Chapter 2029 Dangerous situation
A Zero Fighter swooped in from the front, and a new Falcon type sneaked in from the left in a circle - Liu Xuefeng knew that his previous performance had attracted the attention of the Japanese army, and the corner of his mouth sunk into the microphone and shouted: "2003, report the location and situation." 2003 is his wingman, and the pilot is Chen Chong, the former Chongqing Central Aviation School who has won the title of ace pilot, but has earned the nickname of "rookie". "Report 2003, at the rear right of the position, just shot down an enemy plane."

"I'll leave the one in front to you," Wang Xuefeng said, and suddenly pulled the fuselage down to the side of the ground, and then headed towards the new Falcon that was approaching from the left.

"No problem!" Chen Chong responded with a grin, and pulled up the fighter violently, trying to gain a certain height so as to suppress the Zero Fighter.He manipulated the fighter plane skillfully, first climbed and then flattened the nose. He was about to step on the accelerator to the bottom and leaned over to the Zero Fighter, but he saw a group of planes flying around behind the Zero Fighter suddenly appeared in the background. A huge fireball, and then a rumbling explosion sounded, but it was a flying fortress that was hit by two Japanese planes one after another, and then exploded together and were all swallowed up by the huge fireball.

It is not easy for a full-loaded air fortress to complete a turn, so although Tsukahara 100's pursuit order was a bit slow, the empty bombers and torpedo planes of the United Fleet managed to bite the tail of Xia Quanyong's bomber unit with a late attack. . More than [-] carrier-based bombers and torpedo planes of various types chased after the air fortress and Baiji medium bomber cluster of the Xuebing Army like a swarm of wasps smelling the fragrance of flowers. It hit the tail of the plane, and then was hit by a torpedo plane obliquely and hit the fuselage, followed by a violent explosion...

Chen Chong and the others were still more than ten kilometers away from the sea area where the United Fleet was located. This was the result of the desperate defense of the Japanese fighter units, so they did not see the scene when Meng Caifei and the others launched a tentative attack.Until now, seeing the devils' fighter planes rushing towards their air fortress one after another, Chen Chong and the others couldn't help being dumbfounded, completely stunned by the little devil's suicide tactics.

It was the first time Chen Chong saw this style of play, and he couldn't understand it at all. He asked Liu Xuefeng through the walkie-talkie: "Master, what kind of tactics is this kid? Fucking is a bunch of lunatics."

Liu Xuefeng saw the problem more profoundly than Chen Chong, and he was able to calm down more than Chen Chong. He first focused on shooting down the new Falcon on the left, and then he had time to say to himself, "I said little devil Why do you think of such a stupid way with such a confident look?"

"The method is stupid, but it is very effective!" Chen Chong regained his composure, and saw the truth: "The speed of the air fortress is only [-]% of the maximum speed when it is fully loaded, but the Japanese bombers and torpedo planes are all empty. One trades off the other, it's just for the little devils to adopt such vicious tactics. Commander, if the Sky Fortress doesn't reduce its load, I'm afraid the entire army will be wiped out."

The airmen of the Japanese carrier-based bombers and torpedo planes carried out suicide tactics to completely ignore their own safety. After the cadet airmen of the air fortress raised their altitude, these devils, in order to avoid the machine guns, machine guns, and rockets on the front, back, left, and right sides of the air fortress, He could only attack upwards. When Chen Chong was doing this analysis, Liu Xuefeng saw a Type 1 bomber rushing over the head. As a result, the fuselage could not bear the high pressure, and the fuselage disintegrated automatically.And even if such a thing happened, those Japanese planes still rushed up one after another, and in just one minute, another aerial fortress was hit by the Japanese planes that rushed up, and the fuselage was damaged. The plane slowed down, and then it could only become a collision target for other Japanese planes, and finally exploded and fell when it was hit by the third Japanese plane.

Never thought that air combat can be fought like this. While Liu Xuefeng has gained knowledge, he can't help but feel a deep fear of the Japanese, and at the same time he is very worried about the damage of his own side. If Chen Chong hadn't reminded him, he would have been almost killed by a plane Zero War was attacked.

The value of one aerial fortress plus the ammunition it carried was worth four or five Japanese carrier-based bombers and torpedo planes. In this way, even if the Japanese army exchanged three fighter planes for one aerial fortress, it would still be profitable.This is still secondary, which means that the Japanese aircraft carrier has since then had the means to counter the cluster bombing of aerial fortresses. "You must not let the little devils do whatever they want!" Thinking this way, Liu Xuefeng shouted in the command channel: "Brothers, don't get entangled with the little devil's fighter jets. Reinforce the brothers' troops. Sky Fortress needs us! 2003, cover me!" After shouting, he quickly increased his speed, and rushed directly towards the group of Japanese carrier-based bombers and torpedo planes.

