be regarded as pawns with a certain degree of self-consciousness. The root cause of the Indian Ocean. For the empire to really rise, both the United States and the Soviet Union must be defeated. As for the United Kingdom, as long as the United States loses, then it will have no other way but to surrender to Germany and the Empire. So strictly speaking, it is really qualified Only the Empire and Germany, America and the Soviet Union are the only ones on this big chessboard."

"What about the student army?" Yamamoto recalled what happened to the Marine Corps in Thailand during this period, and reminded.

Koizumi smiled reservedly: "Your Excellency, China is not qualified to play chess on the chessboard, so what can a warlord force in China do? Yes, the army of apprentices is currently in the limelight, but that is because we cannot concentrate our efforts on attacking him." The reason. Once we have dealt with the strongest enemy and freed up our hands, isn’t it the same as crushing an ant to kill the Xue Bingjun?”

Koizumi had made an incisive discussion on the issue of the student army before, and Yamamoto thought of his argument about the speed of development, and his mind became lively again.

"Your Excellency, there is actually another piece of good news about the US strategy."


"You remember the super bomb I told you about?"

Yamamoto understood it immediately. After all, the US government had made a strong protest to Japan about this some time ago.

Koizumi said: "Although Yangzuka's actions failed to succeed, they killed Oppenheimer and Teller. In this case, although there is no guarantee that the Americans will not develop a super bomb, there must be a delay in time. And If Germany develops the super bomb ahead of the United States, it will be difficult to say the final outcome of this world war. Your Excellency, no matter what, we must wipe out the Pacific Fleet before the Americans notice it. The sooner the time, the faster. Good. Your Excellency, Ouyang Yun must know this too. If he informs the Americans, no matter whether the Americans believe it or not, they will definitely raise their vigilance. Even if we want to do it, we will have no chance at that time..."

When Yamamoto and Koizumi were waiting for June 6, Ouyang Yun was also waiting.

Except for the insiders in Germany, only the two travelers in this time and space know what will happen tomorrow.Of course, before Germany's blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union became a fact, they were more or less apprehensive.

For Yu Koizumi, he wanted to use this to strengthen Yamamoto's determination to agree with his strategic vision for the United States, so he couldn't calm down.As for Ouyang Yun, he was not sure how large the butterfly effect caused by him and Koizumi had reached, and wanted to take this opportunity to confirm it.

(End of this chapter)

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