Chapter 1888
Stimulated by the daring tactics of the students, Sakamoto Takashi resorted to special attack tactics, which can highlight the so-called bushido spirit.Whether it is death-defying tactics or special attack tactics, this kind of tactics that seek to annihilate the enemy on the premise of sacrificing oneself is itself a great tragedy in the history of the development of human civilization.The cadets fight to defend their country and defeat the invaders. Every soldier who dies in this way is considered a hero.What about the Japanese?The war they waged was inherently unjust, and doing so only highlighted their national inferiority.To put it bluntly, it is a rogue move after overreaching.In terms of value, it can be said that death is worthless.

The No.14 brigade was the first to induce a human bomb was a student named Jiang Luansheng.He hid between two twin trees, and was preparing to die with the enemy at a distance of nearly 20 meters, when he suddenly saw a ghost rushing towards him with a bunch of grenades in his arms and screaming.He thought that the little devil had found his trail, so he raised his gun and shot without hesitation. The devil pulled the fuse before falling to the ground. A few seconds later, there was a violent explosion, and a mushroom cloud rose. When he got up, gunpowder smoke dispersed within a radius of about 15 meters around the devil, and the branches and leaves withered, forming a dead place.

Hearing the sound of the explosion, Liu Xiaole also thought that another brother had chosen to die with the little devil regardless of his own safety. He just received Wang Mintian's order. He didn't care whether the little devil could understand Chinese or not, so he raised his voice and shouted: "The traveler orders, Don't make unnecessary sacrifices!" Wang Mintian was not very satisfied with the content of his shout, and immediately shouted: "Brothers, the lives of little devils are far less precious than yours, don't do stupid things!"

The two of them hid behind a big tree and shouted straight up, another explosion sounded, Wang Mintian became angry, and cursed loudly: "Bastards! How dare you disobey the order of the traveler? Are you a bitch?"

Liu Xiaole was also anxious, and then shouted again: "The traveler ordered that no unnecessary sacrifices are allowed. Brothers, the devils haven't been killed yet, so we can't just lose our lives so easily!"

A company of cadets withdrew from the east.Gong Baowu, the company commander who led the team, heard the shouting of the two men and realized that some of the students had launched a suicide attack. From this, he thought that the battle must be very tense, and shouted in a low voice: "Brothers, shout with me-brothers, brigade There is an order, no needless sacrifices are allowed! Brothers, hold on, we are coming!"

"Brothers, there is an order in the seat, you are not allowed to make unnecessary sacrifices! Brothers, hold on, we are coming!" More than a hundred students shouted together, the sound was so loud that all the students who heard it burst into blood , many people even secreted tears from the corners of their eyes.

Muramasa Shaowu heard the shout, and waved a devil holding an explosive bag to rush out of the tree where he was hiding, and then asked the devils around him, "What are the Chinese shouting?"

A devil who could understand Chinese answered truthfully.After hearing this, Muramasa's face became even more gloomy, and he said bitterly: "Bage!" Then he pointed to a group of devils in the front left and ordered: "Uehara, you follow the shouts of the Chinese to attack! Remember, one person will lead the battle, and the others will attack!" Follow up in cover!"

"Hayi!" A devil second lieutenant with a bunch of cluster grenades in his arms responded loudly, glanced left and right, and ran towards Gong Baowu and his group with dozens of devils.

Jiang Luansheng had just changed to another hiding place at this time.He straightened the steel helmet that was tied up with branches and leaves, looked around with his head, and just saw a group of devils sneaking towards his left front. He ran to a banyan tree, grabbed the aerial roots hanging from the trunk of the banyan tree, and climbed up.

He had just stood on the tree trunk when there was an earth-shattering explosion from the twin tree where he was hiding, but it was a devil who ignited the explosives on his body and threw himself directly into the gap between the twin trees—— An explosion directly knocked down two twin trees. He looked back, his scalp tingled, and he thought, "It's a good thing I run fast, otherwise it would be a disaster." He climbed up a few meters and got into the banyan tree In the lush branches and leaves, he put the gun on the tree trunk and closed his left eye to aim at the group of sneaky devils. The front sight was firmly locked on the explosive package that a devil was holding in his arms, and he pulled the trigger suddenly.

"Crack!" The sound of the gunshot was not abrupt, but the effect it produced was unparalleled.The explosive package exploded immediately, and a mass of gorgeous sparks instantly expanded into a huge fireball, and the devil holding the explosive package was directly torn apart by the air wave.The next moment, three explosions of the same scale occurred almost simultaneously, but two more explosive packages and a bunch of cluster grenades were killed.After these three explosions, the pile of devils who were not too close exploded one after another like a pile of ammunition boxes piled up together, one after another fireballs rose into the air one after another amidst the rumbling explosions, dazzling The flash dazzled Gong Baowu's eyes. He lowered his head and lay on the branch, feeling the oncoming heat wave, a series of smirks cracked at the corner of his mouth, like a child who accidentally picked up a toy.

More than a dozen explosive packages and more than twenty cluster grenades were killed one after another. None of Uehara and the devils he brought out could escape the fate of being torn apart.The continuous high temperature ignited several big trees nearby, and their torn limbs hung on those trees, which was a shocking scene of hell.

The sound of the explosion alarmed Sakamoto behind him, his eyes shrank for a while, and he cursed with gritted teeth: "Bage!"

Muramasa Shaowu reacted quickly, and ordered everyone to lie down after the first explosion sounded.Amidst the continuous explosion, he looked up at the place where the explosion occurred, and saw that Uehara and others were torn to pieces like a thatched cottage in a tornado. The muscles in the corners of his eyes couldn't help beating. Suddenly it became hot, and he arched his body involuntarily.

The sound of the explosion finally stopped. Including Muramasa Shaowu, the remaining hundreds of devils holding explosives were still unwilling to get up.There was a trace of fear in their once emotionless eyes, and many people's limbs became weak, their hearts were beating wildly, and they lost their previous indomitable momentum.

Muramasa Shaowu gasped heavily with his mouth wide open, gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "Get up, we are His Majesty's warriors, this little difficulty can't scare us! Listen to me, put a little more distance between you and hold you tight Explosive packs and cluster grenades to minimize the exposed volume!"

All the devils got up one by one, but it didn't take long for anyone to charge.

Muramasa's eyes shrank for a while, and he suddenly glared at the devils in front, and then pouted: "Xiaoye, it's your turn! Go up bravely, the empire needs you!"

Ono, who was named, said "Hayi", gritted his teeth and wanted to rush out, but because his legs were shaking, he rushed out two meters and fell to the ground.The devils who were staring at him nearby didn't know what happened, and many of them immediately yelled and fell to the ground.

Muramasa was very angry when he saw this, and cursed: "Bage, Ono, where is your courage! You are a warrior of the Japanese Empire, and now is the time for you to be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor! Go up, like a Just like a man!"

"Hai!" Ono responded loudly this time, got up and rushed forward screaming strangely, and ignited the fuse of the explosive bag in his arms after rushing two meters.

(End of this chapter)

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