Chapter 1770
The advance speed of the Fourth Xue Division is not fast-the flame-breathing tank and the flamethrower are indeed sharp, but at the same time they are also amazingly powerful blasting tubes. Huge damage.In order to protect the fire-breathing troops, Gui Mingxun made careful arrangements.About one regiment of tank soldiers and a reinforced platoon of snipers were drawn out. They almost advanced and retreated with the Spitfire troops, and were responsible for bombarding and sniping long-range fire points that might threaten the Spitfire troops.

Artillery preparations were carried out at 04 o'clock in the morning, and a ground offensive was launched at 30:05. By 30:[-], the Fourth Xue Division finally advanced to the last fortification at the west gate of Jiangshan City.

At this time, Lu Chengtai still had about two regiments of warriors. Xiao Bangzi finally figured out a countermeasure against the flame-breathing tanks. Under his coercion and lure, about [-] sticks were divided into six groups, each Bundle cluster grenades or a pack of explosives, and hide them in the more prominent tunnels and bunkers, ready to wait for an opportunity to launch a suicide attack on the fire-breathing tanks and fire-breathing soldiers of the cadet army.

After the self-student army shot Bangzi who surrendered on the spot, anyway, "surrender is also death", so the Bangzi of the Independent Ninth Brigade showed a little bravery, which caused a certain amount of damage to the Fourth Xue Division.Because of the existence of the city wall, compared with other places, the two fortifications adjacent to the city wall were the least damaged. Xiang Ke, the brigade commander of the [-]th Brigade, noticed this, ordered the troops to suspend the attack, and then asked the chief of staff, Shi Huasheng, : "Has it been counted? How many enemies are estimated to be in the city?"

"There are at least 2000 people left!" Shi Huasheng replied.

"2000 people? Then why is there so little movement? Our opponent is okay!"

"The damage to this fortification is relatively minor, so they must be hiding inside. Old Xiang, I think the North Koreans must be planning something. Do you think they will blast at a fixed point first, and then bloom at the center?"

"Hmm, good idea!"

In the tunnel, Lu Chengtai found that the sound of guns outside had suddenly faded away. He leaned over to the lookout to take a look, and murmured in his heart: Why did the Xue Bingjun become vigilant?Did they discover The Expendables?Hmph, the longer the delay, the better for us——Thinking of this, he ordered loudly: "Everyone listen carefully, wait for the death squads to blow up the tanks before launching a counterattack! No matter what happened before, hold back!"

Gui Mingxun answered a phone call and reported to Ouyang Yun: "Commander-in-Chief, the Wuyishan radar station found two groups of enemy planes flying towards Jiangshan City. Commander Liu Xuefeng has sent two The fighter planes of the brigade are coming to meet the enemy."

At this time, Ouyang Yun was discussing the whole battle situation in southern Zhejiang with a group of staff officers from the Second Army. Hearing this, he raised his head and said, "Okay, we finally have a chance to see the little devil's zero battle. I'd rather Let's see if their Zero War already has the ability to challenge our Baiji dolphins."

The Japanese army deployed the 19th Air Corps of the Army Aviation in Zhejiang with two aviation wings under its jurisdiction, including two fighter brigades and one bomber brigade at Hangzhou Xiaoshan Air Force Base. The reason why Lu Chengtai thought at first that they might be able to rely on this battle Special merit, its greatest reliance lies in this.

Ye Zhao first called Xiang Ke and informed them that a group of Japanese planes was approaching the battlefield, and asked them to suspend their attack to prepare for air defense, and then accompanied Ouyang Yun out of the headquarters.

"I saw it, over there!" Xin Bao suddenly hopped and shouted like a child.

When everyone looked back, they saw 24 baiji dolphins flying towards Wuyi Mountain in four formations arranged in a diamond shape.

The sound of the fighter plane's engine turned from weak to strong, and soon it burst out from the upper right of the crowd like a thunderbolt.Another 5 minutes passed, when these fighter planes turned into black spots and were about to disappear from everyone's sight, Ouyang Yun saw the incoming Japanese plane through the binoculars.

On the side of the Second Air Force Division of the Fuzhou Police Force, Colonel Yu Liangwei, the deputy division commander, personally led the team.On the Japanese side, a major named Kanda Hondo was in command.

Yu Liangwei's plane was used as an early warning command plane, and it was equipped with radar, so after the group of Japanese planes entered the detection range of the radar, he made a course adjustment and ordered his fighters to pull the altitude to about 500 meters, and then directly rushed over.

Kanda Hondo had previously confronted the 10nd Division of the Fuku Police Air Force, and knew that the Xuebing Army had airborne radars that could spot them first, so he ordered to slow down and prepare for battle when he was about [-] minutes away from Jiangshan City. Only then did he "leisurely" fly over.

For this reason, although Yu Liangwei and the others discovered the enemy first and launched a surprise attack, they failed to achieve a surprise victory—the six leading baiji dolphins had just appeared in Kanda's eyes, and he immediately ordered the bomber brigade to drop the bombs and return immediately. Order three new nine-nine and three new falcons to climb up and intercept.

Compared with the bomber under full load, the speed advantage of Baiji is too obvious.The 19th Aviation Regiment had suffered losses in this area before, so Kanda's order, and the Devil Air Force of its bomber brigade immediately carried out without hesitation.

It was still nearly [-] to [-] kilometers away from the battlefield, but the Devil bombers began to drop bombs, and its intention was self-evident.Seeing this, Song Yifei, the captain of the [-]rd Fighter Brigade of the [-]nd Air Force Division of the Fukuoka Police Force, immediately challenged Yu Liangwei and shouted, "You little devil wants to escape! Deputy Commander, I'll lead someone to chase after him!"

"Don't chase, try to keep all the fighters of the little devil!" Yu Liangwei replied, and then ordered the Fourth Fighter Battalion to deal with the six enemy planes that came up, and the Third Battalion to be in charge of the six Zeros. .

"Alright!" Song Yifei replied, then adjusted the channel, and ordered to the brothers in the brigade: "Spread out, go around!"

"Hey!" The brothers under his command shouted in unison, and then broke away from the diamond-shaped formation, spread out in a two-machine formation and charged towards the six zero-types.

The fourth division of Xue pointed to a high ground on the right side. Ouyang Yun and others who had moved here watched quietly with binoculars in their hands. After seeing the figure of Zero Zhan clearly, Ouyang Yun's heart shuddered slightly, and his eyes narrowed.Comparing the visual observation data with the known zero battle data, he thought to himself: "The change is quite big! I just don't know what height it has reached."

The common characteristics of World War II fighter jets in that time and space are relatively small body and weak armor, among which Japanese fighter jets are famous for their thin skin.Take the Zero War as an example, among its many derivative models, only a handful of them are longer than ten meters.But now this zero-type, its length has reached more than 11 meters, and this alone has overturned Ouyang Yun's perception of zero-war.

Ouyang Yun was deep in thought, when Xin Bao suddenly shouted: "It's a hit, it's a hit!" He looked intently, and saw sparks and thick smoke rising from the nose of a Japanese plane, howling and falling towards the ground , In the next moment, three Baiji dolphins flew over the Japanese plane one at a time and two at the back—obviously, it was these two Baiji dolphins that shot down the new Type [-].

(End of this chapter)

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