When Liu Xuefeng and others were trying to solve the crisis of the Air Fortress, Wang Hai and Xia Quanyong also came up with countermeasures.Xia Quanyong discussed the matter as it stands, ordered the Baiji medium-sized bombers under his command to speed up and return, and ordered all the air fortresses to drop their bombs and escape immediately.Wang Hai, who was familiar with the situation on the big battlefield, thought more carefully. He shouted in the walkie-talkie: "Brothers, spread out and follow me!" Then he flew straight to the nameless sand.

On the side of the cadet army, the cadet aviation soldiers, no matter whether they are fighter units that arrived at the battlefield earlier or bomber units that arrived later, after learning that the Air Force Command intends to "sink it" again, all of them are full of fighting spirit and full of anticipation.One "sink it" has allowed more than a hundred students to be stationed in the Hall of Fame, and has been admired by thousands of people since then.Although many of them sacrificed their young lives for this reason, they were able to sleep forever among the pines and cypresses. In their opinion, that was the best destination for soldiers.Is there a more cost-effective deal than being able to exchange one's own life for a Devil aircraft carrier to sink forever? "As long as I can sink the Yamato, I don't care if I have no bones left!" Many apprentices vowed, and they have long ignored life and death.However, the reality is so cruel. The little devil actually came up with this method of killing the enemy and harming the eight hundred to deal with them. However, they had no countermeasures to destroy the enemy. In order to preserve their strength, they had no choice but to run away in desperation.No, it seems that escaping has become a problem now.The cadet aviation soldiers who have long disregarded life and death are not afraid of dying with the little devil, but they can ignore their young lives, but they have to care about the expensive fighters under their seats.Although because of Ouyang Yun's relationship, there is a clear regulation in the aviation manual of the Xuebing Army that in case of an emergency, the people should be protected first, and then the plane.But in the hearts of the heroic student aviation soldiers, they never felt that their lives would be more expensive than a fighter plane.So when there is an emergency, even if there is only a slight possibility, they will choose to sacrifice themselves without hesitation.

On the Japanese side, when the Devil Air Force first started to implement the "Jade Broken Tactic", most of them were actually hesitant.However, the Bushido spirit rooted in their hearts makes them extremely vulnerable to extreme emotions.Therefore, when a devil successfully drove down the air fortress and completed an extremely heroic collision, the others were infected and immediately turned into red-eyed bulls, scrambling to crash into it.

Because of the importance of this air battle, at the beginning of the air battle, the top commanders of China and Japan, Ye Zhao and Kawabe Shozo, paid great attention to it.Coincidentally, Hebian was not sure whether Yamamoto 56 would try his best to help him, while Ye Zhao was aware of the crisis, so he seemed a little nervous at first.On the side of the river, he chatted with Shi Yuan to ease the tension, while Ye Zhao tried to refine the deployment of troops as much as possible to maximize the role of the ground troops, so as to ensure that the air force of the side would not lose too badly.However, after Meng Caifei's tentative attack ended in failure and revealed the United Fleet's trump card, Ye Zhao and He Bian fell into two extremes.The side of the river began to boldly deploy troops and continue to increase troops to the south bank, while Ye Zhao ordered the troops on the north bank to accelerate the advance to the depths of northern Zhejiang and Hangzhou while preparing for the worst.

In Wumingshadi, Murano San, the commander of the 104th Regiment, received the order from the riverside. The little devil said to the generals headed by Fujii Shoyu in high spirits: "Masters, your Excellency, Commander, the latest report of the air battle has come. Our imperial air force has achieved overall superiority, and is now pursuing the Chinese air force. Gentlemen, do you know what this means?"

Fujii put his feet together, and said respectfully: "Your Excellency, I think this means that our army will gain air supremacy over Xiaoshan!"

"Yaoxi! Once the air supremacy is controlled by our army, then the Chinese people's greatest reliance on heavy artillery will no longer be a threat. Gentlemen, I will now convey the order of Commander Hebian—" Murano unfolded the telegram sent by Riverside. Just as he was about to read out, he suddenly heard the roar of a fighter plane engine. He followed the sound and looked up. The corner of his mouth immediately opened, and he pointed his finger over and said, "Look, gentlemen, the Chinese fighter plane is being chased by our imperial army like a stray dog!"

All the devils looked up, and many who saw the Sky Fortress for the first time couldn't help being surprised: "What a big fighter?!"

"This is the long-range bomber of the Xuebing Army. It's called Sky Fortress! Haha, the Chinese people are too stupid. It's not good to name it. They have to call it Sky Fortress," Murano said with a big laugh.

In fact, he only said half a sentence, and immediately a ghost asked, "Your Excellency, do you have any explanation for this?"

Murano laughed again, and said arrogantly: "What are the characteristics of the fortress? It is big and clumsy. Please see, these air fortresses are slow-moving targets for our military fighter planes? And It's oversized."

Murano's description is quite vivid, at least at the moment, and the devils laughed, unaware that these sky fortresses were actually here specially to send them to meet Amaterasu.

(End of this chapter)

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