Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1916 Americans are very tangled

Chapter 1916 Americans are very tangled
"You are really as young as in the legend," Mrs. Jiang said in the first sentence.

Song Ziwen leaned closer and said, "That's what I thought the first time I saw him in Guangzhou. Third sister, do you think the Xuebing Army will cooperate with our visit to the United States?"

"What? Don't you even have confidence? You were the first to discuss this matter with the Xue Bingjun."

"Have you noticed the attitude of the Americans? Especially the old man MacArthur, I can tell that this man is very arrogant, but when he talks to Ouyang Yun, he seems very respectful."

"Ziwen, I think my husband did something wrong."


"A talent like Ouyang Yun should be recruited early in the morning. I heard that he is very close to Lin Sen and Feng Yuxiang?"

"There have been relatively few contacts in the past two years. According to my observation, Ouyang Yun's ambition should not be in the center."

"How to say?"

"I have stayed in Guangzhou longer than you. As far as I can see, if the Xuebing Army is willing to take the initiative to attack, it should be able to regain the area south of the Yangtze River and use the Yangtze River to confront the Japanese army. But he did not do so."

"Ziwen, you are wrong. This is exactly where Ouyang Yun is shrewd. Just imagine, if he really sent troops to recover the area south of the Yangtze River, would the Japanese tolerate him? If the Japanese concentrated Do you think they can defend the army when they attack the Xuebing Army?"

"Maybe. But when it comes to the Japanese army concentrating their forces to attack the Xuebing army, it's not that the Japanese have never tried. It's a pity that they failed in the end."

"I heard that Ouyang Yun is not married yet?"

"Third sister, why do you suddenly care about this?"

"I'm wondering if there is a possibility of marriage."

Song Ziwen smiled wryly: "It's unlikely, third sister, it's already too late to get married. Besides, Ouyang Yun has no shortage of women. You have already met Pan Meiren, Chen Jiayao, and Bai Liusu. Which one is not a stunning beauty. Gu Lian We will also see Yun in the United States. It is said that he is not only beautiful, but also a good hand in politics and economics. Hey, speaking of it, I find that Ouyang Yun is very popular with women."


At the same time, MacArthur and Hatton were talking about Ouyang Yun.In different fields, the focus of discussion is also different.As early as in the Philippines, MacArthur had already learned from Guo Kui the tyranny of student soldiers.Guo Kui, as the highest military officer of the Xuebing Army in the Philippines, must rely on a strong front.MacArthur, Hatton and others did not understand the background of the Xuebing Army before, so they only interpreted Guo Kui's tyranny as a lack of education, but it was a personal factor.It wasn't until they were rescued by Langya and they had a group from Guangzhou that they knew that Guo Kui had a reason for being tyrannical.China may be lagging behind in general, but the Xuebing Army has caught up with the pace of the world.Interactions at the national level are so realistic and cruel. If you are not as good as others, you can only beg for mercy and keep a low profile.The growth of the Xuebing Army is out of the sight of the Americans. To the Americans, the Xuebing Army is like a little wild animal dormant at the bottom of a well. Although it usually makes a sound, it can only show its existence at most.And when the situation met, this little wild creature jumped out, and people realized that it was actually a giant dragon.

The Xuebing Army was able to grow to its current scale, of course, because of Ouyang Yun.Ouyang Yun's identity as a time traveler is no longer a secret.Although there is no reasonable explanation for the term "traveler" in today's scientific community, it is not difficult to find that it is precisely because of the existence of "traveler" that the Xuebing Army has been able to walk in the world in many ways front row.Seeing through this point, the sudden rise of the Xuebing Army seems not difficult to understand.

For this meeting in Karachi, MacArthur, who was instructed by Washington, was looking forward to it.The total destruction of the US Pacific Fleet disrupted all US preparations for the Far East War.Losing control of the Pacific Ocean, American operations in the Far East became disjointed.If the Japanese are allowed to occupy the traditional power circles in Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States for two years, what kind of monsters will the Japanese army grow into, and what kind of harm will it bring to the United States?This is something Americans are unwilling to guess.Will you give up the Far East from now on?You can think about this idea in your heart, but absolutely no one dares to bring it up in public.Increase troops and expand armaments?The distant water cannot save the nearby fire, and the British can't count on it. The importance of the Chongqing government and the student army is suddenly highlighted.Originally, the Xuebing Army was the best partner of the United States in the Far East.It's a pity, this partner is a bit disobedient, it's nothing more than playing the role of the younger brother honestly, but Long Wangshu wants to be the boss, this is naturally what Americans don't like to see.It is true that the United States needs an ally in the Far East, but this ally should be a controllable younger brother-this point, although Roosevelt, Marshall, and Admiral Kim and others did not expressly say it, it is tacit.

Since the Xuebing Army is difficult to control, then we should focus on supporting the Chongqing government.It happened that Lao Jiang was eagerly looking forward to the economic assistance from the United States.If money can be used to prevent more American boys from dying, and if they can calmly suppress the student army and lay the groundwork for China's future situation, it will naturally be a good deal in Washington's view.Washington was already ready to welcome Mrs. Chiang's visit and then completely change the strategy of the Far East.At this time, MacArthur was captured alive by the Japanese.Asking the cadet army to help rescue MacArthur, Washington had made a gesture sacrifice.However, given that there are still tens of thousands of American boys on Luzon Island struggling in prisoner-of-war camps, or facing the danger of being destroyed, this gesture of sacrifice seems to be far from enough.

The situation in the Far East has developed to this point. Although no one in the United States has asked questions, Roosevelt and Marshall, including Admiral Kim, have something to do with their misjudgment of the direction of the situation in the Far East and the strength of all parties.

The so-called one careless move loses everything.At the critical moment when Mrs. Jiang is about to visit the United States, how should Washington handle its relationship with the Xuebing Army and the Chongqing government?
If it continues to rely on the cadet army, the United States will inevitably sacrifice certain interests in the Far East.Instead of supporting the Chongqing government, it is hard to say whether the student army will draw on the bottom line and simply ignore the American soldiers on Luzon Island and act on their own.

When the Xuebing Army built an ocean-going fleet in the United States, nine out of ten Americans who had access to the news scoffed and dismissed it.An ocean-going fleet is not a toy, not everyone can play it, nor everyone can afford it.Holding the mentality of waiting to see the joke, the Americans watched the Yandi and Huangdi aircraft carriers leave the west coast and sail all the way into the North Pacific.During the chat after dinner, many American dignitaries began to bet on how long the fleet would survive, whether it would be one month or two months.And the underground casinos in major cities in the United States even offered odds, betting on whether the fleet could successfully reach its destination.

The Yandi and Huangdi aircraft carriers are still floating in the ocean. The pride of the United States, the Pacific Fleet with more than 100 warships was destroyed first.At this time, some senior officials in Washington realized how coincidental the departure timing of Yandi and Huangdi was, and only then did some people think of Ouyang Yun's identity as a "traveler".When the Xuebing Army officially showed the flag of the Pacific Fleet, the Americans suddenly realized that they began to face the Xuebing Army for the first time. As more things about the Xuebing Army surfaced, the Americans became entangled instead.

(End of this chapter)

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