Chapter 1986

The combat readiness meeting of the Xuebing Army was led by the Guangzhou General Headquarters, and the jurisdictions of each legion were clearly separated, so apart from a small dispute over the distribution of new weapons, there was no quarrel at the strategic level.On the part of the Japanese army, because of the joint operations of the army and the navy, and because the navy was personally commanded by Yamamoto 56, Navy No. 1, conflicts inevitably arose, and they tended to intensify.

Coincidentally, as early as when Koizumi Toshiichiro's Western Expeditionary Fleet was unable to open up the Philippine situation, Hideki Tojo intentionally opposed the war because the Ministry of the Navy took advantage of the Pearl Harbor victory to firmly control the military headquarters, making it impossible for the Ministry of the Army to intervene in the Philippine war. The Xuebing Army launched a large-scale battle to use a brilliant record to prove to His Majesty the Emperor that if the empire wanted to completely resolve the China incident and the Xuebing Army, it still had to rely on the army.After Hisao Nishio was appointed as the commander of the China Expeditionary Force, Masazo Kawabe took over as the commander of the Second Army.Kawabe Shozo was able to take the position, on the one hand because of Nishio Toshizo's appreciation, and on the other hand, Hideki Tojo insisted on letting him take the position despite all the arguments.Kawabe Masamune has been defeated in every school since he took charge of his own affairs, which has become a joke of the Japanese army's top brass.Of course, in terms of the record against the Xuebing Army, most of those who had the opportunity to fight against the Xuebing Army ended in failure, so they are only fifty steps laughing at a hundred steps, which is not enough to shake Hebian Zhengsan status.In reciprocation, Kawabe obeyed Tojo's words, and in fact became the executor of the latter's own policy toward China.Under Tojo's remote control, Hebian Zhengsan first built a large number of blockhouses and bunkers along the banks of the Qiantang River with Hangzhou as the center, and then organized a group of instructors to carry out high-intensity training against the Korean Communist Army with the former South China Corps as its team. During the training camp, they sharpened their knives, only to win with one blow, and sounded the horn to counterattack the student army.

Tojo's counterattack plan is also crowned with the "New Year's Offensive". Its offensive strategy is to defend from the east and attack from the west, that is, to use the fortifications on the north bank of the Qiantang River to defend strictly, and then gather heavy troops to attack Tonglu. After the capture of Tonglu, the troops will be divided into two groups , All the way to attack Quzhou, all the way to the south, the former feigned attack, the latter is the main attack, with the hope that with the help of the Yangtze River Fleet, first besiege and kill the soldiers near Xiaoshan, and gain control of the west bank of Hangzhou Bay.

Regardless of the pros and cons of this battle plan, the problem is that after Yamamoto led the joint fleet to join, because Yamamoto's power was too strong, Hebian only had a submissive role in front of him, so this joint battle not only failed to achieve The effect of one plus one greater than two may be counterproductive.Tojo saw that Yamamoto made a suggestion today and another idea tomorrow, and changed his own combat plan beyond recognition. In desperation, he had no choice but to ask Hisao Nishio to rush over from the front line of Yunnan and Guizhou. My own ideas unfolded as scheduled.

Nishio did not live up to his expectations. After receiving the order, he sent a telegram to Yamamoto 56. He euphemistically pointed out that since the United Fleet is here to help the war, it must have the awareness of the guest army, saying that the Chinese dispatched troops for this time. The counterattack has been planned for a long time, and it is inevitable. I hope that His Excellency Yamamoto will put the overall situation first, and everything will follow the established plan.

