Chapter 1772

Lu Chengtai's temporary headquarters was very close to the blast site. Although they were not injured due to the protection of the tunnel, they were also injured to varying degrees due to the closed environment in the tunnel - nose and eye bleeding, Those who fainted were considered lucky. The unlucky ones were directly rushed to the wall of the pit by the air wave, so there were several people whose heads were broken and directly accounted for.

The explosion had just stopped, and Ding San immediately shouted: "Hurry up and save people!"

Everyone didn't care about the "blossom in the center", and immediately rushed forward to dig out Liang Shaolian and others.The medical soldiers trotted up and immediately gave first aid to several seriously wounded, but when they were bandaging the wounded, they suddenly heard someone shout: "No, the North Koreans are going to run!"

The first to escape were the members of the death squad that Lu Chengtai managed to organize.They didn't have the determination to dare to die. Now that they saw such a tragic scene of martyrdom, let alone launch a suicide attack, they even lost the courage to continue holding the explosives. "I don't want to die yet!" I don't know who yelled this sentence first, and it immediately resonated. All the sticks looked at me and I looked at you, and suddenly put the explosive in their hands on the ground, and then a sound Without saying a word, he ran towards a place he thought was safe.

After the previous bombardment, the defense system of Jiangshan City has long been incomplete. If they want to escape, they must pass through the tunnels that have been blasted. The figures fell into the eyes of the recruits and immediately exposed their tracks.

"Brothers, stop standing there and burn them to death!" shouted a major named Zhang Quanli, the commander of the fire-breathing troops.A dozen fire-breathing soldiers responded in unison, and then ran towards the blasted tunnel under the cover of snipers.

When the fire-breathing troops attacked again, Lu Chengtai had just woken up leisurely.Because he fell directly on one of his subordinates, he did not suffer serious external injuries, but internal injuries were inevitable.After being shaken awake by his subordinates, he stood up ignorantly, felt the stickiness under his nose, stretched out his hand and found it was full of blood, and then he woke up with a shudder.Recalling the scene just now, Xiao Bangzi felt lingering fear. He smeared the nosebleed on the body of one of his subordinates. He glanced at the gap that appeared more than [-] meters ahead, and cursed angrily: "What are you doing standing here so stupid? Immediately organize troops Defense, the Chinese people will definitely attack from the blasted hole!" Just after he finished speaking, he found a burst of fire flashing at the gap, and a scene of a burning man howling in his mind appeared, and he instinctively threw himself on the ground Go, and exclaimed at the same time: "Lie down, get down!"

Lu Chengtai pounced very quickly and shouted in time, but for a flamethrower, is there any difference between lying on his stomach and standing in a sealed underground facility?A fire dragon roared over, and the sticks that were closer to the gap were ignited first. Amidst their hysterical howls, a smell of meat diffused. These sticks who like to eat barbecue most smelled their own The taste of being roasted.

As we all know, the sticks like to eat barbecue. However, in the sound of "Bippo" fat explosion, Lu Chengtai, who only felt that it was hot and unbearable at this time, except that he felt the fear of the end of the world, how could he think about it? Armani grilled kebabs?In a third of a second, the clothes and hair on his body were also ignited, and then his whole body also burned.

The cadet who was pressing the flamethrower switch outside didn't know that he had just burned a brigade commander to death. To be on the safe side, he sprayed once, and then sprayed again. He didn't get in until there was silence inside. .

With the blasted gap as the center, the cadets began to attack the deep network of tunnels. Because there were flamethrowers opening the way in front, some of the tunnel tactics that the sticks racked their brains almost all failed. After 10 minutes passed, some sticks After witnessing too many Burning Man performances, his psychological defenses collapsed and he committed suicide by putting the gun in his mouth.

The flamethrower's way of killing the enemy is too terrifying. While the sticks are deeply stimulated, the students are also under a certain amount of psychological pressure. Among them, those recruits who are on the battlefield for the first time are particularly under great pressure.For example, Yang Chunhui, a Yangyou-based sniper, was covering a fire-breathing soldier named Huang Jiaming when he entered a tunnel. Vomit up.

From the moment he saw the first charred body of Bangzi, Yang Chunhui began to vomit in his heart, but out of face problems, he had been gritting his teeth and holding back, but now he finally couldn't help it.

Huang Jiaming himself came here in the same way, so he was not surprised to see this.He took a vigilant look into the tunnel and found nothing unusual. He untied the water bottle on his body and handed it over. He said with a smile, "It's no big deal. In the words of the commander-in-chief—you just get used to spitting. Come on, spitting." Shout out!"

I don't know if it was because he vomited too hard or because he was ashamed. Yang Chunhui's face was flushed at the moment. He gave a soft "um" and raised his head to pick up the water bottle. Suddenly, he felt something moving in the tunnel from the corner of his eyes. , He was shocked and shouted anxiously: "There is a situation," while raising the gun with his left hand, he pulled the trigger with his right hand.

Huang Jiaming's heart trembled when he heard his shout, and a thought flashed through his mind like lightning: the liquefaction bottle must not be hit. While the nozzle in his right hand was facing into the tunnel, he turned around—a "huh", a The fire dragon shot out, and almost at the same time, amid Yang Chunhui's shout of "no", there was a "bat" gunshot, and Huang Jiaming was shot in the left chest, and the gushing blood instantly stained his chest completely red.

"Ah—" There was a pitiful cry in the tunnel, and a burning man ran madly towards the opening in the flames, and fell to the ground after running a few steps, and there was no sound.

Yang Chunhui didn't care whether the stick in the tunnel was dead or not, he threw the gun behind his back, rushed up to support Huang Jiaming, pressed his left hand on his chest, and hissed, "Brother Huang, don't scare me!"

Huang Jiaming could no longer feel the pain at this time, and felt that the world around him was turning black, as if the cold winter was coming, his body trembled unconsciously, and he opened his mouth vigorously and said, "Take—the liquefaction bottle—take ——" He just opened his mouth, and a smear of blood spilled out of the corner of his mouth, but before he could finish the sentence, the look in his eyes disappeared, and his body immediately went limp——

When receiving fire-breathing training, the instructor focused most on how to protect the liquefaction bottle when it might be attacked. Huang Jiaming kept this in mind from beginning to end, so the tragedy of the liquefaction bottle being blown did not happen.As the "personal bodyguard" of the fire-breathing soldiers, Yang Chunhui had also received relevant knowledge, so although Huang Jiaming couldn't finish the sentence, he still understood the meaning of this sentence.Because of this, he felt more and more guilty, and suddenly hated his own cowardice——

"If I had been braver, if I hadn't vomited, Brother Huang wouldn't have died!" This thought kept turning over and over in his mind, and he punched the ground hard, raised his head and roared mournfully— -"ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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