Chapter 1741 Battleship Richelieu

The banquets on both sides were held almost at the same time. On the naval base, because all the high-level executives of the Far East Fleet and Z Fleet participated, the French thought it was just a social event between the two troops.After the banquet started, they ate, drank, talked and laughed relaxedly, unaware that their fate would be forced to change completely after this banquet.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, when the banquet on the Xuebing Army's side had ended, the banquet here began to get down to business.Wavell was the villain, and Ouyang Yun just fell in love with the ships of the Far East Fleet, especially the British.It coincided with the exhaustion of the "Prince of Wales" and "Repulse", and the serious lack of personnel in the Z Fleet. When Wavell and Phillips discussed this matter, Phillips proposed: the student army needs ships, and the man It's ours.Therefore, considering that Phillips will command the French in the future and it is not appropriate to make the relationship too rigid, Wavell took the initiative to become a villain.

When he was half drunk, Phillips' adjutant suddenly ran to him from the telephone hall and whispered in his ear, "Your Excellency, Hulls and the others have already succeeded." Phillips nodded calmly, and waited for him to leave. Then quietly told Wavell the news.The latter put down his wine glass and said directly to Degu: "Commander Degu, I have something to inform you."

Degu held his wine glass and watched him quietly waiting for the next sentence.

"In view of the bad situation in Southeast Asia, in order to prevent the Japanese fleet from entering the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Malacca, we decided to form a sniper fleet in the Bay of Bengal. You know, after the loss of 'Prince of Wales' and 'Repulse', we Fleet Z has lost the ability to continue fighting, in order to ensure that your country and our colonial interests in the West Indies will not be violated, we have decided to requisition your Far East Fleet."

"What?" De Gu immediately stood up.The Frenchman's face was already a little red from the alcohol, and now it turned into a red spot because of the hot blood. He slapped the wine glass heavily on the glasses in front of him, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Wavel Commander-in-Chief, are you joking?"

His roar was so loud that it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Wavell looked directly into Degu's eyes calmly, and said slowly: "No, I'm serious."

Degu was trembling with anger, pointed at him with trembling fingers and said, "But what right do you have to do this?"

"Commander Degu, don't forget that we are allies. Moreover, it is my British infantry who are resisting the Japanese army in the Moulmein area."

"No, I must not accept it."

"I'm afraid it's not up to you."

Several of Degu's loyal men put down their wine glasses and came over. After figuring out the reason for the commander's anger, they also roared.However, as a group of British gendarmes from Chittagong Port broke in with live ammunition, their roar of "righteousness and strictness" was immediately blocked by the gleaming muzzle of the gun.

"Gentlemen, I will give you two choices, either become a glorious volunteer soldier who supports Great Britain against the Japanese bandits, or report to the Restoration Army of the Governor of Umbers," Wavell dropped these words, and Philip Si and others left.

Wavell's learning ability is strong enough. Of course, maybe he was just disgusted by the word "volunteer army" and was eager to pass it on, so the French became the ultimate victims.

When only the top executives of the Far East Fleet and the British military police who were facing each other with guns were left in the banquet hall where there were feasting lights, feasting and noisy people, Degu and his subordinates stood there dumbfounded, their hearts whizzing full of Siberia. The cold wind blowing from Asia.

Qi Minghao and others boarded the ship the next day. When they saw those naval officers and soldiers with obvious oriental characteristics running in and out on their own warships and yelling loudly, they were given special treatment and Degu, who was allowed to move freely The scene of the helicopter brigade of the Jungle Special Forces Brigade conducting frequent take-off and landing training on the British ship came to mind, and finally realized that they were sold by the British, and they were sold to the Chinese.At that moment, he had the intention of jumping up and biting Wavell.

"What benefit did the Chinese give Wavell? This is a waste, do you know that waste?" He said to the second lieutenant who was in charge of accompanying him in name and actually monitoring his Z Fleet, with a heartbroken look: "This is an ocean-going ship. Fleet, the Chinese will just fiddle with sampans in the small river in front of their homes-I'm sure, even if they are given a year, they will not be able to drive the 'Richelieu' out of the naval port. "

Just from the perspective of his love for the navy, Degu is still worthy of the title of Commander of the Far East Fleet.The butterfly effect caused by two butterflies has changed too many things in this time and space, and the "Richelieu" is one of them.

After Ouyang Yun handed over the notebook to Hou Debang, the accuracy of "foresight" dropped a lot.He thought that the French Far East Fleet only had two old battleships. In fact, neither the battleship "Richelieu" nor the battleship "Richérieux" had served for a long time, and in terms of combat power, can be ranked among the top twenty in the world.

It was precisely for this reason that Degu felt more and more distressed.

Just when Degu was beating his chest and feet for the inhuman encounter of the Far East Fleet, Ouyang Yun, who had already withdrawn from Bangkok to Hanoi, shouted "I made a profit" - I received Qi Minghao's report on the formation of the Far East Fleet in the morning. After the ship's written report, he immediately remotely controlled Chang Gen to verify it, and after getting the specific data of the "Richelieu" and "Richelieu" battleships, he was overjoyed.Because of the emergence of aircraft carriers, the role of battleships in naval battles has been greatly weakened.But even so, existence and non-existence are completely unequal concepts.Just imagine, when the cadet army is approaching the Japanese mainland, what is more deterrent than the bombardment of the battleship's giant cannons in the face of the little devil's strong coastal defense fortifications?

The Xuebing Army's password at the Haikou base almost concealed your development of the navy from everyone's eyes and ears, so Degu felt that even if Qi Minghao and the others were given a year, they would not be able to launch the "Richelieu".But the fact gave him a loud slap in the face. Two days later, in the same area, he and the second lieutenant of the British Army were standing by to watch the training of Qi Minghao and others. up.

The battleship "Richelieu" slowly left the dock under the tow of two tugboats, and then let out another long cry.Seeing that the British sailors on the tugboat were retrieving the cables, Degu sneered: "Second lieutenant, I think you need to remind your commander and let the maintenance workers in the port prepare for repairs-the Chinese will crash yours. at the pier."

Ten minutes after Degu said these words, his eyes suddenly widened—the "Richelieu" sailed out of the naval port through the waves, and then began to accelerate towards the distance.

"Impossible! Must be manipulating by your people? I'm sure."

"Sir, as you can see, our Z Fleet has no officers and soldiers boarding the ship." After accompanying Degu for about four days, the second lieutenant finally said something related to the Far East Fleet.

"Slap!" While he was ignorant, Degu vaguely heard a crisp sound, and then his left and right cheeks turned red as if he had been slapped at the same time, all the way to his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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