Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1882 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 1882 Meeting in a narrow road

"Whether an army can fight depends first on whether it can run!"

"Opportunities are running out!"

If he hadn’t had the experience of running all the way from Sibuco to Pangil Bay and successfully ran out of his way, Sharp would definitely think it was a paradox and heresy of the Chinese when he heard the above two sentences.What now?Although he doesn't think this is the truth, at least he won't object.

After Xiao Anbao received the order from the joint headquarters, he immediately ordered to speed up the march. As a result, the running speed of the students went up to a new level.As a result, the Americans and Filipinos who were able to keep up had a tendency to be left behind.

"MD, are they still human?" An American soldier as strong as a bull put his hands on his knees, gasping for breath, and cursing loudly.

"This is an army that never seems to know what fatigue is," Sharpe's later sentence in his memoirs may be a good answer.

However, in only 5 minutes, the joint troops that set out together turned into two distinct teams. Xiao Anbao frowned and shook his head, then helplessly said to Sharp, who was following him panting heavily: "This can't work, we can just leave separately. Go over there and be responsible for sniping the Fourth Division that may come to help. We are responsible for blocking the Sakamoto detachment."

Sharp nodded in agreement.So Xuebing and the US-Philippines team parted ways, the No.14 Brigade rushed to the southwest, and the US-Philippines team ran to the northwest.

Another 10 minutes passed, and the machine gun reinforcement company led by Wang Huo encountered the troops directly under the detachment headquarters of the rear team of the Sakamoto detachment.There was no time to judge the situation, Wang Huo shouted: "Kill!" The one who took the lead rushed out of the mountain road.

The little devil didn't expect to be intercepted by the army of students here, so he seemed a little flustered at first.What happened to the Kisarazu Air Force earlier stimulated them too deeply. Maybe they still had the so-called martial courage in "Bushido" in their hearts, but it was as if they were frightened when they were excited. Although they still thought about sex, they couldn't make up their minds Somewhere is weak.The whole troop froze suddenly, and then a devil major who led the team was the first to react. He drew out his command knife and pointed at it, shouting: "Rush up and kill them!"

Although it is said that the brave wins when we meet on a narrow road, sometimes accidents happen.Wang Huo held a qubing-style general-purpose machine gun and suddenly pulled the trigger. The devils rushing over immediately fell down, and the other devils just turned their guns around, and more machine guns joined in behind Wang Huo. Ten tongues of flame flickered from among the branches and leaves in the deep forest, and all the devils who rushed to the front were knocked down immediately, and the major who was wielding a command saber was not spared either.

"Bring down this tree!" Wang Huo yelled at several students carrying ammunition boxes beside him while changing the clips.

"I'm coming, you back off," a cadet roared, put down the ammunition box, took out two grenades from his body, wrapped vines around the root of the tree, unscrewed the bowstring cover, and pulled the bowstring at the same time, turned around Quickly flashed behind a nearby tree.

With a loud bang, the tree was broken and fell on the road, turning into a natural fortification barricade. "Cover!" Wang Huo roared, waved his hand, and rolled to the middle of the road with a few students holding machine guns, then he lay down on the ground, put the guns on the tree, and quickly established a sniper line.

Suddenly there was a fierce gunshot from the rear, and Takashi Sakamoto was taken aback, and immediately realized that it was the enemy army that attacked the Fourth Division barracks this morning that had appeared again.There are pursuers in the back and interceptions in front, the little devil can't help but panic for a while even though he is determined.He may not care about the survival of the troops, or even his own life or death, but once he thinks that after their destruction, the Ryujō aircraft carrier fleet will lose its only ground defense, and all the previous arrangements of Minichiro Koizumi will fall short, and the little devil will sweat Under the rain, I feel that I am really not to blame for my death.Taking a deep breath, under the attention of many subordinates, he pulled out the saber on his body with a "chuss" and shouted: "The whole army charges!"

More than [-] ghost soldiers screamed and rushed towards the defense line that Wang Huo had just established. Because Wang Huo had just repelled a wave of attacks by the little devils, Wang Huo was wiping the sweat from his forehead when he heard a strange noise and looked up. I couldn't help being startled at a glance.Throwing the Qubing general-purpose machine gun in his hand to the ground, he walked to the side of the [-]-type heavy machine gun, kicked the shooter away, shouted: "I'm coming!" and quickly took out a gun from his body. With a cigarette in his mouth, holding the machine gun in both hands, he looked coldly at the devil who was getting closer and closer, his eyes couldn't help but narrowed.

Xiao Anbao rushed to the battlefield after Wang Huohu. Facing the attack of the little devil, he ordered the troops to tightly protect the two wings of the machine gun reinforcement company, and then shouted: "The little devil is desperate, brothers! , don't let any one go!"

"Brigade order, don't let anyone go," the company and battalion leaders conveyed the order. Their shouts echoed in the jungle, and the response was the shouts of the students.

The two sides took the lead in meeting fire in the jungle on the east side of the mountain road. Following the order of a student company commander to "fight", the gunshots of the Wei Qing-style assault rifle rang like beans, and the [-]-style semi-automatic rifle rang out immediately.

Fighting in the jungle, because there are many trees for cover, the defending side has a great advantage.The gloomy jungle turned into a monster's mouth at this time, and the defenders were the monster's teeth. If the Japanese army wanted to pass through, they had no other way but to pull out these teeth.

The Sakamoto detachment had suffered a great loss in the jungle on the west side of the mountain road before, and learned a lot of wisdom. Sakamoto Takashi felt that he had no advantage in individual duels in jungle warfare, so he decided to use his superiority in strength to suppress it.He shrank his troops to a width of 600 meters, which really put a lot of pressure on the No.14 Brigade.

The little devils advance in small groups, which means that each devil has more than [-] firepower units that can quickly provide support or launch revenge.

The students of the No.14 Brigade failed to adapt to this style of play at first, and paid a heavy price for it.They seized the opportunity to shoot over with bullets. Although they could knock down a few devils, they would be hit by the bullets that swept over like a pouring rain the next moment.

In the jungle on the east side of the mountain road, the two sides exchanged fire for about a quarter of an hour. Although the little devil was killed about 400 people, but the No. 14 Brigade also lost more than a hundred people.A battle loss ratio of one to four is supposed to be pretty good, but Xiao Anbao couldn't accept it.

"The life of every soldier is precious, and if there is even a slight possibility, don't give up!"

"Exchanging with Lao Tzu? Dreaming!" He said bitterly, and a new order was passed on. In addition to strengthening the machine gun company, other units immediately withdrew from the center, double-teamed from the left, right and even the rear, and used sniper tactics to kill the little devil. Eliminated on the way to break out.

A non-standard method of encircling three ques and one battle.

The machine gun reinforcement company began to shrink its defense, and other troops withdrew from the frontal defense line to penetrate the two wings of the Sakamoto detachment.

The advance resistance of the Japanese army in the jungle on both sides of the mountain road was greatly reduced. Sakamoto Takashi didn't think much at first, and ordered to hit the troops to break through the middle road. If the troops want to break through quickly, they can only get through the main road of the mountain road.But is a center that strengthens the defense of the machine gun company so easy to break through?
(End of this chapter)

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