Chapter 1919 Computation
Gu Lianyun waited for Mrs. Jiang to shake hands with Hull, then stretched out her ivory-like right hand, and said softly: "Madam, on behalf of the Xuebing Army US Representative Office and the Chinese and overseas Chinese in the US, I welcome you. Your journey is hard. Already!"

Mrs. Jiang held her hand and said with a smile: "Thank you. Miss Gu, I heard a lot about your deeds when I was in China. It's amazing!"

"Madam won the prize!"

"I will stay in the United States for a while this time, and everything will trouble you!"

"Ma'am, you are welcome, this is what I should do."

During the first meeting, Madam Jiang and Gu Lianyun exchanged only a few sentences, which may not seem like much, but the amount of information contained in it cannot be underestimated.

That night, after attending the welcome banquet hosted by Mrs. Eleanor for Mrs. Jiang at the White House, Mrs. Jiang and her party were in the Chinese embassy in the United States, and Bai Liusu and her party were in the Gu's Manor in Washington. Both sides began to digest the information they had received during the day. .

In the living room of the Chinese embassy in the United States, Mrs. Jiang sat in the first seat. Song Ziwen and Hu Shi sat on her left and right. There were also two senior KMT officials at the advisory level. I don’t know if it was because they had just returned from a banquet. They all looked a little tired.

"Gu Lianyun can represent the Xue Bingjun, there is nothing to doubt about it. But what does it mean to represent the Chinese and overseas Chinese in the United States? Is this a disguised threat?" Song Ziwen said.

Song Ziwen accompanied Mrs. Jiang's visit to the United States, which was a dark game played by Chongqing.In the list of visits to the US government, his title is only Madam Chiang's entourage.And if the U.S. government attaches importance to this visit and raises it to the official level, then he will be able to show his official identity and discuss with the United States on some matters in economics, trade and economic aid.

The Chongqing government has great expectations for Mrs. Jiang's visit to the United States.Among them, forming an alliance with the U.S. government and obtaining financial aid from the U.S. government is one aspect, and the other is hoping to contact the local Chinese and overseas Chinese. It is best to take back the management right from the Xuebing Army to alleviate the Chongqing government. economic pressure.

"I don't think it's necessarily a threat, but at least it reveals a message that the overseas Chinese in the United States are inclined to learn soldiers," Hu Shi said.

Song Ziwen looked at Hu Shi, his eyes were very unfriendly, and he said bluntly: "Ambassador Hu, I am very puzzled about one thing. What have your embassy staff been doing these past few years? In terms of innate conditions, you are better than the representative office of the Xuebing Army." More advantages? Why do the Chinese only recognize them and not you? Do you know how important Chinese donations are to the central government? If it weren’t for the embezzlement of the soldiers, these donations alone would be enough to keep the government running—— The more I think about it, the angrier I get, you are still an old American, why can't you even beat a little girl?"

Song Ziwen's doubts are on the minds of senior officials in the Chongqing government.They don't know the layout of the Xuebing Army in the United States, and they take it for granted that the embassy in the United States, relying on the righteousness of the central government, should have more influence on the Chinese and overseas Chinese than the Xuebing Army's representative office in the United States.So, what causes this big gap between reality and ideal?

"Ambassador Hu won't be bought by the Xue Bingjun?" Song Ziwen's assistant, an accompanying adviser, said jokingly.

"Don't talk nonsense," Mrs. Jiang immediately reprimanded.

The accompanying advisor smiled: "It's just a joke, Ambassador Hu don't care about it."

Hu Shi closed his eyes, his face was flushed red, but there were two crystal drops from the corners of his eyes.Hu Shi is wronged!It's not that he hasn't tried hard in this matter, but it doesn't work at all.As a scholar, he is good at summing up the reasons.However, the conclusion he concluded was related to the performance of the two armies on the anti-Japanese battlefield.The reason why Chinese and overseas Chinese support the country at all costs, what are they planning, isn't it that the country can defeat the Japanese invaders and recover the country?But what kind of return did the Central Army give them?The battle report came, almost all defeats - retreat from here today, and give up there tomorrow.This has greatly weakened the prestige of the Chongqing government.On the other hand, the Xuebing Army is reporting successes frequently. How many devils have been wiped out today, and where will they be recovered tomorrow.Under the ebb and flow, as long as you have a little judgment, can't you make the right choice?Originally because of Hu Shi’s relationship, some people in the American Chinese community maintained a close relationship with him, but after the Singapore rescue was made public, the Southeast Asian Chinese community got in touch with the American Chinese community, Xue Bing The image of the army suddenly became taller, which directly led to those Chinese who maintained a close relationship with him to move closer to the Xuebing army, and gradually led to today's situation. of trust.There was already a lot of pain in his heart, but now he was questioned by his own people, and even poured the sewage of "betrayal". No wonder Hu Shi lost his composure.

Seeing him like this, Mrs. Jiang couldn't bear it, she gave Song Ziwen a reproachful look, and said comfortingly: "Sir, don't be as knowledgeable as Ziwen and the others, they don't understand the truth, and their words are disrespectful, I apologize to you on their behalf. "

Hu Shi sighed and said: "Madam, I know that many people in China are dissatisfied with us. I don't want to explain anything about this. I just want to ask, what are they doing these years? Nanjing lost, North China lost, Wuhan three The town is also lost...Madam, it is not easy for Chinese people to work hard overseas. It is no exaggeration to say that every penny they donate is hard-earned money. My compatriots would rather tighten their belts to support the country’s war of resistance. What are they planning? Don’t they just hope to defeat the Japanese invaders and regain the old rivers and mountains as soon as possible? Hey, as a member of the central government, I am too embarrassed to say. There are frequent reports of success from the Xuebing Army. What about the Central Army? Madam, I have something to say I want to bury it in my heart, but now I have to say it. From time to time, we have no status in the American Chinese community. As for those who went to the National Airport to welcome you this afternoon, they still came forward to organize Yes. Ma'am, I think the fact that the Xuebing Army can do this is based on the overall situation. Therefore, your low profile at the airport is right. If you want to gain something from your visit to the United States this time, the key lies in learning Soldiers."

"Ambassador Hu is alarmist, right? After all, the Xuebing Army is just a mere warlord. We are the central government and can represent China," Song Ziwen said with a frown.

Madam Jiang fell into deep thought.The reason why she lowered her posture at the airport was actually for the purpose of testing, leaving room for possible unfavorable situations.And after hearing Hu Shi's heartfelt words, she realized that it was necessary to keep such a low profile. This made her worry that if she kept a low profile everywhere and only cared about what Lianyun would do, not to mention whether it would damage the national system , and most importantly, is there any hope of achieving the purpose of the visit?

Hu Shi ignored Song Ziwen, but continued to say to Mrs. Jiang: "Madam, I think that Gu Lianyun has shown enough kindness to pick up the plane in person. Next, we should reciprocate and dispel their precautions. In this way Only then can they cooperate with us to complete this visit, what do you think?"

Mrs. Jiang nodded and said: "I was mentally prepared before I saw boarding the plane in Guangzhou. Ambassador Hu, don't worry, as long as it is beneficial to the country, I will not care about personal gains or losses. Hehe, Ambassador Hu, if I have the opportunity, I will I suggest you go to Guangzhou to see it. You will definitely be shocked.”

"It's great that madam thinks so, madam, the country has you, how lucky it is!"

"The ambassador's reputation is too high, and the country's affairs are difficult. Even though I am a woman, I have to put the country's affairs first!"

(End of this chapter)

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