The reason why Yamamoto put forward various suggestions is actually based on a public heart.Compared with the army, the navy suffered more from the contest with the student army, and Yamamoto paid special attention to intelligence collection, and put forward so many opinions, in fact, it was because of the supplement based on the understanding of the student army.It is a pity that the battle between the army and the navy has become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Whether it is the riverside or Tojo, including Nishio, the first reaction is not to study whether Yamamoto's proposal is practical, but to elevate it to the height of the battle between the army and the navy.After experiencing "Let's Sink", Yamamoto's personality changed drastically, and he was no longer as talkative as before. Kindness was regarded as the liver and lungs of a donkey. He suddenly forgot the root cause of the involvement, and decided to act according to his own ideas. So after a lot of reasoning, the combat plan formulated by Tojo was divided into two, and the attack direction suddenly became three. Among them, the Hangzhou Bay direction was dominated by the United Fleet, while Huangshan, Xiaoshan and the Yangtze River Delta area, The Army is in charge.

New Year's Eve, overcast.At 36 o'clock in the morning, the Yamato Flying Squadron under the United Fleet dispatched 201 bombers, and under the cover of 5 Type Zeros, they crossed the waters of Hangzhou Bay and bombed the Cixi forward position of the Xuebing Army.The Southern Zhejiang Air Corps immediately dispatched the 301st Fighter Division to intercept. The two sides fought fiercely over Hangzhou Bay. The Japanese army chose to retreat after losing 10 fighters.At the same time, on the Hangzhou section of the Qiantang River, the heavy artillery brigade under the Second Army of the Japanese Army bombarded the Xiaoshan coastal fortifications of the Xuebing Army indiscriminately.The heavy artillery troops under the jurisdiction of the Southern Zhejiang Army immediately responded. Five minutes after the two sides fired at each other, the Japanese Third Air Division took off from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport and rushed to the front line of Xiaoshan. After the Zhoushan radar station detected it, Wang Hai and Xue Changkong immediately The 30st Fighter Division was dispatched to intercept. At around [-]:[-], the two sides started a fierce battle over the front line of Xiaoshan, kicking off the prelude to this new year's battle.

The second independent heavy artillery brigade of the governing country is located in the fields west of Qianqing Town, Shaoxing, about 35 kilometers away from Hangzhou City.As soon as the cannon was heard from the direction of Hangzhou, Shi Zhengguo immediately walked out of the temporary headquarters and picked up the binoculars to look at the place where the cannon was fired. After a while, he said to the deputy brigade commander Cai Dayong: "Tell brothers, get ready to fight! At ten o'clock, Set the range at [-] kilometers first!" After saying this, he got into the headquarters and waited quietly for the call.It didn't take long for him to wait for the phone to ring, and he quickly copied it to his ear, when he heard a hoarse voice say: "One, two, three, four, five!"

He replied familiarly: "The shoulder pole is long and the bench is wide!"

When the code is matched, the hoarse voice is slightly excited: "22 horizontally, [-] vertically!"

On an enlarged version of the military map in front of the governing country, it has long been divided into squares of the same size with dotted lines.The grid covers all the areas that the 22nd Independent Heavy Artillery Enhanced Brigade can strike, and according to the distance, the grids are marked with numbers horizontally and vertically to facilitate the combat troops to calculate the shooting elements. "Fourteen horizontally, [-] vertically!" He repeated, and Lin Qing, the chief of staff next to him, immediately found the check box, did some calculations, wrote down a group of shooting elements on a piece of order paper, and then signed it. His name was passed on to Geng Deang, the deputy chief of staff.Geng Deang recalculated, signed his name, and handed it over to the communications staff on the side.

The communications staff immediately opened the command channel and shouted: "Attention all ministries, orientation 1422, basic parameters..."

Shi Zhenguo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Test firing in 5 minutes!"

"Test firing in 5 minutes!"

Soon, the heads of the regiments held the microphone and conveyed this order to the ears of the gunners of each combat unit. After they reported their preparations one after another, they reported to the brigade headquarters.The governing country looked at the tactical watch in his hand, and immediately issued the launch order as soon as the five minutes were up.

"Empty——" the dull sound of firing the cannon sounded, and more than a hundred rounds of 150 mm caliber shells whizzed out of the muzzle and smashed towards the artillery positions of the Japanese Heavy Artillery Brigade.

(End of this chapter)

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